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Obito was visibly taken aback when he heard the name White Zetsu mentioned. Although it wasn’t Kakashi, the person who is being sent this time still managed to surprise him.

Before everything fell apart, Toshiro had been like an older brother to him. He had taught Obito many jutsus that saved his life on the battlefield and had even helped him train. They had shared meals—though he also occasionally tricked Obito into paying for them.

He had given Obito advice, taught him how to approach girls, and even encouraged him to confess his feelings to Rin. Obito still remembered how Toshiro had talked about traveling the ninja world after the war, hoping to find a girlfriend like Tsunade. He wondered if his former brother had ever found her.

But now... that same person was just another obstacle in the way of his plan.

"Zetsu, keep a close watch on his movements. If he does anything to interfere with our plans, eliminate him immediately," Obito ordered, his tone cold and resolute.

Despite the bond they once shared, Obito wouldn’t hesitate to kill him if he became a threat. After all, in the world of infinite Tsukuyomi, they would all be together again anyway.

“No problem! But… that guy has air superiority, and we have no immediate way to track him, if he uses his summons.”

This was a persistent issue for Zetsu. Despite leveraging his local knowledge to spot the intruder, the target was extremely cautious, taking to the skies at the slightest hint of danger.

This made it difficult for Zetsu to keep up.

“No matter,” Obito replied. “Just keep an eye on the baits we’ve set. He’ll come across them eventually.”

Now that the Toshiro had arrived in Kirigakure, there was no escaping Zetsu’s surveillance.

Obito had deliberately left some spies from Konoha’s root division untouched, using them as bait to lure more ANBU into his trap.

“No problem!”

‘Let’s hope… you don’t interfere with my plans,’ Obito thought to himself as he watched Zetsu disappear into the ground. He stood there, unmoving, lost in memories of his life in Konoha, as if strengthening his resolve.

The forest was thick with fog, creating an eerie atmosphere where towering trees loomed like specters, their twisted forms seemingly reaching out with ghostly claws, silently narrating centuries of solitude. The ground beneath was treacherously slick, covered in moss, that emitted a damp, earthy odor. Thorns and vines intertwined, forming dense, impassable barriers, and any slight movement in this forest felt unnaturally ominous.

Sunlight was a distant memory here, unable to penetrate the dense mist. Darkness and dampness were the forest’s only companions, enveloping the surroundings in a chilling mystery that made even the bravest souls shiver.

Toshiro had little interest in gathering detailed information about the Yondaime Mizukage. He could easily fabricate a report about Yagura becoming the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki. As for Konoha’s hidden intelligence agents scattered throughout Kirigakure, their fate depended entirely on Toshiro’s mood. If his mission went smoothly and he was in good spirits, he might extend a gesture of goodwill by checking on them. But if things took a turn for the worse, he wouldn’t bother.

Even though the Sandaime had specifically entrusted him with their information, Toshiro felt no real obligation.

“This place really doesn’t appeal to me,” he muttered. Growing up in Konohagakure, where the climate was mild and the seasons distinct, Toshiro found the constant dampness of Kirigakure unsettling.

As a seasoned ninja, Toshiro was accustomed to discomfort, so the damp, eerie environment wasn’t a significant issue for him. However, the prolonged wait was testing his patience.

He had positioned himself in a valley not far from Kirigakure, arriving early at the location specified in his intelligence briefing. To ensure he missed nothing, Toshiro used his ink drawing to create numerous small creatures, serving as his eyes and ears to monitor any movement in the vicinity. He also activated his keen sensory jutsu, heightening his awareness of the area.

"They're coming," he muttered to himself.

Sensing a large group of Kiri ninjas approaching, Toshiro quickly concealed his presence, blending into the thick canopy of a tree. The pervasive mist provided the perfect cover, allowing him to observe the approaching group without being detected.

As he watched, he noticed that the Kiri ninjas had split into two groups: one remained in position, seemingly waiting, while the other moved stealthily into hiding, clearly preparing to ambush.

"It seems... the one they're planning to ambush is that unfortunate woman, Pakura," Toshiro thought, recognizing the unfolding scene.

Despite his efforts to change things, the course of events had remained stubbornly consistent. Even with his presence, the outcome seemed inevitable.

As Toshiro observed the impatient Kiri ninjas below, his mind began to work through the possibilities for disrupting the impending 'peace talks' between the Suna and Kirigakure. This was a key part of his mission—Konoha had no interest in seeing these two villages reach an agreement at this time. If anything, his orders were clear: sabotage the negotiations and prevent any ceasefire.

However, he hadn’t yet devised a concrete plan.

Peering through the gaps in the dense canopy, he spotted a figure moving through the mist—a silhouette that was both familiar and striking. It was indeed Pakura.

She looked almost exactly as she had three or four years ago when he last saw her in Sunagakure. Her long, pale legs were as eye-catching as ever, accentuated by a short black dress that barely reached her knees, cinched at the waist by a white belt. The sight of her was a stark reminder of the past, the curves of her figure barely concealed by the mist.

A beauty that had remained unchanged despite the years and the circumstances.

She looks as proud as ever! With her chin slightly raised and a confident stride that leaned ever so slightly forward, Pakura exuded an aura of strength and self-assurance that could be felt from a hundred meters away. Her pride was justified, whether in strength or beauty.

"If it isn't the legend Pakura of the Scorch release herself? This way, please~"

The young male ninja, who had been waiting for her arrival, stepped forward to greet the 'guest' from afar with a polite demeanor.


Acknowledging the greeting with a nod, Pakura walked past him without a second glance, her steps confident and sure.

But then, suddenly—


"Why… why?"

"Weren't you here to talk about a truce?"

Pakura turned her head with difficulty, her eyes wide with shock and confusion as she saw the kunai lodged in her back. The same Kiri Ninja who had welcomed her with a smile had betrayed her in an instant, and her voice trembled as she questioned his motives.

"Alright, the target is injured—finish her off!"

Without hesitation, the Kiri ninja who had struck her stepped back, coldly giving the order to eliminate her.

Kunai rained down like deadly droplets, piercing the air as they sped toward Pakura, who was already gravely wounded.

"Heh, yes, it’s a truce... but you, the one who slaughtered countless Kiri ninjas, are our peace offering."

Noticing the disbelief on Pakura’s face, he couldn’t resist explaining. It was as if he wanted her to fully grasp the betrayal—perhaps to relish the expression of despair that might cross her face as she realized that the village she had devoted herself to had now used her as a pawn.

"I see..."

As the Kiri ninja’s words echoed faintly in her ears, Pakura finally understood everything. But this realization brought no comfort, only hollow clarity.

As a civilian-born ninja, Pakura had climbed the ranks through sheer talent and relentless effort, eventually earning fame for her Scorch release in her village. Her love for the Sand Village was pure and unwavering. She had always distanced herself from the internal power struggles and factions, focusing instead on honing her skills and serving her village. Never had she imagined that her unwavering loyalty would lead to this—a bitter betrayal by the very village she sought to protect.

Being betrayed by the village at a time like this was no longer a shock.

“What a waste... Such stunning beauty. If only I could... hehe!”

A group of Kiri ninjas gathered around Pakura, their eyes lingering on her. Someone muttered regretfully, and soon the others nodded in agreement, lamenting the loss of such beauty to their ruthless plot.

"Yeah, it’s a shame you took her down with your scheming..."

Suddenly, a strange voice echoed from all directions, causing the Kiri ninjas' expressions to shift drastically.

“Who’s there?”



Wait is she wounded or dead.


Doesn’t really make sense that he has a conversation with other ppl while the kunai are still flying