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Chapter 36

Since Yuan Chengyuan could remember, their family consisted only of him and his elder brother. Considering he was always the neglected one, the sudden attention drawn by the arrival of a sister, who seemingly captivated the whole family, naturally did not sit well with him. Moreover, whether it was his imagination or not, Yuan Jiayu seemed to constantly target him. At least, before her arrival, he wouldn't find himself without a pair of chopsticks on their own dining table!

Yuan Chengyuan nearly lost his composure and directly slapped Yuan Jiayu across the face.

"Ah!" Yuan Jiayu let out a miserable cry. "What are you doing?"

"Yuan Chengyuan!"

Yuan's father swiftly stood up, his face filled with anger, reaching out to strike Yuan Chengyuan's face. Yuan's mother immediately embraced Yuan Jiayu to comfort her, while the male lead frowned at Yuan Chengyuan.

With reddened eyes, Yuan Chengyuan, evidently enraged, even dared to intercept his father's hand. His voice choked with emotion, "I seriously doubt if I'm even your biological son! You used to ignore me, which I could understand, but now, even the treatment of some unknown illegitimate child surpasses mine. If you dislike having me as your son, why did you even bring me into this world?"

"Xiaoyue..." Yuan's mother appeared somewhat moved.

"What nonsense are you spouting! Is there a son who speaks to his parents like this?" Yuan's father grew even angrier, pushing away Yuan Chengyuan's hand, preparing to strike again.

Just as Yuan Chengyuan charged forward, Ling Chunann was pulled into Duan Chengyuan's embrace, covering her eyes. "Sweetie, don't learn bad things from him."

Ling Chunann obediently nodded.

098: "..."

In the end, Yuan's father didn't strike him. Not because he felt pity, but because he noticed Duan Chengyuan's presence.

His movements seemed to freeze as if someone had snapped his strings. His face twisted into a somewhat ridiculous expression of anger. "Master Duan... How come you're here?"

Duan Chengyuan released his hand covering Ling Chunann's eyes, though his right hand still firmly held her left. He glanced around the chaotic restaurant and the still tearful female lead who looked pitiful, then turned his gaze towards Yuan's father, nodding faintly. "Mr. Yuan, pardon the intrusion. Please don't mind."

"Master Duan's presence brightens our humble abode," Yuan's father replied awkwardly after looking around, his face slightly embarrassed. "Sorry for the spectacle."

Seeing Yuan's father showing no intention of striking him again, Yuan Chengyuan breathed a sigh of relief. He glared fiercely at Yuan Jiayu, who was still pretending to be pitiful in their mother's arms, as if he wanted to say something. Suddenly, he felt his sleeve being tugged. Turning his head, he saw Ling Chunann subtly nudging him with her eyebrows. The anger that had been brewing inside him instantly dissipated. He even managed to force a smile at Ling Chunann, albeit reluctantly.

098: "Host, Duan Chengyuan noticed your subtle actions."

Ling Chunann: "He won't scold me."

But flirting around might get a spanking. 098 decided not to remind the host.

With the arrival of the father and son, or more precisely, because of Duan Chengyuan's presence, the imminent family conflict dissipated instantly.

Yuan Chengyuan almost stared in astonishment as his father, in a submissive manner, conversed with Duan Chengyuan. He glanced at his usually composed and self-sufficient elder brother and found his expression was similar to his own. Instantly, he couldn't help but feel proud. Ling Chunann and his father were brought here by him!

Seeing Yuan Chengyuan's suddenly uplifted mood, Ling Chunann couldn't help but find it amusing. "He's indeed adorable."

098: "Host, you're even more adorable."

"Thank you for the compliment, but you got one thing wrong. It should be 'I'm the most adorable,'" retorted Ling Chunann, leaving 098 choked for words.

"Sweetie, what are you thinking?" Indicating to put down the tea, Duan Chengyuan took Ling Chunann into his arms. "Are you tired?"

Ling Chunann shook her head, her eyes meeting those of the female lead, who was glaring at her as if she wanted to flay her alive, appearing quite terrifying.

Immediately, Ling Chunann shrunk into Duan Chengyuan's embrace, a look of fear on her face. "Dad, I want to go home!"

If 098 hadn't been accompanying Ling Chunann across several worlds, it might have fallen for its own host's acting skills.

However, the naive father didn't doubt his precious child even a bit. He affectionately patted his head, glanced at the now calm female lead, and said, "Mr. Yuan, it seems someone in your family isn't welcoming us. I'll take my leave then." With that, he lifted Ling Chunann and prepared to leave.

"Master Duan..." Having finally had a close encounter with Duan Chengyuan, Yuan's father naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity. He shot Yuan Jiayu a glare and then smiled ingratiatingly. "The kitchen is preparing food. Why don't you and Master Duan have a meal before leaving?"

"No need, I have other matters." Duan Chengyuan's tone was cold as he left hastily.

Ling Chunann waved goodbye to Yuan Chengyuan and then nestled into Duan Chengyuan's arms.

Seeing off the father and daughter, Yuan's father's expression immediately turned cold, no longer pursuing Yuan Chengyuan's rudeness. His icy gaze fell upon the distressed female lead. "What did you do just now?"

Yuan Jiayu seemed startled. "I-I didn't do anything, Dad..."

"Shut up." Yuan's father frowned. "If you didn't do anything, why would Master Duan say we're unwelcome?"

"Alright, honey, who was that person anyway? Why are you being so cautious even around him?" Yuan's mother intervened.

The male lead, Yuan Chengyang, also appeared curious. "Yeah, Dad, who were they?"

"We simply can't afford to offend them." Yuan's father sighed. "You know about the Xiao family, right?"

Yuan Chengyang was surprised. "The Xiao family from Chengnan?" He remembered his mother had recently discussed a marriage alliance with the Xiao family. However, he didn't particularly like the Xiao family's daughter. Eventually, the marriage alliance was put on hold. "Isn't the Xiao family similar to ours? Why are you so wary of them?"

"I'm not afraid of the Xiao family; I'm afraid of their backing." Yuan's father's expression turned grim. "It's precisely that person just now, Master Duan. He's Madam Xiao's younger brother. He suddenly appeared in Jingcheng a few years ago, but his power is terrifying. Rumor has it he's from a powerful overseas underground family. Upon his return, he wiped out the Bai family, setting an example. Now, he's

 like a force to be reckoned with. I believe if we offend him, our future won't be bright."

Everyone was speechless. "That formidable?"

"I've been negotiating a deal with the Duan Group recently. I was just thinking of taking the opportunity to chat a bit more with Master Duan. But you, how could you be so reckless?" Yuan's father's gaze towards Yuan Jiayu lacked the warmth it once held. With merchants valuing profit above all else, his mind was now solely focused on salvaging Duan Chengyuan's impression of the Yuan family. He had no time to consider Yuan Jiayu's feelings. "By the way, Xiaoyue, since you're friends with Master Duan, apologize to him tomorrow. Tell him we didn't entertain him properly today and invite them over to our house for dinner this weekend."

"Huh?" Yuan Chengyuan, who was lost in thought, suddenly heard this, still somewhat bewildered. Surprisingly, Yuan's father didn't get angry with him for it. He repeated his words, and only then did Yuan Chengyuan nod. "Got it, I'll talk to him. But I don't know if he'll accept. Master Duan's temper isn't that good."

Rarely seeing his father so anxious, Yuan Chengyuan felt a mixture of curiosity and schadenfreude. "I'll go upstairs to rest first. I won't be having dinner."

Watching Yuan Chengyuan go upstairs, Yuan's father turned to Yuan Chengyang. "Xiaoyang, come to my study with me."

Left alone on the sofa, the female lead left a deep imprint with her fingernails. Her gaze turned sinister, but quickly returned to calm. She touched her still sore cheek and forced a smile, walking towards Yuan's mother who was busy in the kitchen, planning to send dinner to Yuan Chengyuan.

"Recovery value +35%. Current recovery value is 40%. Please continue your efforts, host."

Sitting in the returning car, Ling Chunann heard the system's report. She wasn't surprised by the value. "The supporting male lead did save the day. Not only did he secure the family property, but he also managed to hinder the relationship between the male and female leads. What a good supporting male character."

"Why are you so happy?" Duan Chengyuan held Ling Chunann, making her more comfortable, while asking.

"Dad was so cool just now!" Ling Chunann beamed at the man.

A deep chuckle sounded in her ear.

The host had become adept at speaking nonsense with her eyes wide open. 098 thought, deciding not to interfere with Ling Chunann's act.

The next day, Yuan Chengyuan's dark circles had diminished significantly. He dutifully repeated his father's instructions to Ling Chunann and then said to her, "Don't mind him. I'll go back today and tell them you don't want to go to their house for dinner."

Ling Chunann nodded. "How about you come to my house this weekend?"

Yuan Chengyuan's heart fluttered, but he immediately thought of Duan Chengyuan's face. He was about to refuse, but then he saw Ling Chunann's eyes filled with anticipation. Before he knew it, he had agreed. Yet, as he saw Ling Chunann's radiant smile, he thought, even if Duan Chengyuan was terrifying, he wouldn't eat him. He could endure it.

However, on Friday afternoon, Yuan Chengyuan's legs went weak before he could even get into the car.

He was indeed too naive.

As he was about to get into the car, a clear voice came from afar. Xiaoyuanlin waved and hurried over. She stopped in front of Ling Chunann. "Younger brother Yuanlin!" Then she respectfully greeted Duan Chengyuan beside her, "Uncle, hello."

"What's wrong, sister?" Ling Chunann looked at Xiaoyuanlin and asked.

"Uncle, younger brother Yuanlin, can I visit your house this weekend?" Xiaoyuanlin cautiously glanced at Duan Chengyuan, then looked at Ling Chunann with pleading eyes.

"098, what's going on?"

"Host, in recent days, the male lead has been pursuing the female supporting character in various ways, seemingly intending to form a marriage alliance with the Xiao family. However, the female supporting character seems to dislike him."

"What about the female lead?"

"The female lead's whereabouts have been mysterious lately. She often goes to places without surveillance, making it impossible to track her."


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Please check the pronouns it's a bit confusing thanks❤