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Chapter 118

Early the next morning, Ling Chunann took Su Zijing away from school to head home. Meanwhile, an elegantly dressed vampire prince, unaware of the actual situation, stood on the appointed square, waiting for his prey to arrive. The handsome vampire prince caught the attention of many passersby. As time approached noon, Su Zijing had not shown up, leaving him somewhat impatient. He took out his phone, dialed, then thought better of it and put it away, reminding himself that patience was key when hunting high-quality prey.

By half-past eleven, a figure just as eye-catching appeared on the sunlit square. Zhang Cuiflower, with her dark skin and overly large frame, had clearly dressed up for the occasion. Her mouth was painted like a gaping maw, her cheeks were alarmingly red, and she wore a large floral dress, standing shyly in front of Yang Mingxuan. "Senior Yang, Su Zijing sent me. She had urgent matters today and couldn't make it, so she asked me to apologize to you on her behalf."

"Is that so?" Yang Mingxuan was skeptical. "I'll call her."

"She turned off her phone. I haven't been able to contact her since this morning," Zhang Cuiflower explained.

Soon after, a cold female voice from the phone announced, "Sorry, the number you've dialed is switched off."

Yang Mingxuan put his phone away, his expression souring. "Then I guess I'll head back."

However, he didn't get far before being blocked by Zhang Cuiflower's imposing figure. She eyed the movie tickets in Yang Mingxuan's hand. "Senior Yang, it'd be a shame to waste these movie tickets. Since I'm here, let's go watch the movie together."


"It's settled then, Senior Yang. After the movie, I'll treat you to a meal," Zhang Cuiflower insisted, grabbing Yang Mingxuan's hand.

Under the sunlight, Yang Mingxuan's eyes glinted red. As they walked down an alley, his fangs neared the girl's neck, but in the next second, he reverted to normal, his gaze filled with wariness towards Zhang Cuiflower.

Seeing that her idol hadn't escaped her grasp, Zhang Cuiflower's eyes brimmed with happiness. Ling Chunann was right; he was just shy.

"Counterattack value +5%, current value at 15%. Please continue your efforts, Host."

"Host, the male lead is actually going on a date with Zhang Cuiflower," 098 exclaimed as if discovering something astonishing.

Meanwhile, Ling Chunann and Su Zijing were on a bus back to their small town, with Su Zijing sleeping soundly beside him. Ling Chunann shifted his stiff shoulders. "Where's Yuan Congshu?"

"He's lying on the cinema's ceiling, seems like he's tracking them," 098 reported, sounding surprised, "But it looks like the second male lead hasn't noticed him."

"Mhm," Ling Chunann nodded, not worried with Yuan Congshu on the case.

Su Zijing and Shu Yiheng's small town, surrounded by mountains with a river flowing from north to south, was a four-hour drive away. The bus, not very crowded, seated an elderly lady next to Ling Chunann, with a fashionable young woman beside her, trying to distance herself from the sleeping elder.

The elderly woman seemed to be suffering from motion sickness, occasionally sipping water.

After a while, Su Zijing woke up, and Ling Chunann offered her water from a thermos. "Thirsty?"

"Thank you," she replied, glancing out the window. "How long did I sleep?"

"About half an hour more until we arrive," Ling Chunann checked his watch.

The journey continued along mountain roads, thrilling for first-time passengers. To prove the point, a child in the back cried out, "Red eyes, monster!"

His mother, without looking up, reassured, "There are no monsters, sweetie. Liars will have long noses."

"Host, it's the main male lead," 098's signal detector for the male lead went off, a new addition for managing numerous male leads. "Got it," Ling Chunann sensed the male lead's condition, "Huh? He's recovered quickly."

098 was tasked to check recent disappearances in the town. "Fifteen young girls, eight children around ten, and one adult man missing," it reported.

"Seems indiscriminate," Ling Chunann sighed, deciding to inform Yuan Congshu directly rather than the vampire hunter association.

"Of course," 098 quickly agreed, then hesitated, "Host, what's the difference between a hunter and Yuan Congshu?"

"The former would kill him; the latter would make him wish he was dead."

"Yiheng, Yiheng?" Su Zijing tugged at Ling Chunann's sleeve.

"What is it?" Ling Chunann responded.

Su Zijing scooted deeper into her seat, lowering her voice a bit, "I think I heard that child talking about a monster with red eyes."

"Yeah, his mother said he was just making it up," Ling Chunann replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Do you believe that?"

"They say children's eyes are the purest, capable of seeing many incredible things," Su Zijing hinted, revealing her stance without directly stating it.

At this point, the child continued to cry uncontrollably, and his mother, having tried comforting him to no avail, sat back, ignoring him. The fashionable woman sitting in the same row as Ling Chunann took off her earphones and yelled towards the back, "Can't you keep it quiet for a moment? How is anyone supposed to sleep with your child making such a fuss?"

"I'm sorry, he's always been hard to manage, and I'm at my wit's end," the child's mother quickly apologized.

"What good does sorry do? Just make him be quiet. It's driving me crazy," the fashionable woman said loudly, then, showing her impatience, she put her earphones back on, continuing to rant, "If you can't manage your child, why have one? Why don't you just die? If it were me, I'd throw him out of the bus."

"How can you speak like that?" The woman's voice was loud enough for the child's mother to hear, and she immediately protested, "The child was just scared. How could you wish death upon him? You're so malicious!"

The fashionable woman, hearing this, threw down her earphones and stood up in anger, "Who are you calling malicious? And you, do you even know how to speak? I'm not just cursing him; I'm about to throw him out of the bus!" She moved as if to grab the child.

"Ladies, ladies, please calm down. Harmony brings wealth," pleaded the elderly woman sitting next to the fashionable one, trying to mediate.

"Get out of my way, you filthy old thing! I've tolerated you long enough! Sitting next to me in your dirty clothes, you owe me for my clothes!" the woman said, pushing the elderly lady.

Ling Chunann reached out to steady the elderly woman, "Ma'am, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thank you, young man." The elderly lady thanked him repeatedly, looking at the woman who had now started fighting with the child's mother, she loudly protested, "Miss, please stop fighting. Oh dear, young people nowadays are so impulsive."

"Please sit down, it's steep here, and I don't want you to fall," Ling Chunann helped the elderly woman to his seat and fastened her seatbelt. "Xiao Qi, could you look after the grandma for a bit? She seems to be feeling car sick."

"Of course," Su Zijing obediently replied, "Grandma, would you like some candy?"

The driver had to slow down considerably due to the commotion at the back.

The fashionable woman, lacking the strength of the child's mother, soon grew tired from the altercation and sat back down, glaring venomously at the mother and son.

After the disturbance, the boy's cries subsided significantly. Ling Chunann reached into his backpack, took out a lollipop, and handed it to the boy, who hesitated before accepting it with a timid thank you, his voice still shaky from crying.

Ling Chunann patted the boy's head, "There really are monsters outside, brother saw them too, so Xiao Bao, you must not get off the bus, okay?"

The boy's eyes lit up at Ling Chunann's words as if his entire being was affirmed, and he nodded earnestly, "Okay!"

"Thank you so much," the boy's mother expressed her gratitude towards Ling Chunann with a smile.

Ling Chunann waved it off and sat behind his original seat, the fashionable woman scoffing at him. She then spat out a curse towards the mother and son, getting up and attempting to swing her bag at the mother.

Just then, the bus hit a bump, and the woman cried out as she twisted and dropped her bag, her high heels skewed on the floor, and she landed on the armrest of a nearby seat.

The mother hugged her child tightly as the bus wobbled.

The bus gradually came to a stop.

The fashionable woman sprained her ankle and immediately turned her anger towards the driver, "What kind of driving is that? Are you having a heart attack or what? Let me tell you, if you don't compensate me, I won't let this go today!"

"Look, I've been traveling around for many years, and I've never met a woman as venomous as you. Did you forget to take your medication today?" interjected a male passenger in his thirties, unable to stand by any longer.

"Who are you calling venom

ous? How can you speak like that? How am I venomous?" the woman retorted, rubbing her ankle while yelling back at the man.

"It's you I'm talking about. Who else but you is this ill-mannered on this bus?"

"Say that one more time!"

As the argument between the two escalated, Su Zijing looked anxiously at Ling Chunann, "Yiheng, is it okay for them to argue like this?"

"It's fine," Ling Chunann looked towards the driver's seat. The driver had already left the bus when the woman first started cursing.

After a couple of minutes, the driver reboarded, "Alright, enough arguing. We've got two blown tires and no spare. We'll have to call for repairs. Please rest in the bus for now."

"How long will it take?" asked the child's mother, "We're in a hurry to get back for a wedding."

"It might not be possible. It could take at least three hours to fix. Our company doesn't have a repair station in Qingcheng, only in Jiangcheng can we send someone over," the driver shook his head.

"That won't do. I have urgent matters, and three hours is too long. It would only take an hour to walk to Qingcheng from here," the fashionable woman was the first to protest.

"Well then, you might as well walk back," the man who had been arguing with her scoffed.

The woman rolled her eyes and actually started walking out, her high heels making her limp noticeably.

"Hey! Miss, the roads outside are mountainous, and there are tigers and wolves. It's not safe, don't just wander off," the elderly lady tried to dissuade her.

"Get lost, you old hag," the woman disdainfully glanced at her, "What era do you think this is? Tigers and wolves, please, as if I'm a three-year-old."

The elderly lady sighed deeply, "Some people just don't appreciate kindness."

098, who had been watching the whole time, couldn't hold back anymore, "Host, she even glared at you just now."

"Did she? Well, I did warn her earlier," Ling Chunann said leisurely, "There are monsters outside."

Just then, Su Zijing, who had been watching the woman's retreating figure through the window, screamed in horror.


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Sophia Mizen

I can’t stop pronouncing her name as Zhang Cauliflower 😅