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I managed to find a tentative apartment in Jersey City today! I put in the deposit anyway, so hopefully that goes well. And I also managed to find pretty much everything I wanted - and that my dad told me he wants me to have in an apartment. My dad does not pay my rent, but he does help me move whenever I do. And his demands were the following: safe neighborhood, second or third floor unit. He says it must be the second or third floor for safety, and also so if there is a fire I can jump out the window and not die when I hit the pavement. He says he would prefer if there are bushes below the window, but I forget if there were bushes...so perhaps I missed that part of the demand.

I told him the buildings all have fire escapes, but according to him, the ability to jump out is mandatory. For some reason. I'm very short and, while I'm not afraid of heights, I don't envision leaping out of a window anytime soon. Even in the case of a fire, I'm going to opt for using the fire escape. 

There is no elevator though. So I'm going to be doing a lot of walking up and down stairs. It'll undoubtedly be good for my health, but lugging groceries up the stairs is going to be rough some days haha.

But, my absolute favorite thing about the apartment is the bathtub! It has a window next to it, and it is a vintage claw foot tub! So I'll definitely be able to take photos in it, and they will be beautiful. 

I also managed to find a good price and am 25 minutes outside of Manhattan. So, I'm pretty happy about this. Hopefully I get approved for it :D

Photo is by Chris Triance-Martin when we traveled to Quebec City. 




I hope you and your father get what you want - that the place will be a good place to call home ? All except I do not like the idea of jumping out a 3rd floor window - unless of course your hair is on fire and maybe rescue personnel are holding a net for you below ? Second floor window is iffy enough; as usual you show the most sense being attention riveted to the fire escape plan ! I like that you have a nice bath tub ! I also hope the heating and cooling work well ? When you say 25 minutes from Manhattan what transportation conveyance would you use ? I hope you get the place - unless you find one you like even better ? :-)


Sounds like a wonderful place! I hope you get approved for it!