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New info! I'm going to be mostly using PixieSet to do photosets now - it's prettier and I heard about it today. So, hopefully this works as well as dropbox - if it doesn't, I can always switch back. Here's the link to the set: http://livsageasmallwoman.pixieset.com/thepinkbathroom/

This is the set I shot while in Tampa...I'd woken up to go shoot that day and realized I needed to use the room. So, in thirty minutes, I shot this set and one other one (which I'll also be uploading very soon). 

And I'm finally settled in at home and will be shooting something here soon too. 

Oh! And let me know if the link doesn't work for some strange reason...it should be fine, but I could have messed something up :)




I'm in love with this set!


really lovely set ! lovely play with light and freedom ! glad to be a patreon and support your work !