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September month done ! Much more picture this time , practice blender , rush commission but there is always so much to do . I think take a break about commission during a month , maybe for december because i should catch the late with them . They come more than i can produce .

Anyway that not negative , just i want enjoys myself on stuff than i want make of my personal idea . 

This month i've the spooky artpack ! And i promise more animation this time , i've already see some people ask , were animation ???

Griphin and dragon join the game for september . Certainly more stuff with them for the futur . 

About some animation , i should update them i get a voice acting for one at the moment , but about sweetiebelle i want redo ligthing and the new voice actress have not respond again about the request ... so wait a bit again .

I do after that the new program !

Thank you a lot for support me , i can't told you that enouth as you support me .




Happy to be a long time supporter, Hooves!


Thank you for making so much great art!


Happy to support an amazing artist