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It was dark out, the buzzing and the glare from the street lamps pulsed in Sandy’s vision, she didn’t need them anyway, she knew I was dark but could see regardless, were here eyes relflecting back? Would someone notice? She pulled her scarf closer covering her face more and bowed her head. 

Molly trotted along without a care in the world. Jumping sniffing and trying to pull away chasing sounds.

Megan watched Molly play, almost childlike in the leaves, She noted she no longer felt any discomfort about being naked, the collar rubbed and made her neck sore but despite that nothing bothered her, not even the cold.

The girls walk past a bin overspilling from the back of a fast food place. Molly went straight for it pulling har on her leash, Sandy pulls back. Both Sandy and megan mentally do something similar to their own growing desire to bury their faces in the bin bags.

The action causes a few stares, Sandy goes to say something to Molly but decided revealing her speech problems would only cause further issue.

They walk on briskly, molly giving up on the waste food and instantly finding something else to chase. 

Sandy looks down the crumpled cloth of the scarf covering her muzzle blocks most of her field of view and she periodically have to keep looking down to make sure Megan is alright. 

Megan walks with far less enthusiam than her friend, she wanted this walk to get out, she was feeling uneasy but now the walk was making her uneasy, She felt no shame in her nakedness but she felt low down easy to step on and above all she was now an animal on a leash, she had fallen so far. She was used to being able to go out and do things. Go shopping, buy clothes, buy food and socialise. 

None of that was possible now, she was little more than a caged animal in a zoo. Rational thoughts were wrestling at her telling her not to give up, to persevere, find a cure, beat this. But a growing desire brought on by watching molly happily play with the leaves and rush for anything excitedly without a care in the world set a flame in her thoughts. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad…to just give in…she’s seems happier than I ever saw her when she was human. Give in and let the worries of human life fade away, live in the moment. The idea pulled at her as they walked. 

An hour later they get back, Megan wordlessly climbed back to the window. It had rained slightly during their walk and Megan instinctively cleans herself. 

Sandy glances at Megan but say’s nothing.

Molly still excited runs around the room before urinating in the litter box.

“quiet tonight?” Asked Sandy cautiously 

Megan nods

“nnnot talking?” Counters Sandy

Megan goes to speak but loses the will to do so and just nods again.

“ee…haff to keep at it, It go away if… Sandy stopped. The excersie made her mouth ache.

Megan goes to speak again but again is stopped, something was missing. A pitched groan escaped her but it had no meaning behind it.

Concerned Megan goes to say something else, she pictures Sandy’s name in her head but can’t shape it in her mouth, a half formed warbling comes out instead. She couldn’t picture how she used to speak her name even as stupid as she sounded the idea still came to her clear and crisp, now it was like a foreign language, familiar yet wrong.

Panic flares in her head but not as much as it did before, Panic tinged with increasing helpings of acceptance. 

Sandy comes over and places her hand under megan’s muzzle

Megan closes her eyes tight chasing the words to use, the skill evades her but she pins it down. 

“talkdun, noor.” It didn’t sound right to her but it was all she could manage.” The last words she’d ever speak were shit ones”. She thought angrily to herself.



I was wondering when we would hear about these two again, they seem to be going through a rough time. I don't remember from previous parts but I wonder if anyone is worried about their lake of socialization yet.


OHh! that was a brilliantly introspective chapter. The contrast between Megan and Molly. The walk even in it's mundane victory, was a loss. Megan's slip from human language from both physical pronunciation and mental capacity has been quite a gripping segment to this story. The lack of being able to make physical sounds will greatly reduce her capacity to remember mentally over time. The transition of her internal sentience will be very interesting to watch!


I think it's definitely a good time for Sandy to start acting while she still can. Either seek some help from outside, or just grab Megan and Molly and drive to some rural area where at least the three of them will be able to live normal animal lives.

Dimitry Dvorcovoy

I see that Molly sometimes completely disappears from the story. Will it be finished and how? Because if somebody will not find source of the epidemic, in a year there will be no humans anymore. She HAS to find some help, she already infected many.