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I've found out that someone (or multiple people) subscribed here to steal content and post to another site. From what I found, they were most likely subscribed at the $1, $3, or $5 level. So, it's likely I'll be deleting the $1 and $3 level in the next day or so. I'm unsure what I'll do about the $5 level at this point.

And in terms of photo sets, in the future, I'm going to transition to sending these via messages instead of posting them here on the page. The site used to steal content was reposting the actual page posts, so I'm not going to be posting links to my sets on my actual page anymore. 

This is honestly a little stressful for me. I've not really posted a ton of content here that was permanent (I delete most of my sets after they've been up for two months), but it's very irritating to find this out. Especially during a time where income is more limited. 

So, I'm going to be trying to figure this out. I'm honestly considering just making my own site at this point because that would be easier to control. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to let me know!




Very awful and frustrating. Also it's a breach of trust. You would think that your group of patrons would follow out of interest and support, and to steal and re post content. Unfortunately it's from all times that kind of lousy behavior, and it's hard to protect against. Also a reason that some creators choose that for higher tiers subscription is only possible fort at least 1 or 2 years. Otherwise you get people who leech the whole site and cancel the subscription within a month.. Having an own site gives more possibilities to monitor and log excessive download and browse behavior.