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Contains: Monster girls, stuffing, minor post-stuffing WG

The cheers of the crowd, the blood pounding in her ears, the adoration of her fans - oooh, Flit just couldn’t get enough! She loved everything about her job!

Flit belonged to a three-person idol group called Pet ❣️ Love. Activists called it a demeaning name and kept saying that it was pushing the demi movement back by a decade, but what did they know? Flit and her co-idols didn’t care about any of that! Flit just wanted to make people happy, and the others… uh… Well, they didn’t want anything bad, at least… probably...?

The three of them had just finished a successful show and were back in their shared dressing room. They could each have their own rooms if they wanted, but they chose to have a shared one instead! They were just that close!

“So whose turn is it this time?”

“Not me! I’ve still got some extra tit fat left, so I’m at least two shows away.”

“And it’s not me. I was last show.”

…Shoot. It was Flit’s turn.

Ok, so the three of them were pretty close, but not that close. The real reason why they shared a dressing room was for a… slightly different reason. It was a good and fun reason, but it was also… a kinda scary reason.

The dressing room was pretty standard apart from having three of a lot of things since three of them were using it. They had make-up vanities, a couple of couches, their wardrobes, a bathroom, and a big table in the center for gifts from fans. Flit didn’t mean to brag, but they were really popular and loved, so they got a lot of gifts! Yeah, a lot… a loooot of gifts… eheh…

“You should get out of your costume, Flit. You don’t want to rip a seam again,” Trix said nonchalantly from the vanity, where she was taking off her make-up. Trix was a nekomata - a cat demon. She was the result of a succubus that got too friendly with a cat beastkin a few dozen generations ago. They were characterized by twin cat tails, cat ears poking out of their hair on the top of their heads, cat eyes, and the claws and fangs of a cat, as well as some of the pheromone potential that succubi have. Trix herself had long, violet hair and fur with sparkling green eyes that looked like they could peer into your soul. Oh, and her real name was actually Violet, like her hair - they all used stage names. Flit’s real name was Heather!

“I wouldn’t mind if she ripped a seam! It was kinda hot when it happened~,” came the voice of Hops from the bathroom where Flit could hear the sound of running water. The water turned off and Hops came out shortly after. Most people that that Hops was a bunny beastkin. Those people have obviously never met an actual beastkin before since beastkins are way more beast than human. Hops looked basically human apart from her long, velvety brown ears poking out from her short brown hair and her extra-defined thigh and calf muscles. She was always worried that her legs made her too masculine and was super insecure about them, but the fans (and Flit) loved that girlish contrast! No, Hops was actually a Skinwalker - a type of witch that can turn into an animal. They just also happen to take on minor animal traits in their human forms, hence the legs and ears (also, her real name was Mabel!)

“N-No, I don’t want to have to pay to get my costume fixed again! I’ll take it off!” Flit insisted. She fluttered off the couch and over to the wardrobes to start undressing. Flit was a beautiful harpy! In particular, she was a tropical harpy, so while she couldn’t fly very well compared to mountain or plains harpies, she was a lot faster over short distances, a lot smaller, and had really, really pretty colors on her wings! She had vibrant red and yellow hair and the same for her wing feathers, though she also had blue and green mixed in there. The lower part of her legs from the knees down also turned into bird’s legs and talons, which… weren’t very pretty or cute, but they were super useful! She’d also had her talons painted a pretty pink color with gems to match her idol costume~.

Taking her costume off was never fun, but she’d learned to manage on her own since she’d been a solo idol before Trix and Hops had joined her. It was pretty rough to get the costume off over her wings - especially since she didn’t have hands. Harpies weren’t lucky like angels, after all. Angels got to have arms and wings instead of wings in place of arms. They didn’t get super useful talons though! N-Not that talons were all that great for taking clothes off, but… uh… they were still cool! Yeah! Way better than having hands!

Sometimes the others would offer to help Flit with her costume, but she’d learned early on that that wasn’t a good idea. Trix was clumsy and often hurt Flit’s precious costume and Hops just wanted the excuse to fondle Flit. In fact, Flit could apply those to pretty much anything those two had ever offered to help with. She loved her co-idols, but… they weren’t very good at helping.

Once Flit had managed to get her costume off, she fluttered back over to the couch and nestled in, her legs tucked underneath her. She looked over at the table and gulped. They had always been popular, but they’d recently been getting even more popular, so there were even more gifts than usual. Flit was so happy that people loved them, but… couldn’t they spend their money a little more carefully…?

The couch creaked loudly and Fllit felt someone wrapping their arms around her. Hops had come over and was snuggling up close to her, breathing in deep. “Hmm… you know I love it when it’s your turn, right? You’re just so small that it looks so much better on you!”

Flit laughed nervously. “Yeah, haha… th-thanks…” Then she gulped as Hops nuzzled against her neck. The two of them weren’t a thing - they really weren’t! She was all cute and happy and ‘pyon-pyon!’ on stage, but in private? She was a horny flirt with her friends and cold to everyone else.

Thankfully, before Hops could do anything more than snuggle, Trix came over and smacked the back of her head with one of her tails. “We need to deal with the gifts first, rabbit. Come on.”

“Aww, you’re no fun!” Hops pouted, but she relented and let go of Flit. The harpy let out a quick breath of relief.

It’s not like she didn’t like Hops - she did! She was just… a lot. She made Flit feel kinda flighty when she got all clingy. Flit only really liked to be touched when she was in the mood for it while Hops was touchy all the time. Still, whether she wanted to or not, Flit was probably going to be in the mood soon, so Hops would be in luck.

Trix picked up one of the many gifts on the table. She glanced casually at Flit. “Ready?”

Flit smiled weakly. “As I’ll ever be.”

Trix nodded. Then she opened the present, took one of the decadent chocolates from inside, and popped it into Flit’s mouth. It had begun.

Pet ❣️ Love got a lot of gifts and, for one reason or another, most of those gifts happened to be sweets. It might be because of a Tik-Tok of Trix talking about all of her favorite candies during an interview - or maybe it was from the time Hops did an Easter promotion where she ate a ton of chocolate eggs - or maybe it was from the time Flit had been egg-nant (a yearly occurrence for harpies) and she’d joked about the egg making her crave cake. Whatever the reason, their fans sent them more sweets and candies than anything else.

At first, it had been fine. They’d laugh about it, they’d snack on a few, then they’d share the rest with their friends and management. Then more started coming in. More and more and more. It became a problem. Trix had wanted to throw them away but Flit had vetoed that. Their loving fans had spent money on these gifts! They couldn’t just toss them! That also ruled out giving them away to random people. That just left… eating them. After every show.

The three of them had set up a schedule. They performed about five times a month, so two of them would eat twice a month and one of them once. The problem was that… sweets are fattening. Like, really fattening. They were idols! Their costumes were well-fitting and revealing! They couldn’t just pack on the pounds! So whoever’s turn it was to eat would have to work extra hard to lose all of the weight before the next show.

Unfortunately… Flit was one of the girls eating twice a month. For one, she was the one who vetoed throwing it all away. It was her responsibility to make sure it all got eaten. For two, she was a harpy. Harpies generally had good metabolisms. Not good enough to eat pounds of sweets every other week, but… still good. The other one to eat twice was Trix - succubi don’t put on weight from eating food unless they want to. Nekomata had apparently inherited that trait. Lucky them. Trix should just eat all of the sweets every time, but… hmph.

“Open wide, Flitty~” Hops purred while holding out a forkful of cake. Flit did as she was told and let Hops fill her mouth with the super-rich red velvet dessert. Even if their fans were too loose with their money, at least they had good taste. This whole thing would suck a lot more if everything wasn’t so darn delicious. There was also one other thing that made this apprehensively fun instead of flat-out awful, but that wouldn’t matter until later.

Trix picked up a basket and started rifling through it. She set aside a chocolate orange and some lemon-flavored hard candies for herself, then selected a chocolate mint to feed to Flit. Another plus: because Trix didn’t gain weight, she would pilfer from the pile on Flit’s and Hops’ turns. She never took much, but when there was this much to eat… every little bit helped.

The two took turns filling Flit’s mouth with sugary goods. Before long, Flit felt an all-too-familiar sensation in her belly. She rubbed the sides of her belly with the edges of her wings. She was getting full. A little bump was already poking out from her normally slim and trim middle. Harpies were naturally slender so that they could fly well, so even just a little food was enough to make them look bloated. Flit would look a lot more than just a little bloated by the end of this, though…

Flit made herself a little more comfortable on the couch, untucking her legs and leaning back into the cushions. She licked her lips clean shortly before they got dirty again from another messy forkful of cake. A few crumbs fell onto her oversized black shirt - one that she’d specifically bought for feeding days since she knew she was going to get dirty on those days. She could’ve also gone topless, to be honest, but until she was full enough, she was a little… self-conscious. With these two in the room, she had reason to be, after all…

Another few minutes of feeding passed. Flit’s little food baby quickly turned into a genuinely bloated tummy that rumbled and gurgled angrily. You’d think that her belly would be used to being abused like this by now. The first burp of the night rumbled out of Flit’s mouth. A small blush popped up on her cheeks, much to Hops’ joy. “Aww, I can’t believe you’re still embarrassed about burping in front of us!”

“S-So what?” Flit snipped back before taking a chunk out of a heart-shaped hunk of white chocolate Trix was offering her.

“Soooo - you’re so cute!” Hops giggled. She leaned down and wrapped her arms around Flit’s shoulders, squeezing her tight while nuzzling the side of Flit’s face. “I just can’t get enough of you being hot and cold! You’re just the cutest!”

Mmmmph…” Flit mumbled indignantly through her mouthful of chocolate. Hops wasn’t wrong about Flit’s personality, but she didn’t have to say it like that! She really was too much for Flit to deal with…


Trix had flicked the back of Hops’ head with a tail again. She raised an eyebrow at Hops, her feline eyes narrowed. “If you scare her off before we’re done again, you’re the one eating the rest this time. You won’t learn otherwise.”

Hops groaned, but once again did as she was told and let go, giving Flit space to breathe. “Aw, I can’t handle that. All of my bras are still too tight…”

Flit looked enviously as Hops adjusted her bra. As said before, harpies were slender - that included more than just her waistline. Flit had basically no figure to speak of and was only four-foot-ten. She was tiny. Meanwhile, Trix was a six-foot even succubi descendent and Hops was just naturally tall and busty while her rabbit side made sure her lower half was thicc.

The size difference between Flit and the other two was part of what gave their group their charm, and Flit didn’t actually hate being so small. It was just… a little hard not to be envious when she was so close to such monsters all the time. Especially at times like now when Hops was talking about her boobs while said boobs were practically spilling out of her bra. She was just in her bra and panties, by the way. That also made it hard to not compare sizes.

Flit pushed Hops’ muffining milkers out of her mind and focused on chewing. As great as all these sweets tasted, she was already getting a little tired of all the sugar. She burped again and went back to rubbing the sides of her belly. This was definitely the worst part of every feeding day…

Slowly but surely, a gap was forming in the horde of desserts on the table. The reason for that gap was easily visible in the swelling of Flit’s tum. Her tiny body didn’t hide a single cookie or candy. Already her belly was creeping towards her knees. She was easily as big as when she was egg-nant every year, and if her belly was a little bit harder, it would feel like it too. When they’d first started these feedings, Flit had definitely had an egg-solid tummy at this point, but now that she was used to being stuffed, her belly stayed softer for longer. It was kinda cool in a weird sorta way. Like, it was physical proof of her progress… at being better at eating too much.

Her tummy’s hardness didn’t mean that Flit wasn’t full, though. She felt stuffed all the way up to her wings already. She stuck her tongue out and groaned during a brief window between snacks. If she could stomach just a little bit more… just a liiiittle bit more…

Finally, the moment arrived! Flit felt a little bubble of warmth spread throughout her body as she tipped over from stuffed to overstuffed. The skin on her belly started to tingle and she couldn’t stop a little giggle from escaping her throat.

It wasn’t just a sugar rush that Flit was feeling. As it turned out, she maybe had the sliiiiightest bit of a tummy kink. Just a little bit. The process of getting full enough to get those happy little kinky feelings going was a massive enough pain to make Flit apprehensive every time, but she had to admit; she loved the payout~.

The sudden turn in Flit’s mood wasn’t missed by the others. Hops clapped with joy and said, “Yay! It’s play time!”

She went straight for the snuggling again (which Flit would have been ok with this time) but Trix was ready. She grabbed the strap of Hops’ bra and snapped it, making the busty woman squeal. Then she said, “Stuffing first. Playing later. Besides…” Trix’s eyes darkened. She licked her lips as she stared down at Flit, betraying the first sign of any enjoyment. “I don’t want you to wear her out before I get to have any fun again…”

“You really are no fun!” Hops raged, stomping her foot while massaging the new red spot on her shoulder. “She doesn’t need both of us feeding her when she’s only got one mouth!”

Trix raised an eyebrow. “Then you don’t mind if I give her a nice massage while you feed her then? Since we only need one of us feeding her.”

“Oh… uh… nnngh…”

Trix gave a heavy chuckle. She reached out and ran a long nail along Hops’ chin, practically making the bunny woman’s leg thump on the floor. She breathed, “Besides… isn’t it more fun when all of us get to… play?”

Of course, during the whole time the other two were flirt-arguing, Flit was still being fed (courtesy of Trix’s ability to multitask). Every moment where Flit wasn’t gorging herself was one moment longer until she was an immobile mess of a harpy, after all~.

As it turns out, Flit wasn’t the only one with a bit of a tummy kink. Hops was into pretty much anything, so that wasn’t really a surprise. What had been a surprise was when Flit had gotten stuffed for the first time and it was both of her co-idols giving her some less-than-professional attention. Trix had known the best spots to tease to make her belly feel great, too. Maybe it was Trix’s fault that Flit had gotten a tummy kink, actually. If that first time hadn’t felt so darn good…

With Hops momentarily steered back onto the right course and Flit feeling just right, the feeding sped up. Flit was practically swallowing her sweets whole at times, eager to fit more and more into her tiny tummy. The large lumps of decadent desserts would mush into her belly with a lot of angry gurgles, sending ripples of tension across her tight skin. She was so full and yet there was so much left! Maybe she wouldn’t even be able to fit everything. It wouldn’t be the first time. Flit was tiny, so it wasn’t uncommon for Trix or Hops to have to finish the last few treats. Those were the best nights since it meant that Flit had been packed to the absolute max. From how much was left on the table still, it was looking like there was a good chance of that happening…

Flit was starting to pant by the time the table was about half-cleared of sweets. She gulped down half an eclair and moaned as the pressure inside her belly spiked. A rumbling belch pushed up her throat, after which she eagerly let Trix shove the other half of the eclair down her throat. Her belly was a tight ball pushing out from her slim frame. It was slowly but surely inching towards her knees, though it was making a detour to round out to the sides as well. Flit was softly rubbing her engorged flanks with her wings, but while she loved her wings, they just couldn’t compare to the way fingers could push in and massage all those tight, pleasurable spots of pressure.

Even as she ate, Flit could tell that Hops was losing her already slim patience. Her ears were constantly twitching and she was moving faster and faster, practically cramming handfuls of mushed-up sweets past Flit’s lips at times. If she cared how messy this was making her hands and Flit’s face, she didn’t show it.

Trix, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying the process, as usual. She was deliberately picking out large, solid treats and encouraging Flit to eat them whole. She would slide it into Flit’s mouth, then trail a claw down her jaw and along her neck to stimulate her throat to swallow. Flit had been surprised at how effectively this had worked her first time; now she just enjoyed it, loving the feeling of the large candies and chocolates moving down her throat and shoving their way into her already overstuffed tummy.

Flit made it three-quarters of the way through the horde of gifted foods before she hit a wall. Her belly let out a particularly mournful wail and a low, sickly belch rumbled up her throat. For the first time that night, Flit moved her mouth away from an oncoming chocolate, stammering, “T-Too- *HURP* - Too much - T-Too full - Gonna s-spew-!”

With that said, Hops immediately tossed her handful of sweets back onto the table and started to lick her hands clean (apparently she did care). While she did that, Trix sat down right next to Flit, their thighs pressing together. Trix wasn’t as bare as either of the other women; while Hops was in only her undies and Flit had on an oversized T and her panties, Trix had on a casual t-shirt and some boyish shorts. That didn’t mean that Trix wasn’t in the same mood, of course. If that hadn’t already been evident, it certainly was now as her tails flicked over to rest on Flit’s thigh while Trix’s hand rested on top of her belly.

“You did a great job today,” Trix purred while starting to massage the top of Flit’s tummy. The harpy shivered, pleasure echoing up and down her spine, while Trix continued, “There was a lot more than usual but you still managed to eat most of it without stopping. Big sis is so proud of you~.”

“Hey, no fair! You can’t start without me!” Hops whined. She clambered onto the couch on Flit’s other side and hugged Flit close, smothering Flit’s head in her cleavage. “You get so much bigger than we do even though you have to eat less! I love just how huge and round you can get, Flitty~. Do you think we’ll get enough gifted food to make me as swollen as you someday?”

Flit’s only response was a muffled belch and a weak twitch. Hops pulled away and looked down at herself. Then she looked back at Flit, a playful grin on her face. “Aw, you got chocolate all over me! That’s what you get for being such a messy eater. You better clean this aaaaaaall up~.”

It was true; a lot of the chocolate that had been smeared all over Flit’s mouth (mostly from Hops’ careless feeding, mind) had gotten wiped off on Hops’ chest. Trix pressed down on a particularly tense spot of Flit’s belly, making the small harpy shiver in delight. Then Flit leaned forward to Hops’ boobs to lick the chocolate off of them. The bunny woman trembled, crooning, “Hee! That tickles, you little pervert! Ah, but don’t stop! Aaah, that feels good…”

“Who are you to call her a pervert?” Trix teased from Flit’s other side. Flit felt Trix lean into her and, Out of the corner of her half-closed eyes, she saw a hand reach over and cup the side of Hops’ face. She continued while gently scratching behind her ear, “Not that being a pervert is a bad thing…”

Ok, so remember when Flit had mentioned that the three of them weren’t that close? Maaaaaaybe they were that close, eheh… They were just close in a way that none of their fans could ever know about~.

In the middle of Flit making sure that Hops chest was perfectly clean, she felt herself get pulled away. Trix turned Flit’s head towards her with one hand, a sultry smile on her face. Her tails flicked over to the table. They grabbed a piece of chocolate each. The tails moved over to next to Flit’s head. “Can my little budgie eat just a little bit more?” Trix asked softly. She rubbed Flit’s cheek while her other hand continued to gently but firmly massage Flit’s flank. “I think I can feel a little room left in that belly of yours…”

Flit’s brain was too fried from boobs, sugar, and Trix’s dommy voice to even consider forming coherent sentences anymore. Her tummy was anything but willing to take anymore sweets in, yet her head still nodded, eager both to please Trix and to get her belly even bigger. Trix just chuckled at this, “Good girl~. Now, open up…”

The taste of chocolate didn’t register in Flit’s brain anymore despite her mouth getting full of it. She just blankly chewed it to mush and swallowed, shivering as her belly tightened just a little bit more from the added mass. She opened her mouth again for it to be filled, which Trix gladly followed up on. Then Flit gasped and moaned through the candy as a pair of eager hands grabbed the bottom of her shirt and started to pull it up.

“Why do you think you can hide all this lovely belly away?” Hops asked playfully while she tugged Flit’s oversized shirt up from where her back was pinning it to the couch. Flit’s plain back shirt, which had originally hung all the way down past her hips, had been pulled tight across her tummy thanks to her sitting on it. Now Hops was freeing the beast, sliding her shirt up and over the generous slope of her swollen tum.

Hops let the shirt rest once it was heaped around her chest like a glorified bra (which was an article of clothing Flit had opted out of - it wasn’t like there was much for a bra to do on her anyway). One of her ears flicked as she greedily inspected the taut, smooth surface of Flit’s belly. “I knew black was slimming, but that was too much. You’re so huge! Your perfect belly makes wanna just-”

Without reservation, Hops grabbed Flit’s tum with both hands and started kneading it. While Trix’s hands were gentle but firm on Flit’s belly, Hops’ were eager but rough. Her excited rubbing immediately made Flit’s belly bubble and gurgle. A massive belch rocketed up Flit’s throat, followed by several smaller burps and hiccups. Uuuuugh, she felt sick… why was it that she was getting used to being both excited and sick at the same time…? That shouldn’t be a thing…

Trix had managed to fit a few more mouthfuls of sweets into Flit before Hops had gotten impatient. Now though, Flit’s belly was so unsettled that she felt like popping. Trix just sighed as Flit refused to eat another helping. “What a shame. I suppose I’ll just have to eat the rest myself.” She poured a package of small candies into her mouth, then shot Flit a small look. “Of course, you’ll have to pay me back in full for finishing your job for you~.”

On that final word, Trix’s hands moved to Flit’s shirt. In one deft movement, she grabbed the shirt and cut it with a single claw. The bisected shirt fluttered off to the sides, sliding down Flit’s arms to rest on her wings and leaving her chest completely bare. There wasn’t much chest there, but it was enough for Trix. The nekomata popped a few chocolates into her mouth via her tail while she snuggled in closer, wrapping one arm around Flit’s neck to reach her other side better. She started to play with Flit’s chest, teasing the peaks and using her claws to gently scratch her in just the right spots.

What little cognitive thought Flit had left abandoned her at that point. She had a massive orb of a tummy pressing down on her thighs and straining her skin in all the right ways, and she had two hot demi women playing with her like she was their favorite toy. What more could a kinky little gay ever ask for?


Oh yeah, right. Flit remembered what she could possibly ask for; a less fattening fetish.

The morning after a feeding was always rough. Flit would have to disentangle herself from her two co-idols (a rough feat since she had wings and sharp talons), then figure out whose home they had ended up at. They were at Trix’s flat this time, which was fun. Flit liked Trix’s sheets a lot and her ceilings were high, letting Flit flutter around more freely than usual.

Then… the damage. Flit made her way into the bathroom and grimaced at herself in the mirror. As usual, she’d packed on a  good few pounds from eating so many desserts in one go - even despite all the following exercise. That envy for her co-idols was coming back again. Trix didn’t gain weight at all while every ounce that Hops gained seemed to go straight to her tits or her hips. Flit, meanwhile, had the beginnings of a potbelly. Sure, she also tended to gain weight in her thighs which was fun. It just wasn’t as fun as it used to be since the first time Hops had made a joke about juicy thighs being her favorite whenever she ate fried chicken. Now Flit couldn’t stop thinking about getting turned into fried harpy every time she had jiggly thighs.

The colorful woman shivered, then shoved the thought from her head. It was time for her regular post-feeding routine. A few laps around the city’s air lanes before a few hours at the gym. At least she knew from experience that she would drop the weight fast. She’d be a curveless rail again in a few days before their next show, then she’d get to enjoy herself for a while.

Speaking of which, it was her two-feeding break, wasn’t it? It was Trix’s turn to get fed next, then Hops’ monthly stuffing. Flit giggled to herself while she left the bathroom to get some of the clothes she left here for the mornings after feeding nights. She couldn’t wait to return the favor to those two, as always. Should she bring the blender, milk, and funnel again? Oooh, she’d almost made Hops pass out from forcing so much cake inside her like that once! Oh, oh - or maybe she should send out a Tweet saying how much Trix loved the white chocolate hearts from last night! They’d get even more food gifts if she made a public Tweet about some kind of sweets beforehand, meaning they’d really get to try and push Trix’s naturally adaptive succubi traits to the limit!

Hehehe… choices, choices, choices~. Trix and Hops had gotten to play with her, after all. It was only right that Flit have some fun with them in her own way as well~!


New girls alert~. I hit three of the classics this time - catgirl, bunny girl, and harpy! Everything about this fic is kinda classic in a way, what with the scenario being an idol getting stuffed from eating fan gifts, lol. Not everything has to be totally original, though. It's a classic because it's fun~.

I'm gonna try something new starting with this fic! You might've seen that I listed the big features up at the top of the fic. That's for two reasons. One: because fics with less lewd names seem to get less reads and I wanna test if this'll help that. Two: because tags end up at the end of a fic (on DA as well) so I thought it'd be good to add a more in-your-face CW at the start than just trusting people to read the tags first.



I might be totally off the mark here, but did you watch Oshi no Ko recently? What with the idol stuff in this fic