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Hello there , i've a lot of thing than i don't stop to repport for an other day .

I don't know what is the most important for be honest . So i let you know what should be the most good in your opignion to change .

If you get some request about myself than i should change let me know 



I'm not sure if you talked about it already, but is there a reason you don't animate in blender? Because the physics in blender animations right now are amazing


He's been working on transitioning over, and I believe he's done a couple Blender animations recently. I'm sure he'll do more Blender stuff in the near future.


Big thing here: most files are in Webm files and it’s a shockingly ballbustingly bad thing for me to go all over the internet and get a virus to make it from that file to mp4 ;-; my phone won’t save Webm files, that’s kinda dumb… but the archive needs more mp4 files from early 2019 to as old as you’ve made. Thank you if you see this ^u^ I just love your animations and art, so so so noice uvu


The only most probleme is the rendering time , as i really prefer be with cycle . Took me already 6/7 hour just for 2 second of animation ... i Need a second computer with 2 graphique card on it just for render process . Saddly actualy my appartement is small and i don't get the space for a second computer . That the probleme . But it's just a question of timeAbout that.