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G'day here is todays pod helped along by you lot xo

What is your favourite olympic?


Podcast Ep 265 - Olympics Sports Suggested By The Aunty Donna Club



I like the one where the lady throws her ball and chain at the man in the field


But I ALSO like it when they throw the telephone poles that's cool. It when the guy sits on top of the telephone pole for a really long time until everyone forgets until 20 years later he attains enlightenment at the 4th Olympics from the one he started in. That's my second favorites.

Big Tim

I like when they have a cheeky durrie after the race behind the podium


Doing my daily thumb stretches to prepare for the CAPTCHAthlon

Gay Karl Marx

convincing your parents to get vaccinated... too real. currently i’ve managed 1/2, really trying for 2/2

Mystery man

Running, jumping etc.


Absolute GOLD! Hehe


big fan of the curb stomping!!


Kind of a funny coincidence that you recorded this the same week as the actual Tokyo Olympics started. What were the odds?


The next webseries you guys do should totally be based around the cinema. You already had so many good ideas and I'm sure Nova would be down to let you film there


That was brilliant 🙌


Hahaha does trying to talk your parents out of getting the vaccine have a place in the Olympics?