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Do something similar to my pinned flower series. Now that's completely fine. I told the specific person that was fine.

And I received a message about it from a friend of mine today sending me the photos this person took.

And they are pretty much exactly the same.

Same sort of light. Same sort of color scheme. 

Hmmm hmmmmhmm hmmm hmmmm.

I don't know how I feel about this now.

Oh well! I guess. 

I understand that nothing is truly original for the most part and so many things have been done - and there's almost certainly some value to rehashing ideas and going through them again. But good lord. In any case, I was actually thinking of trying something new with this series anyway, so perhaps I will do that! I'm thinking of incorporating it into my self portraits, and am doing a set using this idea tomorrow that I'll be posting by either tomorrow night or midday on Thursday! I'm pretty excited about it actually :)



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