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So I made the $3 level (if you are at the $1 or $5 level, this is the new level you would subscribe to if you'd like to keep seeing my posts 🌷). I'll be deleting the $1 and $5 levels by Friday.

I also made the $12 level (where the $10 level benefits will be). 

I'm leaving the normal tiers up until Friday to get everything transitioned over. And in the meantime, I'm updating content on my website so it's ready for when people switch over! I have a few sets uploaded already and am working on more. The photo above by Jamiya Wilson is part of a set I'm working on uploading today. 

I hope this makes sense - let me know if you have any questions!

For those at the $25 and $50 levels, nothing changes for you at this point :)




worlds greatest smile. I tried the new password you sent on April 25 to unlock the new set and it didn't work??