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Contains: Stuffing, belly-focused weight gain

“Alright ladies, welcome to the Bellford Women’s College of Arts!”

Val was in the middle of a small gaggle of ladies at the orientation tour for college. College! Finally, FINALLY, she was done with high school - done with her mom’s nosiness - done with being stuck around the same boring people! She was going to have some independence! She was going to be able to study what she wanted! She was going to be able to find a hot lady friend! HA!

Bellford College (AKA BWCA) was a rural college made by old fogies almost a hundred years ago but it had recently gotten sold to new management, who had put a fortune into updating the campus and all its facilities. That was a big point towards why Val had picked BWCA, but the two biggest reasons were that her gamma had been an alumni and she’d gotten a fat scholarship from them. Val didn’t plan on staying here for her whole degree, but it’d be a good starting point for her. Mostly she’d just wanted to finally get out of her stuffy hometown and experience independent life!

The tour was just as Val expected for the most part. The library was a mix of an ancient building with modern books and computers crammed into it, the classrooms each smelled like a pensioner’s home but every single one had a smart board in it, and the gym looked like it’d fall over if someone ran too hard on the nearly-new treadmills. At least the more important things were in good shape. The dorms had been totally rebuilt, the track looked perfectly usable (Val was in track and field in high school), and the cafeteria was totally stacked.

That last part wasn’t an exaggeration. Apparently, the new owners had been planning just to do some light renovations to the building, but the whole thing had collapsed in the middle of the night after some light rain. Since they had to rebuild the whole thing anyway, the owners had gone all-out. There was a full food court with a dozen different types of food offered on a rotating basis. Just from what Val had seen in town, she was pretty sure there was more food variety in this cafeteria than anywhere else in a thirty-mile radius. If the smell was any indication, it was bound to be delicious as well. Val hadn’t eaten yet today, so the moment the tour was over, that was the first place she was going.

Apparently, Val wasn’t the only one with that idea. The moment her group’s guide cut them loose after the two-hour walkabout tour, Val was part of a small herd of starving first-year students migrating back to the cafeteria. While most of the other women dispersed once they’d made it back to the heavenly smells of the food court, Val took a moment to really look around. So many choices… should she go with an old favorite to celebrate her new freedom? Or should she try something new to kick off a year of new experiences? Hmm…

After a few minutes of hemming and hawing, Val settled on an old favorite just to test the waters; pizza! This would be the perfect food to test how much she was going to enjoy the food in her home away from home. If they couldn’t even make a good pizza in this brand-new fancy building, then how good could the rest of the food possibly be? Sure all the food smelled great, but so did vanilla extract. She needed to test it!

Feeling particularly hungry, Val snagged herself two slices of pepperoni. Two slices might sound average, but these were HUGE slices - each one was easily the length of her forearm and almost double the width! Honestly, Val wasn’t sure if she’d even be able to finish one, but her rumbling belly had gotten the best of her. Plus, the food here was dirt cheap! Sure, that didn’t bode well for the taste since food couldn’t possibly be cheap, huge, AND tasty, but at these prices? Who cares?

Most of the tables were already filled with people, but Val managed to snag herself a single-seat table just as someone left. That was when Val started to notice some… oddities. First off, the woman she’d gotten her seat from was carrying a disturbing number of plates and her shirt seemed a few sizes too small. While doing a double-take to actually count the number of empty plates the woman was hauling off (nine, for the record), Val also noticed that this wasn’t an unusual number. A lot of women seemed to have at least a small stack of plates near them. Maaaaaybe the other food here comes in much smaller portions? Val couldn’t imagine anyone eating more than two dishes the same size as these pizza slices…

Val winced as her belly stabbed her with hunger again. Alright, alright! Eating first, paranoia later. Time to see just how sub-par these massive pizza slices… are…

Holy shit.

The next couple of minutes were a blur of rich sauce, perfectly melted cheese, and spicy pepperoni. Before Val could properly process what she was doing, both of her plates were empty and she was leaning back in her seat, groaning and rubbing her belly. Oooh, she was so full… she had such a food baby… it was sticking out so much… she’d never eaten that much that quickly in her life… but it was sooooooo gooooood…

In fact… it was so good that… despite how stuffed she was and that she had a stomach ache… she kinda still wanted more

Against her better judgment, Val left her empty plates on the table to claim it and lugged herself back into the food court. It was her first day here - she might as well indulge herself once, right? The food was just so tasty! How could she stop so soon?

Val saw that she wasn’t the only one with the same idea. She recognized a few other women from her tour group up and in the food court with newly ill-fitting tops and dresses. She hadn’t seen any other familiar faces in the pizza line, so that meant that the other food was probably just as food, right? There was certainly a good way to test that…

A heaping plate of shrimp-fried rice and a massive bowl of venison stew adorned Val’s tray as she returned to her seat. She’d even given in and snagged a huge slice of strawberry shortcake even though she didn’t for a second think she’d be able to eat it without spewing after all this food. She could save it for later. Right now, it was time to see if the other food lived up to her first course’s legacy…

It most certainly did. Val’s eyes almost bugged out of her skull as she tasted the perfectly prepared stew. Her family was full of hunters but she’d never tasted venison as good as this! Oh, oh, and the rice - Val didn’t know if her family was just too white to make good rice or what, but this rice was out of this WORLD! And you’re telling her that a shrimp fried this rice!? This was CRAZY!

Val hastily scooped mouthfuls of rice down her gullet, barely even noticing as her stomach cried out in protest from the masses of food getting crammed into it. She didn’t quite lick her plate clean but there certainly wasn’t a grain of rice left un-scarfed. Then the stew - Val practically inhaled the stew. The venison was so tender that she was basically drinking it! Each gulp made her belly wail in pain, but… but… it was too GOOD!

Twenty minutes. In twenty minutes, Val had cleared four plates of disgustingly delicious food, each of which had been so large that it would’ve been enough to satisfy two people. She collapsed face-first on the table, moaning in pain and discomfort. OooOoooh her poor belly… her poor, poor belly… it hurt so baaaaad…

After developing a nasty case of the hiccups, each of which made her belly cramp up and left a new tear in her eye, Val slowly forced herself to her feet. She needed to go lie down before she passed out, her belly exploded, or both. Oh, right… the cake… uuuugh, the sight of food was gonna make her lose it…!

By sheer strength of will, Val managed to get her empty dishes where they needed to go and get a box for her cake (it made her want to vom, but she’d still paid for it - she wasn’t about to waste it). Despite being totally exhausted, the stuffed woman managed to notice a number of older-looking women pointing and chuckling at her and some of the other new students. Some seemed like students while others were even older - professors, maybe? And all of them were sporting at least a little extra weight. Ooooh boy, just what had Val gotten herself into…?

Val dragged herself into her dorm room about forty minutes later. It was only about a five-minute walk between the cafeteria and her dorms but she was so full that it hurt to move. Val had gotten a lot of looks hauling her glutted belly across campus - none of which had been questioning. They’d all been looks of sympathy, pity, or even glee.

The bloated woman set her cake down on her bed and shuffled over to her mirror. She grimaced. She looked exactly as she’d expected. Val was five-seven and pale from staying in most of the summer, which actually paired pretty well with her freshly dyed blue hair that reached all the way down her back. That was all normal. What wasn’t normal was her gut. She was normally thin as a rail with her only real ‘curves’ being the curves of her thigh and calf muscles from track and field. Now she had a new curve; a horrendously overstuffed gut that stuck out like a lump from her trim frame. Her black athletic shorts she’d worn for looking casual had slid down her lower belly to expose an uncomfortable amount of skin and her navy-blue tank top couldn’t even reach her belly button anymore.

With a defeated grunt, Val flopped onto her bed. She massaged her aching belly mournfully. She was gonna gain so much weight from today… Sure, she could do with a little extra padding here and there, but she couldn’t afford to eat like this all the time. She needed to practice some self-control. Only ONE plate of food a day! One! Otherwise, she’d be a blimp in no time!

The green box holding Val’s cake caught the corner of her eye. She looked over at it for a little too long. Her belly gave a mournful grumble. Then… with a sigh, Val opened the box and picked up the plastic fork she’d left inside of it. She might as well make this a full cheat day, even if she already felt like bursting. Be bad today, be great tomorrow. She juuuust needed to finish this cake first…


Uh-oh. This wasn’t a great start.

It was Val’s third day of actual classes, meaning it was her fifth day on campus. After that first day, Val liked to think she’d been doing a good job of controlling herself. She also liked to think that unicorns were real, student loan debt forgiveness was real, and that weight gain wasn’t real. Val liked to think a lot of wacky things. None of them were real, of course.

Val stood in front of her mirror and tugged at her shirt. She’d worn this shirt two days before moving! It had fit perfectly fine then! Sure, she’d broken her one-plate rule a few times, and maybe she’d had a fourth meal yesterday, but so what!? WHY was her favorite sporty green t-shirt - not - fitting - RIGHT -!

Val gave up with a huff. She stared at her waist and grimaced. A full inch of belly was still showing above her (now very tight) jogging shorts despite her best efforts. She pinched her side. She had a muffin top. A muffin top! She’d been perfectly slim, trim, and svelte when she’d gotten here! Five days! She was in Tub Town and it’d been FIVE DAYS! This HAD to stop!

Well, this sucked. Val had been planning on going running today to work off some of this flab, but there was no shot she was going running when her shirt fit like this. She’d have to go shopping for a better-fitting one later. With that off the schedule, then next was… breakfast.

Val gulped. Ok, Val. ONE plate. ONE. That’s IT. ONE. PLATE.


Val had eaten significantly more than one plate. She panted and groaned as she wobbled out of the cafeteria, six plates of food heavier than when she’d entered. Her green shirt didn’t have a shadow of a chance of fitting anymore. She might as well just sew some padding on the inside and use it as a sports bra for all that it was covering now. Not that Val actually needed a sports bra, but at the rate she was gaining weight, she might need one soon…

The blue-haired woman checked her phone. Ooooh, shiiiit. She was gonna be late for Intro to Lit! It started in four minutes and Val was a three-minute walk away… on an empty stomach. If she just sucked it up and waddled through the pain, MAYBE she could make it on time. Just - just suck it up, and -


Ooooh, shit… d-don’t move so fast… uuuuugh…

Class had already started by the time Val made it. As in, class had been going for eight minutes. When Val had tried to come in, belly first, the professor had actually stopped the class mid-sentence to lecture her about tardiness. She did NOT have to do that! As if Val wasn’t already mortified enough to be late in the first week - as if Val wasn’t disgusted with herself enough being late because she was too busy stuffing her gut with twelve tons of pancakes and sausage!

Among some snickers from the other people in class, there were plenty of sympathetic looks. Thankfully, the professor let Val stay in class, and when she took the only available seat left, the chubby woman next to her gave her a pat on the arm. “I know the feeling, hon,” She whispered, casting an irritated look at the proff. “I must’ve been late at least a dozen times my first year cause I lost track of time in the cafeteria.

Val eeked out a “Th-Thanks,” her face burning red. God, she could barely even focus on class with how noisy her belly was being and with how much it hurt! She couldn’t just ask for the professor’s notes after, though - she was already mad enough with Val! What was she gonna do with this damn belly of hers…?


It was Friday. It was FINALLY FRIDAY! Val hiccuped and laughed as she stumbled her way home from dinner. She’d done a fantastic job limiting herself yesterday, so she’d rewarded herself with nine whole dishes tonight! Sure, she’d had four at breakfast and five at lunch too, but she’d only had two for each meal yesterday! That was an improvement! She deserved to reward herself!

Val fumbled with her door key for a few seconds before managing to scan her lock with it. Being new, the dorms had electronic locks for each of the rooms, including hers. The inside was also nice and new - fresh, clean carpet, a clear window, spotless desks, sturdy beds and soft mattresses…

Yes. Desk-s, bed-s, and mattress-es. Val was in a two-person room. Her scholarship had been great, but not great enough to afford a whole room to herself. Add in that her parents were middle class, so she wasn’t a fundie or able to get a PEL grant, and her options were either ‘debt’ or ‘roomie’. Val had gone the roomie route.

Said roomie was actually home right now. Her name was Samantha and she was a first-year, just like Val. Also just like Val, Sam hadn’t been able to resist the temptations of the cafeteria. She was currently sprawled out on her bed, snoring away. Her belly towered above her, barely moving with each breath from how tight it was. Sam was taller than Val by a couple of inches and had better assets by far more than a couple of inches. She had short blonde hair with red streaks (which Val loved the look of) and always seemed to have a different design on her pinky nails whenever Val looked. She had been skinny at orientation (not as skinny as Val, but still pretty thin), but this last week had led to her plumping up a good deal as well.

Unfortunately, Val noticed that Sam was in the room just a second too late. A giant belch was already rumbling up her throat and she couldn’t stop it in time. The thunderous noise made Sam jolt. Val could only smile sheepishly and say, “Sorry, Sam,” as her roomie blinked awake.

The glutted blonde sleepily looked over and saw Val. Then she grinned wide. “Vaaal! I was waiting for you!”

Val blinked. “Uuuh… were you? It looked like you were- *URP*” Val’s hand flew to her mouth. Uuugh, these constant burps were the WORST!

“Yeah, I totally was!” Sam hopped to her feet - an impressive task since her belly barely even wobbled, showing just how packed full it was. Val knew from experience just how heavy and tight a tum like that must feel. Sam took it like it was nothing though, walking over to Val and throwing an arm around her shoulders. “It’s Friday, gurl! We gotta go out and party!”

“Wh-What?” Val stammered. She glanced down at her own plainly engorged gut, then over at Sam’s. “When we look like THIS!?

Sam rolled her eyes. “Uh, well, yeah? Like, have you seen all the upperclassmen here? When are we not going to look like this?”

Val shuddered. Sam was right. Pretty much every upperclassman Val had seen so far was either chubby, heavily bloated, or both at any given moment. Still, though - “S-So? I am NOT gonna stay like this! I’m gonna limit myself, starting tomorrow!”

Sam chuckled and patted Val’s giant gut. “Sure, sure~. So how’s about we go and have one good party before you ‘limit yourself’? Can’t hurt, can it?”

“Well… uh…” Val pursed her lips. She really should start controlling herself now, but… she’d never been to a real party before… assuming that she could find someone that would overlook this big honking gut of hers, maybe she could even find her first girlfriend… she looked away from Sam. “Do you, uh… think there’s gonna be drinks there, or…? N-Not that I’ve never drunk before! I’ve drunk LOADS of times before! I’m just making sure-”

“Ooooh, baby girl…” Sam sighed, shaking her head. She ruffled Val’s hair and gave her a soft peck on the side of the head. “Sweet, sweet little Valerie… Momma’s gonna make sure you have a really good night, ok?”

Confused, Val managed to get out an, “Uh, o-ok?” before getting dragged back out of her dorm room, barely having time to throw her school bag back in as the door closed. She glanced up at Sam, who had the widest grin on her face. Sam was taking this overeating thing way better than Val was. Was Val just overreacting? There was a whole freshman-fifteen thing that she’d read about before. Maybe a little stuffing and weight gain like this was natural? Maybe she could relax just a little bit…


By the time Tuesday rolled around, Val had calmed down quite a bit. She’d done some soul-searching, looked outside of herself. She wasn’t the only one eating so much - everyone was doing it! It must just be a thing college students did that they didn’t show on TV since society is fat-phobic! If that was the case, then it was fine if Val kept eating seven-plus plates every meal and was getting some pretty grabbable love handles! This was all perfectly natural!

With her heart and mind settled Val was settling into school life pretty well. Currently, she was studying while snacking after dinner. She’d eaten light today, only having three plates of tika masala and two plates of chicken curry. She didn’t want to eat too much and go into a food coma, after all. She’d ended up being kinda hungry afterward though, so she’d stocked up on some snacks before going back to her room to study.

That’s not to say Val wasn’t full. No, Val was definitely full - her belly was stuffed tight and was gurgling for her to stop. She found herself often rubbing and groping her belly for relief whenever her mind was wandering these days since it was constantly packed full of addictive food. The reason Val was still hungry despite this was just because the food was so damn good. How could anyone resist food this tasty?

Val’s desk was half-covered in homework and notes while the other half was littered with snacks. While working on her Lit Intro essay, she was helping herself to a family-sized bag of chips. While plugging away on her calculus assignment, she was snarfing down a sack of cookies. While studying for her geology quiz on Thursday, she was crunching through a mountain of rock candy.

Val spent about three hours that night studying. By the end, she was completely out of food - and completely glutted. She could barely even breathe from how full she was, from how tightly her belly was pressing into her desk. She’d been so distracted by her studies that she hadn’t noticed just how absurdly stuffed she was.

The heavily bloated woman could barely lift herself from her chair to collapse onto her bed. She panted and groaned as she gingerly massaged her tense flanks. God damn, she was so freaking stuffed… just how much had she eaten over the last few hours…?

Tingles of pain and happiness trickled down Val’s spine as she slowly lost the will to stay conscious. She’d been so productive tonight despite her eating… that showed some real self-control… she deserved to… treat herself… tomorrow…


“I-I don’t think this is a good idea-”

“Oh come on, hon! You look adorable!

“B-But I’m so chubby-”

“If you’re chubby, then I’m a whale. Now come on! Let’s have some fun~!”

Sam slapped Val on the rear, making the shorter woman squeak and stumble forward. She glared back at Sam, but then just sucked in a deep breath and sighed. This was definitely a bad idea, but she was already here, so… she might as well try and make the best of a bad night, right?

Val tugged at her sapphire-blue dress, trying to make it go just half an inch lower on her thighs. Her cheeks reddened as it shot back up. It was Friday again and Sam had dragged her out to socialize again - but this time, instead of a party, she’d taken Val to a college mixer. Yes, BWCA was a women’s college - a mixer just meant that they could flirt with each other without having to worry about making things awkward by guessing wrong with a conservative straight girl. Val was bi and very eager to ‘mix’, as it were, so that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that…

Val was bloated. MORE than bloated - she was a genuine chubster! Sam had actually warned her about this mixer a day in advance, so Val hadn’t eaten today at all (despite her stomach’s warmongering cries of protest), and yet she still had a massive gut! She wasn’t sure how much weight she’d put on but she’d only gone up a fraction of a cup-size and her ass didn’t jiggle at all. Despite all that, her belly was HUGE! It stuck straight out like she was stuffed to the gills, but it wasn’t! It was EMPTY! It was soft and pliable and wobbly and felt great to play with, but it was just… like that! Forever! ALWAYS! Why - just WHY had all of Val’s binging gone straight to her gut and nowhere else? What cruel twist of fate was this? How was she going to get a hot girl to want her looking like this?

At least Sam had put on some weight in the right places. Sure, her gut was also humongous thanks to not fasting all day like Val had, but she also had clearly put on weight in other places. Her bust was at least a cup size bigger and her ass was threatening to pop out of her too-short skirt at any moment. Her clothes barely fit her and yet she still had all the confidence in the world! If only Val could borrow some of that confidence…

“Come on, what are you waiting for? Let’s go have some fun tonight!”

Val started to protest, but before she could, Sam had her by the arm and was pulling her inside the lounge. The mixer was off-campus in a karaoke lounge, which Val was honestly surprised that such a small town had. There were supposedly going to be four other women there and everyone going had put in money to pay for the room for two hours.

The first thing that hit Val was the room. It seemed comfy. It wasn’t lit save for the bright karaoke screen on the far wall. Two long couches rested against the side walls with a table in between, barely leaving enough room for people to walk past to get to the karaoke screen and mic stand. There were mics and what looked like menus on the table, a few cushy-looking cushions on the couches, and a phone on the wall.

Honestly, Val was surprised that she managed to absorb that much of the room before she got hit by the bus that was the second thing; the ladies. There were three other women already there and they were all attractive. They were also all at least a little chubby, which helped settle Val’s nerves just a little bit. The two smaller girls were sitting on the left side. One had red hair and was wearing a deep yellow crop top that showed her love handles, while the other was a brunette with bright green streaks who was wearing a plaid flannel (the gay uniform!) with some strained buttons around her chest and slightly pudgy belly. On the other side, the third woman was blonde - and thicc. Like, even more than Sam and Val. It was mostly in her belly, though - unlike Val - some of the chub had filled out her assets as well. She was wearing a multicolored floral blouse that showed off most of her plush belly, which filled her lap. She was also the only one with a drink, which she was slurping happily as all three of the present women turned to look at Sam and Val.

“Oh hey, you made it!” The redhead said happily. She beckoned for Sam and Val to sit down opposite her and the brunette while continuing, “We didn’t get started without’cha! We’ve just been chatting some while we waited~.”

“Aw, what? You didn’t have to do that!” Sam said cheerily while she pushed past Val (which was no small feat in the narrow doorway) to plop down in the seat next to the fluffy blonde. Now that she was seated next to her… Val wasn’t actually that much smaller than her. Her weight had just spread out way more to other areas. Tch. Lucky.

Val nervously sat down on the last seat next to Sam, then did another little headcount. “Weren’t there supposed to be six of us total?”

“Yeah, I invited Nelle too! She’ll be here soon. She’s almost never on time, ha!” The red-head laughed.

As if on cue, the door opened again, and the sound of panting preceded the entrance of… oh shit, Val actually knew this girl. “I-I’m here, sorry!” gasped the woman who sat next to Val in Intro to Lit. The woman who had seen Val’s so-embarrassing-she’d-wanted-to-die moment when the teacher had chewed her out for being late from overeating. The woman who Val had steadfastly been avoiding talking to since then out of sheer shame. That woman.

She was slightly dark-skinned and had fluffy, curly black hair currently being restrained by several hard-working berets. She usually wore loose jeans and plain t-shirts to classes, but tonight she was wearing an attractive combo of skin-tight grey jeans that left nothing to the imagination and a tube-top plus middleless jacket that showed off her small potbelly. Val gulped. Ok, it had been awkward being lectured and fat in front of a cute girl who acknowledged her existence once. Now she was mortified that the cute girl was actually SUPER hot. Fuck her life.

Even worse, she recognized Val. Right after she sat down, still breathing heavily, she glanced up and her eyes instantly lit up. “Oh hey, you’re the girl who sits next to me in Intro Lit! I did not expect you to come to something like this!”

Val flinched. Ok, that was one heavy blow to her heart tonight. “Y-Yeah, haha… my roommate invited me and I wasn’t doing anything… so…”

Just then, the red-head stood up. “We’re all here, so let’s get started, ladies! Let’s do the boring stuff, then we can have some fun! Names, your year and major, and something fun about yourself! I’ll start! I’m Carla, I’m a third-year kinesthetics major with a minor in ASL, and I can take a whole gallon while doing a kegstand!”

After Carla sat back down, the brunette was next. She didn’t stand stand up. Instead, she just rolled her eyes. “Sorry in advance about Carla. She’s always like this.”

“Heeeey, what’s that supposed to mean-”

The brunette continued, fully ignoring Carla’s whine, “I’m Jay. Third-year with a major in engineering. I’m this idiot’s-” she said with a jab at Carla- “childhood friend, ex, and workout partner. If you want any embarrassing stories or facts about her, I’ll tell you one for a shot.”

“Wait, what? You're not seriously-”

Val’s classmate interrupted Carla with her own introduction, “Hey all! I’m Nelle, and I’m a second-year with a major in chemistry. I don’t know how fun it is, but I can tell you every movie that Nick Cage has been in in chronological order.”

Oh no. She was hot and she was a dork. She was checking every one of Val’s boxes.

After a few seconds of silence, Sam elbowed Val in the ribs. Oh shit, she was next! She bolted to her feet, bumping the table with her giant gut in the process. Her face lit up several shades of red as she squeaked out, “V-Valerie, first-year English major! I-, uh, I- I once wrote a two-hundred-page fanfiction based on Hamlet!”

A round of giggles came around the table accompanied by some loud snorting from Sam right next to Val. She hadn't thought it was possible, but as Val sat down, her face seemed to be burning even more scarlet than it had when she’d gotten that public scolding in class. And AGAIN, it had been in front of Nelle! Who she apparently had a crush on! DAMN IT! Why was her life so awful?

“It’s hard to follow that up, but-” Sam snickered, “-but I’m Sam! I’m an undecided first-year and this nerd’s roommate. And not to compete, but I can drink over a gallon while doing a kegstand~.”

Carla whistled while Jay rolled her eyes. Meanwhile, though, Nelle was still chuckling. Oooh, just kill Val now…

Finally, the chubster blonde. “I’m Malorie. I’m a second-year with a double major in engineering and art history. I’ve been to the Sistine Chapel, the Colosseum, the Monte Christo, and the Ankor Watt.”

This seemed to catch Jay’s attention. “Wow, really? You’ve traveled a whole lot then, right?”

While those two started a conversation, Val and Carla seemed to be hitting it off bragging about their biggest party feats. Then… then there were Val and Nelle. Val, staring steadfastly down at her gross ball-like belly, and Nelle, who was still giggling. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Nelle spoke up, laughter dancing in her voice as she asked, “S-So, did you really write over two hundred pages on Hamlet?”

Val tugged at her dress again, wanting to disappear inside of it. She glanced up at Nelle. “...Yeah. I was obsessed with it back in ninth grade.”

“Aw, that’s cute~,” Nelle teased. She crossed one leg over the other and leaned forward, resting her arms on her legs and her head on her hands. “So… what was your favorite part?”

Val blinked. “Uh… of Hamlet? Or my fan fiction?”

“Hmm… both~.”


Val woke up feeling like an entire valley’s worth of fog had crammed itself into her head. One wrong move and it felt like her head would split and she’d erupt with the fog billowing out of her like some shifty volcano… or something. Fuck, Val couldn’t do analogies right now. She felt like shit.

She dragged herself out of bed, groaning the whole time. What time was it? Where was she? Why did she feel like this? And who was that in Sam’s bed?

Ok, in order… it was ten in the morning on Saturday. She was at her dorm. She felt like shit because the older women had gone out and brought back drinks for all of them and Val had drunk a liiiiittle too much to forget her shame. And that was Carla on Sam’s bed. Also, Carla was naked with only half of her naughty bits being covered by the blanket as she snored away. Great. So where was Sam…?

Val found the answer to that in the bathroom, where Sam was passed out on the toilet, the stall door open and her panties down. Val - a horny bi virgin - had never been less excited to see a mostly naked woman before. Despite feeling like dog waste, Val still put in the effort to pull Sam’s panties up to at least cover herself and to shut the stall door as much as possible. Val had already learned that waking Sam up was impossible and carrying her was… out of the question. Sorry, Sam. Good luck.

After groggily relieving herself in a stall without a passed-out woman in it, Val went over to the mirror. She grimaced. She looked even more bloated than she had before going out yesterday. She hadn’t eaten much before drinking last night, though. Had she gone on a feeding binge after getting wasted? God, her belly was so damned massive and round. It even still felt solid. Just how much had she eaten- uh, what’s that?

Val turned to the side. Her eyes went wide. Scrawled across her tight belly in what looked like lipstick was a phone number, the letter N, and a little winky face. That… was Nelle’s phone number right? That’s why the N was there, right? But why??? How??? Val had made a complete fool of herself last night, first with her introduction and then with spouting off about Hamlet so much that Nelle barely even got to talk!

Ok, so after she stopped feeling like total garbo, she would text the number. Just to make sure, of course! And maybe she’d ask what happened last night after having a few too many drinks. Then maybe, uh… see if Nelle wanted to talk about herself some since Val didn’t get to hear much last night… i-if it WAS Nelle’s number, of course…


It had been a long year. A long, fruitful year, and one that Val was sad to see go. She was more terrified than sad, though. After all, her parents were here to pick her up to go home for the summer. Her chill dad and her very health and weight-conscious mom.

Val hadn’t been very good about keeping her weight down. She’d only been on the high-school track team at her mom’s insistence, so without that, Val rarely exercised. That plus her ever-growing portion sizes, Sam dragging her out to have fun every weekend, and… Nelle…

Uh, long story short… Val was big. HUGE, even. She was big in the strangest way, though. She had noticed it during her first couple of weeks at BWCA, but she really did seem to mostly gain weight in her stomach. Her arms were still mostly slender, as well as her legs. Her hips and thighs had put on the smallest amount of padding and her boobs were only a single cup size up (which was still cool, but also… damn iiiiit…). Her belly, in contrast, was ENORMOUS. It jutted right out, heavy and solid and always in the way. If not for how much it would squish when squeezed and how much it wobbled when she walked, one could assume it was permanently crammed full with an entire buffet’s worth of food. It wasn’t just bloated, though… it was all chub. It was all chub. And Val’s mom was NOT happy about it.

“I cannot BELIEVE how much you let yourself go!” Her mom seethed. Mom was a bit of a health nut and had always preached about the importance of being slim and healthy. She had practically screamed when she’d first walked into Val’s dorm and had seen her trying in vain to pull a triple-extra large shirt over her gut. Now she was smoldering while helping carry Val’s stuff out to the car. “We are going to get you back to your trim and pretty self over the next few months, young lady! One meal a day, no carbs or sweets, and three hours of exercise a day! EVERY day!”

“Uh, babe… isn’t that a bit much?” Questioned Val’s dad. He was a normally relaxed man who had always been a weird mix of great and cringe. Val knew he was way better than most dads, but at the same time, she wanted to smother him every time he made a dad joke… which was often. Even he’d been caught off guard by how big Val had gotten, though. He cast a concerned glance between Val and her mom as he persisted, “I know she’s put on a little weight, but shouldn’t you ask her what she wants to do?”

“She can decide what she wants to do AFTER she learns how to not eat herself into an immobile blob!”

Her dad just sighed. He smiled at Val. “Sorry, sweetie. I’ll try to convince her to go easy on you once she’s calmed down some, ok?”

“Th-Thanks, dad…” Val sniffed. While she did miss her slim self, she didn’t feel a pressing need to lose weight. She kinda liked being this big. Sure, it was hard to fit into clothes, and people judged her, and it was tiring just to move around (like now, when she was just carrying a couple of bags to her parent’s car), but the way her belly wobbled… how soft yet firm it was… how much food she could fit into it… she was kinda obsessed with it. All of it. At this point, even if she could go back to being skinny… she wasn’t sure if she would.

Val tossed the last of her stuff into the trunk of her parent’s car and closed it, being careful to turn to the side so the lid didn’t slam onto her belly. She panted a little as she walked around the car to get in. Ok, while she liked her belly, she would not miss being winded just from short walks. Seriously, why did her huggable tum have to be so damn heavy? She opened the door, went to get in, and…

Her gut stuck out too much. It was getting mashed against the seat and she couldn’t get her body in after it. She sucked in as much as she could (which wasn’t much) and tried again. After a few seconds of cramming and shoving, Val barely managed to wedge herself into the car. Her belly was jammed between herself and the driver’s seat, compressed so much that Val could barely breathe.

Then her mom got in the driver’s seat. The extra pressure crushed Val’s belly even more, bringing a tear to her eye. This was going to be a painful three-hour drive home…


Someone finally got her act together enough to finish another commission~. This one is reminiscent of my commissioned Kylie fics! I don't usually do weight gain, but this is one of the rare instances where it was all fine and good~.

As a little reminder, any of you guys can reach out to commission me. Commissions get me to make types of tum content that I don't usually make, so if there's something you've been itching for that I haven't been scratching, there's a way to point me in the right direction.


