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In Montreal - one of my top five favorite cities. I’m going to be uploading the set I promised by Maya soon. About two months ago, I consolidated all of my files onto an external drive, so every time I want to find old photos, it involves a search through this drive. I found the photos she took finally! I think I have more than fifteen folders titled ‘Liv’ and another fifteen titled ‘wetransfer’ followed by a series of numbers. I need to go through and relabel them...which is daunting at this point. Some just have dates on them! That’s a chore for another day.




Bless you - I hope all your work rewards you ? I swear you and a window are the building blocks of much of my favorite work ! ~ lovely in the light and shade, must be lovely altogether ! ;-)


By the way I am admiring your header image here - you can wear floral prints !! ;-)


I have so many folders called "Sienna" on my dropbox... When photographers are smart enough to add their own name to the folder it makes me so happy!


Yes! I like either physical descriptors of the shoot as a title or the city plus the photographer's name. That's what I find easiest anyway.