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Chapter 119

While Yuan Congshu was earnestly tracking the vampire prince on his date with the plump girl, he suddenly received a unique message among the blood clan, startling him. He thought about leaving immediately but then remembered Ling Chunann's instructions. He glanced at the vampire prince, who was equally distressed, and decided to contact his direct superior.

Yuan Congshu was in the middle of a video conference with the elders when he received the report from his subordinate. Upon hearing the news, he left a message saying the meeting was concluded and rushed off towards Qingcheng, leaving his subordinates behind.

The blood clan elders looked at each other in confusion. "What's gotten into His Majesty?" "It must be something urgent. He's never abruptly ended a meeting before." "That message seemed to have come from Yuan Congshu. We could ask him." "No need. I heard from Yuan Congshu earlier that His Majesty found an heir he holds dear to his heart. I bet it's our young prince who's in trouble." "Really? That's wonderful. His Majesty has finally found an heir. I'd love to see who the prince is."

Due to a twisted ankle, the fashionable woman wasn't moving fast, taking several minutes to cover just over a hundred meters. Just as she was about to round a bend in the mountain road, a dark figure suddenly sprang from the roadside and bit her from behind.

Su Zijing's scream was heard at that moment. "What happened?" Ling Chunann knowingly asked. "I saw a person... he bit that woman," Su Zijing said, panicked, pointing outside the window.

Ling Chunann followed Su Zijing's finger only to see the roadside vegetation swaying in the wind and the asphalt road empty.

The child's mother intervened, "Young lady, the child was just babbling earlier, and now you're speaking nonsense too? There's no such thing as monsters. Look, everything is fine. She's probably crossed over the hill by now." Her tone was quite harsh due to their earlier conflict.

"But I really saw it. The person had blood-red eyes and long fangs, like a vampire," Su Zijing defended.

Hearing her, other passengers started discussing among themselves. "It's broad daylight, and we're in the middle of nowhere. There can't be anyone around." "Maybe the sun is too strong, and you're seeing things." "Are you hungry, dear? I have some bread; you can eat that first."

The laughter that followed made Su Zijing feel out of place, and she looked to Ling Chunann for support.

Su Zijing's eyes had always been exceptional, capable of seeing clearly at night and spotting things at two to three times the distance of an average person, earning her the tease of having eagle eyes from Shu Yiheng.

"I believe you," Ling Chunann affirmed.

"Big sister, did you see the monster I saw outside the bus?" the little boy asked, breaking free from his mother's embrace and peering over the seatback.

"There are no monsters in this world, child," his mother maintained.

Ling Chunann gave Su Zijing a reassuring smile. "Was it ahead? Let me check." He then stood up, intending to leave the bus.

"Yiheng," Su Zijing called out anxiously, "the person moved so quickly, I didn't see how he appeared. Maybe you shouldn't go out." She frowned, "And..."

"What is it?"

"He looked familiar to me," Su Zijing said.

Ling Chunann softened his expression, "Have you seen him before?"

Su Zijing tried hard to remember where she had seen that person.

"Don't rush, think slowly," Ling Chunann comforted, then glanced outside, "I'll still go check."

"I remember now!" 

As Ling Chunann approached the bus door, Su Zijing stopped him again. Ignoring the strange looks from others, she got up and walked to Ling Chunann, insisting on going with him.

Ling Chunann let Su Zijing lead him off the bus. After a few steps, he asked, "What did you remember?"

"Do you recall the injured person I brought home over two months ago? Then you said his family took him away," Su Zijing said seriously.

"I remember. His family mentioned going to Jiangcheng," Ling Chunann replied, puzzled.

"No, he never left."

"Host, could the female lead be suspecting you?" 098 wondered, recalling Ling Chunann's actions that day.

"He won't," Ling Chunann reassured.

Still, 098 was uneasy.

"He must still be in Qingcheng, and I think he's a vampire. The woman was killed by him just now," Su Zijing took a breath, "Maybe when I brought him home, he intended to drink my blood! Fortunately, Yiheng, you arrived in time to take him away. He might have felt the vampire hunter's power on you,

 so he didn't dare attack. But you mentioned he had family, which means he might have accomplices. You didn't discover his identity last time; he might be more than you can handle."

As Su Zijing's speculation deepened, so did her perception of the unknown dangers around them. She pulled Ling Chunann back towards the bus, "Let's go back."

Ling Chunann nearly gave her full marks for her imagination before stopping her, "Since we're already here, let's check it out."

Despite her fear, Su Zijing didn't reject Ling Chunann's suggestion, holding onto his sleeve tightly as they cautiously followed him.

"Host, hasn't the female lead already recognized the vampire's brutality? Why are you still taking her to see?" 098 was puzzled.

"It's not enough," Ling Chunann stated.

The roadside was bordered by a cliff entwined with vines, with dense green bushes on the outer side and a precipice beyond. They arrived at the spot where the woman was attacked, a sharp turn with thick bushes on the road's outer edge. The asphalt gleamed ominously under the sun, the emptiness unsettling.

Ling Chunann parted the bushes to reveal a desiccated corpse, its eyes wide open, and its withered fingers stretched forward, nails painted a vibrant red. The clothes matched those of the fashionable woman they had seen earlier, and her eight-centimeter high heels dangled off the edge of the cliff, blowing in the wind along with some dry leaves rustling down.

Su Zijing seemed petrified until Ling Chunann loosened the bushes, then she collapsed to the ground, weakened. Ling Chunann reached out to steady her, "Are you alright?"

"It's... it's terrifying." Although Su Zijing knew her childhood friend was a vampire hunter, this was her first time witnessing such a scene, and understandably, she was shaken.

"Counterattack value +10%, current counterattack value is 25%. Please keep up the good work, Host."

098 internally praised the host for his intelligence, albeit feeling a bit sorry for the girl who looked quite frightened.

"If she hadn't been scared, who knows, she might have ended up falling in love with a vampire someday." Ling Chunann chimed in, "098, you still need more experience in handling these matters."

"I'm sorry, Host. My mistake," 098 hastily apologized.

"And you underestimate how resilient the female lead is."

Indeed, Su Zijing's cheeks were already regaining their color, a sign of her burgeoning shyness even in such circumstances. Truly the hallmark of a romance novel's heroine.

"There's no such thing as monsters. You young people love to let your imaginations run wild," remarked a few passengers who had also come down from the bus. A middle-aged man in a suit loudly addressed the pair, "If you wanted to get off the bus to be romantic, just say so. No one's going to laugh."

Laughter erupted from the group.

"Host, the main male lead is heading this way," 098 alerted. "He's the one who tampered with the bus, and now he's turned into a complete vampire maniac. Are you going to warn them?"

Although Ling Chunann hadn't fully absorbed the power of the blood emperor, handling a prince wasn't much of an issue. However, doing so would certainly reveal his blood clan identity.

Annoyed and embarrassed by the teasing, Su Zijing, who harbored feelings for Shu Yiheng but had never confessed, extricated herself from Ling Chunann's embrace, "Stop talking nonsense. We came down to investigate what happened, not to secretly date."

"Alright, alright. So it's a bold romance, then," quipped a sleazy-looking young man, chewing gum and eyeing Su Zijing as if wanting to undress her with his gaze.

Wearing a yellow dress and her hair softly draped, Su Zijing looked youthful and cute. Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, she involuntarily stepped back.

Ling Chunann stepped forward to shield Su Zijing, glancing at the young man, "What we're doing is none of your business. However, it's not safe outside. I suggest you get back on the bus."

Though unsure why Ling Chunann said this, most people felt drawn to the handsome young man and hesitantly returned to the bus.

"Who are you to order us around? Just because you're good-looking?" the brash young man challenged Ling Chunann, stepping closer with a threatening posture.

"I indeed am good-looking, but that's irrelevant to you," Ling Chunann dismissed him, taking Su Zijing by the wrist to head back, "You might want to check the bushes before deciding whether to go back. You have three minutes."

Ling Chunann's final words were soft, just loud enough for the young man to hear.

The young man spat out his gum towards Ling Chunann's departing figure, "Pfft, what a show-off!"

The green gum landed just three centimeters behind Ling Chunann's heel on the tarmac, marring its surface.

Despite his disdain, the young man still parted the bushes and immediately recoiled, "What the hell is this?"

"Hey! Better come back, it's dangerous out here! There are vampires!" Su Zijing called out to the young man still peering into the bushes before getting back on the bus.

"Pfft! Vampires? There's nothing here," he yelled back without turning.

"Host, this person's character is really bad. He's even rifling through the corpse's wallet," 098 accused.

The author's note: My cat broke my computer.


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