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Megan tried to get into the car as she normally would, "un sec, hang on, i got this" megan tried sitting in the seat but her tail took up too much room and she tried giving it space. "for fucks sake, this stuuid thing." said megan frustrated. "Try pulling it up between your legs" suggested sandy. Megan shifts round again, she hadn't realised how small she'd gotten. The passenger seat and footwell gave her enough space to move around. She finally sits, tail in her face, her feet dangle, barely touch the floor. Megan tried to hook the seat belt but could reach it, she couldn't bend her arm back. She was losing the range of motion in her arms.  "Sandy, i need your helf" megan stops. "Helf" she repeats, her lips wont repond. "Helffff. Oh god i've lost my fies!" says Megan trying to say P. "Don't think about it meg, we have work to do." Sandy says with purpose. "Yeah, yourrright." says megan struggling on the R sound. Megan rubs her lips and tries out several letters on the short trip to campus. Any hard letter sounds proved difficult at best, she couldn't quite move her lips in the fashion needed to form them. She was having a hard time even picturing the letters in her head. They arrived just outside the gate of the campus. "Megan!" Sandy said interrupting megan's thought process. " We're here! Listen i need you to focus ok. I'm going to let you out here and you'll be on your own. Remember you need to wait in the hedges for a bit before coming up to the window." Megan nods thinking through her plan from earlier. She focussed her words, " hoo..W w...Will i kno...w..." she stops and starts rethinking her choice of words. "I need a sign" "for when im in the lab?" Sandy concludes. Megan nod's. " well i could just call for you, those ears of yours can do that at least can't they?" Megan's ears twitch under her skii mask. "yeah good foint" Says megan. "right ok then, you ready?" sandy asks. Megan looks down again at her hands, they'd shifted further, her palms stretched taking her thumbs up her wrist she tried touching her thumb and index finger together, they didn't even get close to each other, her pads their most disticintive feature now, she knew they weren't hands anymore. "i..  I can go now" megan said her sentances conceeding to her vocal challenges.

Sandy opens the passanger door for megan and she jumps out. She doesn't even stumble this time, her movements showing some grace. She sprints for the nearest tree and dissapears from Sandy's sight. A terrible thought washes over sandy at this, what if she doesnt come back? Sandy gets back in and drives. Her shoulders already itch, she scratched, her nails had grown pointed in the last few hours and they tore some threads out of her jacket. "shit" she mumbled to herself. Looking at her hands, they still looked normal, its just the nails that were different. She rumages through her bag and finds the nail clippers, removing her claws. Her nails still looked odd having lost much of their width but it wouldn't draw any odd stares. She considers filing her teeth down in the near future hoping that would be permanent as she draws up to the gate. The security guard scans her student badge while megan fakes a smile with lips tight, she's let in. Once in the parking bay she pulls down her coat to look at her shoulder. Thick orange fur less than an inch thick but so dense she can't see her skin. She looks in the rear view mirror, it had crept up her neck some more too, she felt it invading the back of her head. She Pulls her collar up hoping that her hair is long enough to hide it. She gets out, bag in hand and locks her car, walking quickly to reception.

Megan reaches the tree, the night is bright and vibrant. She looks back at sandy getting back in her car before making a striaght line to the bushes that border the science facility, her stride flows through her, a rythym biulds she finds it easier to look straight ahead, the effort to crane her head upwards lessens and soon she finds herself standing in a clearing between the bushes looking at a row of windows on the first floor. She darts for a hedge finding an opening, the smell of something catches her nose. She sniffs around behind her, something really, really interesting. She looks back at the window, sandy isn't there yet. "i have time" megan thinks. Megan follows a trail through the hedge. She feels awful her clothes are really uncomfortable. She'd abandonned her leggings at home instead going for shorts and they'd now started rubbing her the wrong way, she felt the fur on her crotch and belly rub on the material and it sent shivers down her spine. But the smell demanded her attention, her ears perked, she heard a scuttling noise ahead. The smell led to a hole in a bank, it was far too small for her though. Sounds emanated from the hole like a megaphone, multiple things, breathing, hearts pounding. Megan bent low and stuck her head in the hole. The smell of earth, of something delicious inside, she breathed in deeply and a powerful emotion washed over her, Megans claws gripped the dirt and she started to dig. Something in those smells began to take her away from her thoughts, an instinct blossomed within her, a need. The back of her mind kept reminding her of somewhere she needed to be, an anxiety biult. She was torn between two things, what was it though? A plan she had that was it, it was something she really needed to do, it was important, "Megan?" a voice called from the lights behind the bushes. Sandy popped into her mind. "oh god!" megan said aloud. "sanndy!" Megan had to physically tear herself out of the hole she had dug into, her paws caked in sodden earth. Megan ran back to the windows. 

"Where is she?" sandy mumbled to herself concerned. The bleak black void highlighted only by vague shapes of flora offered Sandy no reference points, the light that shone from the windows only bled into the grass a few yards. She's hoped that just by showing herself at the windown megan would come running up but she resorted to shouring her name. "MEGAN" she yelled again. A rustling sound came from a bush in the distance. a dark figure came running at her. A large dog of some sort. "Megan??" the dark figure drew close and in the light she saw her friend. "i so sorry sandy, i got lost" megan lied. "Lost? How on earth did you get lost?" its a lawn and some bushes. "i..." megan thought hard, Her vocal options limited and her deminishing intelligence creating massive obsticles for her to overcome on the fly. "I...cane to a hole, it sounded good." "What??" Sandy said in outrage "i told you to stay focussed." I thought good, sounds though and sonething that...snn." Megan struggled on the M. "sonething that snelled good." She gave up. sniffing her nose in demonstration. Her nostrils flared again picking up the scent once more. "Oh god Megan we need to get you inside right this second." Sandy said with concern. Sandy levered open the window and Megan perched herself with her front paws on the window ledge and with a quick elegant motion jumped inside. "you've been digging" sandy said with dimay at the scatterings of soil that megan had brought in with her. "yeah digging" Megan said lowering her head ashamed. "i knew this was a bad idea" said sandy as she rushed over to an equipment cabinet. Megan stands there, unsure what to do, she props herself on a worktop standing again on two legs. Her neck now long and broad on her shrinking shoulders bends round and starts pulling her shorts down. "Megan what are you doing now?" Sandy looking over questioningly. "i can't take these shorts any longer, they're... uncon... unconn.. they hurt, take then..." Sandy puts down a box on a table and comes over pulling megans shorts off. A mass of unkempted matted fur springs out behind it, the base of her back her stomach and her arse thick with it. "ok...so first we're gonna start by taking blood samples." Said sandy taken aback by the sight of her friend. "needles??" said Megan wide eyed. "yes, needles megan." 


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