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I talked over things last night with my partner, and he helped me figure out what I'm going to do.

I'd originally thought I'd just switch to my own website. In case you didn't see yesterday's post, my content is getting stolen consistently. It was mostly content under the $10 level, but that is partially because I do not have a huge archive of work available (I delete sets after about a month or two). But still, anything posted to this page, any journal entries or images here, have been stolen.

So, due to that, I will likely not be posting images on this page any longer. Instead I've decided to do the following:

1) I'm going to transition to posting to website pages - one will be for the photo sets and will be $12/month (I'm going to have to pay more for my website now as I'll be publishing more images there). One will be for the regular updates and journals for $3 per month. The $1 and $5 level will now be in that $3 level. The $10 level will be at the $12 level. If this is confusing, please let me know. I won't be doing this immediately, but will be transitioning to this over the coming week. 

2) The $25 and $50 per month will remain the same - no changes there. Those are for prints (your prints will be coming in a bulk package after I'm able to go to a post office by the way - I just managed to order masks so I can do more errands when needed). 

3) I am going to continue using patreon as normal for keeping track of patrons and using it to have my subscriptions more manageable. Basically I'll just be changing the tiers, and I will still be posting text posts here to share links to sets  - which will be password protected on my site. I will also be using patreon's messaging system to send passwords each month - to the $3 and $12 pages respectively. At the end of each month, I will change the password and send out the new passwords to patrons here.

Okay! So, let me know if this makes sense. I welcome any advice, help, questions. This is new territory for me, and I realize I'm probably a bit more upset by the stolen content than a lot of other models you subscribe to. But, since I create everything myself and also sell prints (and this is my main source of income at the moment), it was very upsetting for me to find out yesterday.

So, feel free to comment and let me know what you think! From your end, the main changes would be clicking through to a different site to view the photos and checking your messages for the password with a $2 increase per month. Let me know if this makes sense or will cause issues for you!

Thank you to everyone who is here for putting up with my posts in the past 24 hours!



I am happy to support you. Why? Hmmmm, well over the years I have gotten to know you enough to like you as a person. I do enjoy your photography and I wish to learn more about it, but just seeing your self shots amazes me, what you can project to and through the lens. I only hope that the new website accomplishes the security you deserve and the ease of use we have enjoyed on Patreon. Best wishes. Best of luck. See you in the photo-pages! <3


I am fine with the revisions. I upgrsaded to the $12 level but I am not able to successfully make a payment ... maybe that will take place automatically as usual on the first of the month (May). Good luck and let me know if I need to take any further action.