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Without a moment’s hesitation, the Kiri Ninjas swiftly drew their weapons, scanning the area for the source of the mysterious voice. But all they found was the thick, swirling fog that obscured everything around them.

“Finish her off quickly!” suggested a sharp-minded Kiri Ninja. His logic was sound: if the enemy was so concerned about this woman, eliminating her might force them to reveal themselves.

“That’s not such a good idea. If you kill her now, I’ll lose a valuable acquaintance!” The voice countered, with an unsettling calm. “In this ninja world, it’s not every day you form a bond with someone from another village… especially when that someone is a beautiful woman.”

Pakura’s condition was already dire. Without immediate treatment, she would likely die from the blood loss.

“Wind Style: Sand Dust!”

Without hesitation, Toshiro unleashed a large-scale sandstorm, filling the valley with a blinding mix of wind and sand, making the already foggy area even more obscured.

“Wind Style: Sand Dust Breakthrough!”

“Wind Style: Whirlwind Slash!”

The barrage of Wind Style ninjutsu assaulted the unprepared Kiri Ninjas, throwing them into complete disarray. Toshiro, concealed in the mist, had no intention of revealing himself; his aim was to sow seeds of suspicion between the Kiri and Sand ninjas.

“It’s a trap! The Sand Ninjas set us up!” one of the Kiri Ninjas cried out in panic.

Toshiro had deliberately used recognizable jutsu from the Sunagakure to heighten the mistrust between the two sides, effectively derailing their peace talks. For someone of his skill, mimicking the Sand Ninjas’ jutsus was a trivial task.

“Quick… relay the information!” shouted one of the Kiri Ninjas, desperate to alert their comrades.

As the disoriented Kiri Ninjas scrambled to regroup, Toshiro decided against finishing them off. Instead, he seized the moment, drawing a large bird with his super beast scroll, which swooped down to carry Pakura into the sky.

His priority now was to save Pakura, the "foolish woman" who had walked into the trap.

The Kiri Ninjas had acted far too swiftly, ambushing Pakura without even a word of warning. Toshiro, who had hoped to intervene earlier, found himself caught off guard by the speed of their assault.

And Pakura—how could she be so naive? Didn’t she realize how many Kiri Ninjas she had killed? Even if Kazekage had sent her for negotiations, she should have been more cautious! Such a simple sneak attack nearly claimed her life. If Toshiro hadn’t been familiar with the plot, she would have been dead by now.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! These fog ninjas certainly live up to their reputation as the Blood Mist Village. To be so cruel and ruthless as to kill such a beautiful woman!"

"Attacking Pakura there was unwise, but to target her beautiful back... What a waste!"

Toshiro created a shadow clone to help stabilize Pakura’s condition, carefully removing the kunai lodged in her back. As he gazed at her bloodied wounds, he sighed.

I wonder if scars will remain after this treatment. If they do, it would be such a shame.

"Who... is there?"

"Why... save me?"

As Toshiro and his shadow clone worked to heal her, Pakura regained some consciousness as the last kunai was removed. She managed to whisper faintly, but her voice was soon lost in the strong winds from the sky.

**The next day**

“Did I survive?”

In a fairly spacious wooden house, Pakura opened her eyes on a simple bed made of logs. She glanced around at the unfamiliar surroundings and assessed her current condition.

I was lucky to survive this time; it’s truly godsend.

But as she recalled the words she heard before losing consciousness, her expression darkened. Being betrayed by the village she trusted left a deep wound.


Pakura lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Before she could stand up fully, a wave of exhaustion swept over her body.

Her head spun, and a sharp pain tore through her back. Unable to steady herself, she collapsed back onto the wooden bed, groaning in pain.

“I really escaped death!”

After assessing her injuries, Pakura couldn’t help but feel thankful for her narrow escape. Had she not been treated in time, she would likely be a cold corpse by now.

“Who was it?”

As she recalled the events before she lost consciousness, she remembered being taken away by a ninja who had suddenly appeared. Yet, this person felt strangely familiar.

Could it be that her comrades in the village, aware of the betrayal, defied the higher-ups to rescue her? Or did Rasa have a sudden change of heart?

Clinging to this last hope, Pakura forced herself to stand and, despite her injuries, walked out of the house.

She was eager to see who had saved her.

“By the way, Yama, haven’t you learned how to start a fire and grill meat? It’s frustrating that you keep bringing so much prey to me!”

Toshiro looked at the massive sea fish before him, which seemed even larger than the hut beside it, and couldn’t help but feel a bit exasperated.

This was the third time this creature had sought him out since he arrived on the Forgotten Island. Each time, it was the same story: Yamawashi, like a starving ghost, would bring a huge amount of prey and ask Toshiro to roast it.

“Although I’ve learned to make fire and barbecue, the food I prepare can’t compare to what you humans make!”

“You finally came here, so of course, I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity!”

After taking Pakura from the valley near Kirigakure, Toshiro stabilized her injuries and brought her to this place between the Land of Water, Uzushio Village, and the Land of Iron—Forgotten Island.

Uchiha clansmen once came here to form contracts with the beasts, so there were a few temporary residences he could use as shelter.

“Since the war ended, you and your clan have rarely summoned me for help. Naturally, that means fewer opportunities to enjoy delicious food.”


As Yamawashi scanned the surroundings, a hint of loneliness crept into his expression.

“…It’s my fault, perhaps… I shouldn’t have dragged you into this war.”

Noticing the sadness in the creature’s eyes, Toshiro felt a pang of guilt. Perhaps, I shouldn’t have disturbed this being’s life at all. Without me, it might never have been drawn into the conflict.

Yet wisdom comes at a price. And once a bird gained wisdom, it becomes aware of loneliness, solitude, and the need for companionship with its own kind.

But its kin are now just a flock of unintelligent birds, making it uncomfortable to be the only one of its kind on this island. The isolation is almost unbearable.

Furthermore, many of the island’s large creatures were wiped out during the war, and new large summoning beasts have yet to mature. This only deepens Yama’s loneliness.

“Yama, have you ever thought about creating a large group of your own? Like the toads in Mount Myōboku or the snakes in Ryūchi Cave!”

“That way, you wouldn’t feel so lonely!”

This creature has great potential and is far more impressive than those toads, slugs, snakes, and the like.

“Create a race of my own?”


“Don’t worry! I’ll help you!”

Seeing Yama’s hesitation, Toshiro patted his chest in reassurance.

In reality, his role wouldn’t be too demanding. He just needed to teach the creature how to unlock wisdom in other summoning beasts and let it handle the rest on its own.

As for chakra and other advanced skills, that would come later—once the number of Yama's and their group had grown significantly.

The creatures on this island have become so massive due to the unique environment and the abundant natural energy they’ve absorbed over the years, not because they were born with chakra abilities.

“Great! It’s settled then!”

The thought of having others of its own kind to keep it company—to chat with, hunt with, and barbecue with—made it unable to contain its excitement. Soon, it would no longer be the lonely bird it once was.

He didn’t even care about the delicacies roasting over the fire. Spreading his wings, he soared into the sky, creating gusts of wind. Flying was his way of celebrating when he was happy.

Just as Yama ascended into the sky, Pakura stepped out of the wooden house behind Toshiro. Still very weak, she couldn’t withstand the strong wind stirred up by the eagle’s wings.

Before she could steady herself, the gusts blew her back against the door frame. Seeing Pakura’s pale face as she struggled against the wind, Toshiro wasn’t surprised.

Saving her had been possible only because his body had become increasingly attuned to Yang Release Chakra over the past year. Otherwise, with her severe injuries and the poor medical conditions, she would have likely succumbed to blood loss, not to mention the other serious wounds she had sustained.

It’s normal to feel a bit weak right now.

“Hey! Long time no see, old friend!”

Toshiro whistled as he noticed the hem of her clothes being lifted by the strong wind, revealing her smooth, long legs. He greeted Pakura just as she regained her balance.

“You’ve still got that same style!”

“No, actually, you’re looking more beautiful than ever!”

Though he didn’t expect any gratitude for saving her, he couldn’t resist making a few harmless jokes. After all, it wouldn’t do any harm.

After enduring the gust of wind caused by Yama’s takeoff, Pakura quickly steadied herself. However, when she saw Toshiro, her expression shifted, turning cold.

“How could it be you?”



That cool creating your own summoning beast clan. Over time it would be cool to see them create their own sengusti too. Forget slug,snake,toad, the way of the bird(hawk?)