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Chapter 13

Tong Xiaoxiao never expected to meet Ling Chunan here. In her past life, Tong Xiaoxiao had some fondness for Ling Chunan, but after her rebirth, her sole focus was obtaining the spatial jade pendant he possessed. She believed that with that space, she could surely survive until the end. However, what she didn't anticipate was that Ling Chunan had managed to survive.

Although she awakened the healing ability, lacking any offensive power, she relied on her past life's combat experience to come this far. If only she had a space to hide...

She wondered if Ling Chunan had discovered the secret of the jade pendant. Tong Xiaoxiao was concerned, but then she dismissed the thought. If he had a space, how could he end up as someone else's male favorite? As for the subordinates showing respect to Ling Chunan, it was probably out of deference to the authority of Mister Zeng.

Thinking about it, Tong Xiaoxiao became even more determined to obtain that space.

"Xiaonan, what are you doing here?"

Qin Haoyuan's feelings towards Ling Chunan were complex. Initially, when they first met, he thought Ling Chunan was a fellow victim and treated him as a friend. But later investigations revealed that Ling Chunan was the one who wanted to harm him that day, leaving Qin Haoyuan with a strong sense of betrayal.

So, he planned a car accident. Qin Haoyuan didn't know what he was thinking during those days; he just wanted to get rid of Ling Chunan as soon as possible. Clearly, he failed. Ling Chunan disappeared before the apocalypse, and Qin Haoyuan couldn't find a trace of him. Today, seeing Ling Chunan here, with his bright red lips and slightly moist eyes, leaning on someone else's embrace, Qin Haoyuan's throat felt a bit dry.

If Xiaonan were in his embrace... When this thought arose, Qin Haoyuan quickly shook his head and averted his gaze. How could he have such thoughts?

"Reversal Value +5%," 098 succinctly commented.

Ling Chunan paused in mid-air after greeting the two, then smiled, "What a coincidence, meeting you here."

"Yes, quite a coincidence," Qin Haoyuan looked deeply at Ling Chunan.

Ignoring the overly complicated look in the other's eyes, Ling Chunan turned to Tong Xiaoxiao, who seemed somewhat unpredictable, "Just the two of you?" Then, pretending to inspect their disheveled appearance, he expressed sympathy, "You must have endured a lot on the road, losing your family at the beginning of the apocalypse, right?"

The two involuntarily recalled the coarse burlap sacks they wore at the beginning of the apocalypse. Their already unsightly faces looked even worse now. However, on Ling Chunan's turf, they dared not get angry and felt awkward revealing such embarrassing things, so they endured.

Qin Haoyuan forced a smile, "That day we were just shopping in the mall. When we returned home, they had already left. My grandfather is in Jingcheng, and I assume my parents went there too."

Their reminiscing was interrupted by the growling sounds from their stomachs. The aroma wafting from a nearby pot made the two protagonists, who hadn't eaten for days, feel a bit envious.

"Have you been hungry for long?" Ling Chunan looked surprised.

Tong Xiaoxiao stared at the cooking pot, "We've only had a piece of bread these past few days."

Qin Haoyuan remained silent, looking somewhat embarrassed.

Ling Chunan glanced at Zeng Wuyue, who had not spoken, with a hint of pleading in his tone, "Wuyue, they are my old classmates, can you..."

Before Ling Chunan could finish his sentence, it was blocked by a hand over his mouth.

The two who were originally focused on the pot turned their heads when they heard a sound. Coincidentally, they witnessed the separation of the lips of the two individuals, with a silver thread in between. Ling Chunan's already slightly swollen lips turned even redder, and there was a hint of a dazed look in his eyes.

Seeing this, Tong Xiaoxiao felt even more disdain for Ling Chunan. In her past life, though she had seen many people sacrificing their bodies to survive, including some attractive young men, she always looked down on such individuals. She turned to Qin Haoyuan, hoping to find contempt for Ling Chunan in his eyes, but his expression made her suddenly clench her fist.

Jealousy? How could it be jealousy?

Zeng Wuyue cast a disapproving glance at the two, picked up Ling Chunan, and walked towards the car. His tone was cold, "Give them something to eat."

"Yes, Fifth Master." Yuan Wu, responsible for cooking nearby, greeted, and soon two large bowls filled with meat porridge were placed in front of the two.

Although the meat in the porridge was canned, to the extremely hungry duo, it seemed like a heavenly delicacy.

"Baby, you ignored me because of those two people." Zeng Wuyue, placing Ling Chunan in the back seat, sounded aggrieved.

During this period, Ling Chunan had come to understand this man quite well. He was extremely jealous and wanted to stick with him all the time. Usually, if he spoke a few words with someone else, he wouldn't see that person again for at least three days.

It was not easy for him to talk so much with those two just now.

Ling Chunan wrapped his arms around the man's neck. "What do you want?"

The next day, Ling Chunan woke up feeling like his body had fallen apart, and he didn't want to move a finger.

They had been in the space yesterday. Zeng Wuyue had cleared out a piece of land in the space and built a house, so Ling Chunan was currently lying in a warm bed.

He tried to turn over, and the soreness in his waist made him involuntarily gasp. "How can that guy be so skilled at his age?"

098 timely chimed in, "Suffering from kidney deficiency? The system offers Kidney Treasure Medicine to help you regain a vibrant sex life."

Ling Chunan: "..."

After a while, Ling Chunan finally sat up. "Where's Zeng Wuyue?"

"He went out," 098 replied.

When Ling Chunan exited the space, the car wasn't moving, Zeng Wuyue wasn't in the car, and many mutated animals had surrounded it at some point. The first wave of animals had already clashed with the people in the group.

With the addition of the five people who joined midway, Zeng Wuyue's team had just over sixty members, while there were hundreds of these mutated animals, including even the gentlest rabbits with remarkable attacking power.

At this point, guns were not very effective against these mutated animals; they could only slightly slow down their movements. Therefore, people mainly relied on supernatural abilities.

Looking outside the car window at the confident figures of men and women, Ling Chunan's eyes flashed with contemplation. "It seems that the male and female protagonists in the plot have never encountered mutated animals here."

098 answered, "Yes, the female protagonist emits the scent that mutated animals like."

"Healing ability?"

"No, it's a special fragrance. It's the scent of a herb discovered after the third evolution in the original text."

Undoubtedly, Tong Xiaoxiao would do such a thing. One reason might be to establish herself firmly in the team, as nothing could strengthen relationships more than fighting together. Another reason might be related to him.

Ling Chunan touched the crescent-shaped mark on his chest. It seemed the female lead couldn't forget about this space.


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