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...if you're subscribed to other patreon blogs, but apparently patreon is raising the amount that creators on their platform get paid. Right now I'm receiving about 90% of the amount that is posted while the remaining 10% goes to transaction fees and the patreon site. I guess the change is that I will now be receiving 95% while patrons are charged a somewhat higher amount (I forget exactly what this is, but I believe there is an email going out to everyone soon listing this).

If this causes you to delete your pledge, I completely understand. From what I'm seeing, quite a few other models are losing support over this change, so perhaps it was not the wisest one on the part of the people running the site. There isn't a way we can, as creators, opt out of the change either. 

So, I just wanted to post a quick heads up about this change so you all knew. 



It was something like a 2% + $0.35 increase, which I estimate will raise my monthly $22 Patreon bill by about a dollar. Doesn't seem like anything to get super upset about to me. If that extra dollar breaks the bank, I would think the person needs to be putting their money in places much more primary than patreon.


It's 2.9% plus $0.35 per individual pledge. So if you pledge $1 to one creator you will be charged $1.38. It hurts the $1 pledges the most because it's a 38% increase. I support 5 creators a month at $1 each. Now instead of spending $5 a month, I'll be charged $6.90. That extra $1.90 isn't going to the creators, it's going to Patreon. I'm not going to bankrupt, and I don't think I'll cancel any pledges, but it does make me a whole lot less likely to add new ones.


Hi, I enjoy your work.