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Chapter 434: The Key to Becoming a Legend — I Don't Want to Be Human Anymore!

The influence of the Holy See has deep roots in this vast continent, making it not an easy task to completely eliminate.

Having shattered the accumulated power of the opposing force is undoubtedly a good start!

Lynn believes that there are undoubtedly many within the Empire who are dissatisfied with the Church's rule. Not to mention the numerous wizards alone!

After seizing the kingdom, many wizards have come to join, but more are still observing, wondering whether they will be crushed by the Holy See or continue to advance boldly!

As the news spreads, more and more wizards will undoubtedly flock to the kingdom seeking a way out.

Although most of these people have not undergone comprehensive magical education, their levels of magical knowledge vary. In this otherworldly realm, they can be considered high-quality talents!

While Lynn contemplates, the members of the meeting room have already begun discussing whether to launch a further counterattack against the Empire and the Holy See.

Supporters far outnumber opponents, especially after witnessing the power of the large nuclear explosion. Many wizards have fallen into the excitement of nuclear frenzy!

After all, the power to destroy a city with a single blow is truly fascinating.

Some wizards even believe that under such tremendous power, the so-called pseudo-god Aila is nothing special. They boast about giving the Church a taste, such as blowing up the Holy City!

Others suggest bombing all the cities in the entire empire, taking advantage of the victory and wiping out the Holy See in one fell swoop!

However, the councilors are quite calm; they are well aware that the uranium-235 extracted from the demon stone is only enough for one nuclear explosion and should not be used lightly!

As for uranium ore, they have already mined it, but due to the need for strict confidentiality, progress has been extremely slow.

It is said that the Alchemy Research Institute is working on a special alchemical machine for mining. Until this device is ready, they can only treat this terrifying new magic as a last resort!

All discussions naturally converge on Lynn, the star of magic.

Lynn raised his hand to silence the noisy discussions in the meeting room. Instead of hastily concluding, he looked at Del and asked, "Besides this apocalyptic theory, are there any other changes in the Holy City?"

The incarnation of that pseudo-god is dead. According to his speculation, the high-level members of the Holy See should have been affected to some extent.

Del hesitated for a moment before replying, "I heard that the Church recently elected a new Saint!"

"A new Saint? So soon?" Harof was somewhat surprised. After exchanging glances with the other council members, they all sensed the seriousness in each other's eyes.

"The one we killed was just an incarnation, with limited impact on the true body of that pseudo-god," Aurora sighed lightly, suggesting a temporary pause in their actions against the Holy See.

"Chairman Victorio, what about the chief judge of the Holy See?" Lynn suddenly inquired.

This legendary clergyman is undoubtedly their biggest achievement this time!

Capturing a legendary figure is not an easy task, and this time, it was purely a matter of luck!

"I have imprisoned him in a secret place, but this guy's mouth is tough. My psychic magic cannot break through his mental defenses..." Victorio said with some headache.

Three days ago, after his vision was restored, Victorio began the interrogation of Joshua.

As a high-ranking member of the Holy See, he must know many secrets about that pseudo-god.

However, the process was very difficult. The opponent's soul strength was high, and his will was incredibly firm. Even the most cruel punishments were not enough to shake his beliefs.

Of course, after a few days of torment, Victorio did not come away empty-handed. He was very interested in the immortality of these legendary clergy, so he cut off a part of Joshua's body for research.

The results shocked him!

After using the large disintegration technique to analyze a mass of flesh and blood, Victorio initially thought he would obtain basic elements constituting human tissue. However, he found... nothing!

This mass of flesh and blood seemed false, and he could only sense the fluctuation of divine magic energy!

"Are you saying that the body of the chief judge is made up of divine magic energy?" Harof's eyebrows furrowed deeply. It seemed that these Holy See legends had some tricks up their sleeves.

All wizards are aware that magic can mimic elements.

These mimicked elements almost possess all the characteristics of matter, but they still cannot change the fact that their essence is magic...

"Or is he now just a soul entity?" Aurora speculated.

Using magic to carry the soul is not an unprecedented innovation. Soul strength above the level of grand wizards can exist independently of the body with energy supply.

Her developed projection magic and mirror magic both use related techniques. However, from the moment the spell is cast, it continuously consumes magic to maintain consciousness.

The stronger the soul entity, the more terrifying the consumption...

"No, it's not that simple." Victorio shook his head, seemingly contemplating how to describe it. Finally, he said thoughtfully, "In fact, before using the large disintegration, I once thought this was a genuine piece of flesh and blood."

"Even you couldn't see through it?" Harof was quite surprised. It seems that these Holy See legends have some secrets.

The biggest obstacle to reaching a higher realm is the constraint of the body. Replacing the role of the body with magic to support the soul entity may be a feasible path.

But the problem is, how should it be done?

This is by no means as simple as using magic to mimic the reconstruction of a body!

All the councilors present are discussing this incredibly novel discovery, and Lynn is also immersed in contemplation.

The boundary between matter and energy?

With a slight movement of his mind, Lynn quickly thought of something.

Mass can be converted into energy, and vice versa. Moreover, just by slightly reversing the mass-energy equation, the value can be determined...

Of course, this statement is not quite accurate because energy and matter are inherently two sides of the same coin, just in different forms!

For example, the famous Einstein once said that the so-called mass of matter refers to the measurement of its energy content.

But achieving this is not easy. Energy conversion into mass was the most cutting-edge field in the former federal era. The related records in Lynn's smart brain are limited and cannot provide much help.

How did 'low-culture' Aila manage to do it?

After a moment's pause, Lynn suddenly thought of two words—magic and spiritual energy!

It must be these two forces external to the federal scientific system that helped the other party achieve this.


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