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Today I've accomplished a very touristy thing while traveling - I ate beignets at Café du Monde. I don't think I've ever eaten a food where, upon biting in, a small sugar cloud quickly envelopes you. I'm guessing my hair has a light coating of powdered sugar still clinging to it. I normally don't do many tourist activities while traveling, usually I have too many bookings. It makes me laugh when people ask about my travels sometimes. I can talk about the various studios I've been in - sometimes there's a glimpse of urban cityscape out a window. But, this week has been a bit different. I don't particularly like to publicly complain about nonsense I deal with in my professional life. But, I suppose this isn't very public. And I'm not alone in this complaint - many models I've talked to about New Orleans complain in a similar way. It's a completely flakey city...being booked here does not mean a booking will happen at all. Even if confirmed the night before, they simply drop off the face of the planet once you ask for the location. And this is how I've had the pleasure of eating beignets and walking about on a rainy day in the French Quarter. It could be worse. I did a self portrait set too! I'll be uploading it next week when I'm at home. And tomorrow I'm super excited to be shooting with Brittany Markert and Queen Dandelion. And then to Houston on Wednesday.



preston rittenhouse

I know some natives... They say NO has to be lived in for a while to find the charm (and best food.) Your trip sounds exciting! You're shooting with a lot of talented people - I hope it's a great experience...


Yes, I'd sort of imagine. To be honest, I am much more comfortable in the northeastern parts of the country. I did find some good food though :)