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The girls get ready as best they can, Sandy helping meg into her clothes, it had been days since meg had dressed properly, leggings twisted and bent at odd angles on her legs, bunched up around her feet, clearly not designed for this. "we need to get you a belt, these are falling off you." Sandy says tenatively. Megan blushed as sandy helped her get another top on, Sandy looks up and away. "erm...Megan... should we even bother with the bra?" sandy gentley suggested, megan looks away. "well this one really doesnt fit anymore, do you have smaller ones?"  she asks again "no" megan responds with a flat tone. "yeah get rid of it, it'll just get in the way." megan sniffs. The top goes on fine but hangs loose like her leggings her sternum and lower ribs showing through. "im sure you've notice now if you hadn't before, this thing is happening all over now." Megan sniffs again. "yeahhh..." sandy responds with awkwardness. "its not just on the outside sandy. Im losing myself on the inside too. I can feel myself slipping away." Megan speaks softley. "i..." sandy looks up into megans eyes not sure what to say, could she offer hope? would that be cruel? "lets just focus on what we can do megan, can you do that for me?" Megan nods. Clothes adorned megan aided by sandy takes some unstable steps forward. "right, good!" Sandy says with forced enthusiasm. Not convinced megan looks at sandy. "Sandy what you just said before...i think." Megan stopped. "what?" asks Sandy. "you said focus on what we can do." Megan looks down at her hands. "I don't understand megan what are you talking about?" Sandy say's with concern. "well i cant walk, not like this. I can barely walk in my flat let alone across campus." Sandy mouths "no" but it doesn't take flight.

"As i am i'd draw too much at...att.." Megan furrows her brow. "i'd draw too many peoples looks." she gave up trying to think of the word. "but you could let me in a win...dow, one of the lab windows." Megan recoils in horror as to just how far her intellect had slipped. "And what? you run around the campus as some kind of wild animal?" Sandy regretting her choice of words. "I know a way round the side, its dark, No people there. No looks." Sandy stares at megan, her use of words confused her. She looked down at megan, saw her crooked stance and thought about walking her through campus and past the security office, thought about how it would look to them. "i don't know megan, your plan is fine, probably better than mine but if you go on the floor you wont be getting up again and we don't know how much more will go with it." Sandy said concerned. "what other choice do we have?" asked megan bluntly. "ok...go on then." Sandy says softley with trepedation.  Megan looks down at her hands, twisted and mishapen but still her hands, they could still grasp and hold things, she had a moment of indecision. They could do yes but what she needed now were feet to carry her. Megan's legs quivered again, the strain of holding herself up was too great to be maintained. Megan gingerly places her hands to the floor, her arched back collapses down full of relief. Megans back crunches she feels her spine adjust but then nothing. "was i that far gone? Ask megan to no one. "What?" Sandy also expecting more. "not much happened." responded megan. "i was so close to it anyway" Megan still relieved from the pain in her back. "What? Sandy repeats. "it was like i was already four legged and i was just faking." Megan lifts up her hand to see if there were any changes. "well yeah that makes sense i guess." says sandy cautiously. "Canines can walk on two legs, they're just now very good at it." Megan looks herself over, her back was still raised her legs still too long but she didn't feel unstable anymore, for the first time in days she felt like she was on solid reliable ground. " We should leave now." says sandy it's already quarter to 7. 

Walking down the stairs was odd for meg, her weight was thrown forward and she had to keep catching herself on the lower steps. They were in a hurry the stairwell and hallway was brightly lit and the human-fox hybrid wouldn't have anywhere to hide if someone stepped out of their room. As they cleared the bottom flight a door opened behind them and they bolted out the front door. "where did you park your car?" asks megan. "over there!" she points. her small red hatch back shone benieth a lampost like a beacon in a storm. Megan sprints, clumsily at first but a harmony biulds in her stride as she reaches the car. She looks back to a distant sandy."wow" megan thinks. "im fast!" The run had energised her filling her with endorphins. She felt giddy. Sandy catches up. "Did you see me? I was sooo fast!" Megan beamed. "Yes you were...Megan are you ok?" "I feel great" said megan. "i dont know, maybe its being stuck in the flat for so long or something. It feels like christmas morning all of a sudden." The night air catches her nose, the smell of chips, battered sausages, a half eaten sandwich, a spilt coke. All of it rich in the air, intoxicating. Sandy slaps megan. "Megan, NOT NOW!" she shouts. "megan whines. "sorry, sorry i got carried away again, lets go." 



SO rich with detail! That moment of finally ending up on all 4s, bitter sweet.


This is amazing. Finally a piece detailing the long process with psychological shifts and depth you just don't get to see in TF literature. I'm just so impressed by both your talents to write and draw