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I've had a lot of little rants this week. I hope I can have a pass for this one too.

I've come to the realization that many people do not know anything at all about female anatomy. Not to say they know that much about the male anatomy, but at least certain details are obvious. 

But when it come to women? No. When it comes to the change of women's anatomy over time? No. When it comes to what might not change about women's anatomy? No. When it comes to things you thought might be basic? No. When it comes to the structure of the female anatomy - just the normal stuff listed on the informational packet in a tampon box? No.

I don't even know if it's a failure of the education system...I was raised by very strict parents in Calvinist churches in the deep South and Midwest and I know that women do not pee out of a vagina, for example. I was homeschooled from 5th grade until part way through high school because my parents did not want me to have the standard sexual education classes because they thought it would taint me and make me think premarital sex is okay and I would become promiscuous. Then they got divorced and each became strikingly more liberal on their own, and I learned how google works and looked stuff up by myself because I'm an adult who pays for wireless internet. 

So, while it might be a failure of the education system, if someone is a full grown human and thinks that labia minora become humongous due to sexual activity, I think you have to assume that's an ignorant human being. And likely one who lacks good reasoning ability because surely they would have noticed that women who sleep around with many partners often have teeny labia and women who are virginal can have longer ones? Who knows.

And then I'm thinking...maybe I'm an asshole for assuming they're ignorant because a lot of this is based on old wive's tales and weird rumors passed down through generations of people in order to scare their daughters into not being the worst thing a woman could possibly ever be: one who enjoys sex and has sex with many different people.

I'm clearly being sarcastic. I tend to be pretty conservative in my own sexual life and only ever "dated around" in the sense that I would go on dates with different people for a few months in college one summer because I was really bored. But, I think a lot of the rumors and goofy ideas I see revolve around women "using" their genitals for what they want to use them for.

People shame women for their labia based on the labia length/size being wrongly attributed to sex with many people. Strangely this is never said to be the case for having a lot of sex with one person?

People tell them their vagina will get bigger from having sex with many different people, but not from having a lot of sex with one person. Or, much less, HAVING A HUMAN COME OUT OF THERE. Oddly enough, the cervix and vagina tend to go back to how they were as long as the muscles are exercised after childbirth. But apparently a variety of the average penis equals having a cavern. Alright.

People tell women they pee out of their vaginas, completely neglecting to realize that's a completely different hole called the urethra. 

People will talk about being careful about big penises because they will come directly into the cervix and that will make you pregnant faster. I'm not kidding. I have seen this one multiple times. It is so confusing. Not to mention that a penis cannot simply bypass the cervix straight into a uterus.

People shame women for how they clean their vaginas saying they need to use soap in the vagina or it will be disgusting. Which is crazy considering using soap in a vagina is known to cause yeast infections, bacterial issues, etc. Around the outside of the labia, fine. If you have hair, washing it is necessary. But putting any kind of soap (even that goofy ph balanced stuff) in there is absolutely horrible! But they'll tell you you're gross if you don't.

People say pubic hair is unhygienic, when it's not true and can even be beneficial. I'm not saying people shouldn't do what they want with their pubic hair of course, but shaving can cause irritation, razor burn, open pores, etc. Pubic hair has been shown to help with the ph balance of the vagina, guard against yeast infections and bacteria entering the vaginal canal, and because your pores aren't open/there aren't razor burn issues it can also be safer when considering stds. Unless we're talking about crabs...is crabs still a thing people get? If you know, you should tell me in the comments.

I'm going to go ahead and stop...I'm supposed to be getting on a plane at 6am so I should really go to bed. But, if you can think of anything I missed and want to add it below, feel free :)

And I'll be home starting tomorrow for the rest of the month! So I'll be uploading photos and sending out prints and books to people at those levels as well! 



I have no idea what the appeal is in a smooth mons. Borders on the paedophilic if you ask moi.


I don't find the appeal either - of course everyone should be free to make their own decisions about their body. For myself, I don't really like it though, and I don't tend to like completely shaved on models I photograph either. I don't understand the cultural obsession with complete hairlessness either really.


I love your rants, and yes a LOT of people are very stupid about their bodies and the 'parts' of others. I was a 20 year old kid in school in Florence Italy in the early 80's (yes I'm old) and it was weird that the Italians were calling the American girls prostitutes because they shaved their pits! I grew up with hairy women as the norm, and I've gotten used to the newer fad of hairless women, because it's their choice-and I tend to like women, not their 'parts'.


Right, if you actually like women or a particular woman, I'm not sure why one particular grooming habit would bear so much weight. But it does...quite a bit for a lot of people actually. It's a bit bizarre.