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Another short:

"I have to admit that tactic was pretty clever...". The handler, a middle aged woman sipped her tea. "...the first time you did it. What's this, the 7th time now?' 

The woman adjusted herself in her chair and leaned down. She spoke close and in a low tone: "What's the matter, can't think of any new ideas? Do you even know what tactic's are?"

Jessie strained at her leash a low groan slipped passed her lips.

"You are still in there aren't you? Fascinating really, most don't cling on as long as you have." The handler rises up and fishes out something from a draw.

"As much as you must be suffering in that little brain of yours, this can't go unpunished."

Jessie catches a glimpse of something shiny and metal but cant work out what it is.

"Time for us to remove those piercings i think." A broad grin erupts on the woman's face.




The fading of her eyebrows, lips and nose are really well represented here! The Widow's peak of her hair line really looks cool, or should I say encroaching fur line. The tension on the collar, and te way the fur presses around it tells a lot to whats happening off screen.