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Chapter 435: Even a god is powerless against the new magic I developed!

Lynn still remembered, two and a half years ago, when he first crossed over, the AI's evaluation of magic and soul power.

They seemed to be a form of energy.

So, does the mass-energy equation apply to psychic energy and magic?

The more Lynn thought about it, the deeper he delved. He vaguely felt that the path to legend was right in front of him!

Just one crucial breakthrough!

As for this breakthrough, it would be easiest to find it from the captured Chief Justice Joshua!

Thinking about this, Lynn looked towards Victorio and inquired, "Have you ever tried to undermine him through faith, President Victorio?"

For fanatics, so-called torture and humiliation were child's play as long as their beliefs remained steadfast. Anything done would be in vain.

"Not yet," Victorio shook his head. Three days were too short. He had to find time to study Joshua's staircase structure. He had only tried five interrogation methods temporarily.

"In any case, we can try from this aspect!" Lynn suggested. "I want to personally meet that Chief Justice."

Victorio naturally had no objection.

He hid Joshua in a secret place not for selfish reasons but to prevent leaks. Once the Holy See learned that the Chief Justice had been captured, and the location was known, they would spare no effort to rescue this legendary divine servant!

"Oh, I have a discovery related to you!" Victorio took out a thick book from his robe and placed it on the table, looking at Lynn with a smile.

Lynn could tell at a glance that it was a Bible! However, what Victorio took out was different from the handwritten copies carried by ordinary priests and bishops. It looked extraordinary, mostly carried by Chief Justice Joshua!

Before Lynn could ask, Victorio opened the Bible.

"The Holy See has issued a bounty on you!"

This not only surprised Lynn but also piqued the interest of the present lawmakers. Then they were bewildered by the long string of zeros.

"One billion... Imperial gold coins?" After confirming several times that he wasn't mistaken, Lynn's face was filled with astonishment.

You should know that the kingdom's annual tax revenue was not even close to ten million Imperial gold coins.

Well, it seemed that inadvertently, he had become worth decades of the kingdom's tax revenue!

Lynn couldn't help but laugh and cry. Unbeknownst to him, his value had become a threat to nations!

And what kind of thing was this Apocalypse Messenger?

"In any case, you better be careful. Such a high bounty might attract many covetous individuals," Victorio reminded.

Although Lynn had already become a grand wizard and had formidable strength, there weren't many who could defeat him in direct combat. However, assassination was a different matter, and all kinds of despicable methods were troublesome!

Even the strongest person had the possibility of a mishap!


The Wizard Council lasted for three hours before concluding. Considering the Holy See had chosen a new saint, the leaders, after deliberation, suppressed the calls for an immediate attack on the empire and decided to temporarily halt their invasion plans. First, they needed to stabilize the internal situation.

Their achievements this time were already significant. They not only reclaimed the entire kingdom but also acquired a border territory of the empire!

Moreover, all the newly acquired territories had been 'cleared.' The local nobles either were hanged or accepted 'decrees of security.' Aside from outwardly obeying the king's orders, they wouldn't face any other restraints, making it suitable for large-scale industrial development!

However, for the high-ranking members of the council, these were just details. Lynn was well aware that a nuclear explosion could only serve as a deterrent.

Only by becoming a true legend could he hope to completely defeat that false god!

So, after the meeting dispersed, Lynn followed Victorio to the secret location where Joshua was held.

The location was unexpectedly close—underneath the conference room!

"This underground chamber is very secretive. I found it by searching through that duke's mind. No one else knows about it," Victorio explained.

Moreover, confining Joshua underground in the meeting room had its benefits; arranging numerous guards would not raise suspicion.

Their residence wasn't far from this place either, ensuring they could rush in case of any unexpected incidents!

Victorio complained to Lynn about the difficulties of dealing with this Chief Justice, opened a heavy steel door, and Lynn saw Joshua being held captive.

Contrary to the proud and extraordinary appearance during their last encounter, the current Chief Justice looked miserable, bound by thick runic chains.

Every few seconds, these runic chains would light up, releasing intense lightning, causing Joshua's muscles to tremble!

This was Victorio's newly devised punishment. Besides severe pain, it also kept the person's mind in a state of high tension.

For an ordinary person, not to mention enduring for three days, even three hours would likely be unbearable!

However, Joshua was different. He closed his eyes, appearing like a block of wood. Even with the fierce lightning, it wasn't enough to make him frown, as if he were dead and motionless.

"Counting, this should be our second meeting, Your Excellency Chief Justice?" Lynn casually greeted.

He won't reply to you... Victorio was about to say this when he saw Joshua open his eyes. Those eagle-like eyes stared at Lynn, and with a dry and hoarse voice, he whispered.

"Star of Magic, the Blasphemer... Lynn..."

Victorio choked for a moment. He had interrogated the Chief Justice for three days, and Joshua had played dead, not uttering a single word.

It seemed that in the eyes of this legendary councilor, he was not as good as Lynn, the grand wizard.

Just thinking about that terrifying nuclear spell, Victorio sighed, as if he really wasn't as good...

"Yes, it's me!" Lynn nodded, admitting it, then continued to inquire, "Don't you want to know why you suddenly lost the protection of your god? And how you lost this war?"

Joshua remained silent, seemingly reverting to the appearance of a living corpse.

Lynn didn't mind; he continued talking about how he had manipulated the Holy See's crusade army with a clever strategy, playing them into his hands.

Joshua still didn't say a word, as if the person being toyed with in Lynn's words wasn't himself.

"Unfortunately, you didn't witness that scene. Your saint, the incarnation of that false god, was forced to use the Gate of Heaven under our siege. But it suited my purposes. Even a god is powerless against the new magic—Nuclear Spell—I developed."

Lynn's expression was regretful, his gaze fixed on Joshua, decisively stating, "So, your god is dead, killed by my spell!"


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