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Chapter 12

The kind and sturdy bodyguard stood at the village entrance, guarding it. Upon seeing several cars approaching, he quickly stopped them, asking, "Who are you?"

"Hello, we're just passing by this small village and feeling exhausted. We'd like to stay overnight," Qin Haoyuan said with a smile, poking his head out of the car window.

"No, this place is taken by us today. You should find another place," the bodyguard sternly replied.

"It's already dark, and traveling at night is a bit unsafe. Could you please make an exception?" Qin Haoyuan requested.

"Hao, what are you saying to him? This place is already occupied. Let's leave," a female voice came from inside the car. It was Tong Xiaoxiao. For some reason, as they approached this village, she had a bad feeling.

The bodyguard hesitated, "Hao? What's your name?"

"I'm Qin Haoyuan," he replied.

The bodyguard glanced at the pretty woman in the front passenger seat. "She's my girlfriend, Tong Xiaoxiao," Qin Haoyuan introduced.

"Well, traveling at night is indeed dangerous. Wait here for a few minutes; I'll check with our leader," the kind bodyguard smiled and disappeared in front of them.

"It's a speed ability!" The others marveled, realizing the guard had an extraordinary power. They hadn't noticed it before.

"Let's wait a bit. There's something unusual about this village," Qin Haoyuan said, and his team, who respected him greatly, nodded.

"Hao, I feel uneasy. Let's go," Tong Xiaoxiao pulled Qin Haoyuan's sleeve.

"Don't worry, I'm here," Qin Haoyuan smiled at her.

Tong Xiaoxiao knew she couldn't persuade Qin Haoyuan, so she turned her face away, looking at the village ahead with an uneasy expression. They had followed the same path as in their past life, where there were hardly any people in this village, just a few scattered zombies.

Perhaps due to her experience from the apocalypse, always reminding them, Qin Haoyuan was not as cautious as in his past life. She bit her lip, feeling suddenly scared.

Unbeknownst to them, within two minutes of the bodyguard leaving, over thirty superhumans had surrounded them.

Zeng Wuyue and his team stayed in Jingyang Village for two days before heading towards Jiangcheng again. During this time, the main characters were nowhere to be found.

As the wheels rolled over mud pits, slightly jolting the vehicle, Ling Chunan leaned against Zeng Wuyue and asked, "098, can you locate the main characters now?"

"They were knocked out and taken away by Zeng Wuyue's people the night before yesterday. I don't know where they are now," 098 answered. "When we first met, the host damaged my protagonist search function. Insufficient energy prevents me from reopening the function. Please complete the mission seriously. Current comeback value is 70%."

Listening to the system's indifferent voice, Ling Chunan remained silent, squinting his eyes and dozing off.

However, on the fifth day of their journey, the main characters appeared again before Ling Chunan.

A beat-up off-road vehicle was parked at the side of the forked road. Its rear wheels were flat, and smoke billowed from inside, indicating it was already out of commission.

Five people stood by the road, looking disheveled, with a dozen zombie remnants behind them. Seeing Zeng Wuyue's convoy, a short young man's eyes lit up, "Look, a car is coming!"

This road wasn't a national highway, and it wasn't wide. The off-road vehicle stopped on the road, successfully blocking the convoy's path.

Yuan Wu was in the first car. A few nights ago, he personally led his subordinates to throw the main characters into the neighboring county. Now, seeing this group of five, he was somewhat surprised.

After stopping, Yuan Wu didn't immediately get off. He was about to pick up the walkie-talkie when he heard a voice from inside, "If they want a ride, let them."

"Yes, Young Master."

As the first person came down from the car, a refined and dignified man, Qin Haoyuan, as the team leader, spoke first, "Hello, our car broke down. Could we catch a ride with you?"

Yuan Wu didn't speak, just smiling and assessing the people behind Qin Haoyuan.

"We won't take up much space; we are all superhumans. If we encounter zombies, we can help you in the fight, not hold you back," a short young man added.

"Yeah, with such a big convoy, there must be ordinary people. Having a few superhumans will make it safer," Tong Xiaoxiao stood obediently behind Qin Haoyuan, but her eyes conveyed a warning to the one who spoke carelessly. Her abilities shouldn't be exposed easily.

Sensing Tong Xiaoxiao's unease, Qin Haoyuan squeezed her hand, giving her a reassuring look.

On that evening, as it was getting dark, and the attack was sudden, Tong Xiaoxiao's group didn't get a good look at anyone except the kind bodyguard. Yuan Wu was delighted to see these newcomers fall into his trap. After assessing them for a while, he spoke again, "May I know your names and your abilities?"

Qin Haoyuan sighed with relief and introduced, "I'm Qin Haoyuan, with fire abilities. This is my girlfriend, Tong Xiaoxiao." He paused as Tong Xiaoxiao anxiously pinched him. He continued, "She doesn't have any abilities; she's a regular person. However, dealing with zombies is no problem for her. This is Chen Le, with earth abilities, Zhang Hao, with strength abilities, Lin Yu, with metal abilities."

Yuan Wu looked thoughtfully at Tong Xiaoxiao. When she seemed somewhat horrified, he asked, "Where do you intend to go?"

Knowing they were also heading to Jiangcheng, Yuan Wu had Tong Xiaoxiao and Qin Haoyuan sit in the third car of the convoy, while the other three were assigned to the last car.

The convoy consisted of fifteen cars, each with ample food supplies. As Qin Haoyuan and Tong Xiaoxiao got on the car, they saw various instant foods like biscuits and noodles on the backseat, and their stomachs couldn't help but growl.

They hadn't eaten anything for two days. In these five days, they had only found a piece of toast on the third day, dividing it among themselves. Back then, they were too tense to feel hunger. Now, they realized how starving they were.

Sitting in the backseat was a robust middle-aged man in black. Seeing the two eyeing the pile of food, he looked somewhat wary, and his hefty fists seemed ready for action.

The extremely hungry duo exchanged glances and decided to restrain themselves. They were now guests, and they didn't know much about these people. It was better to be cautious.

Unbeknownst to them, the three on the last car were treated like VIPs. They were provided with everything to eat and drink.

After devouring several bags of instant noodles, Zhang Hao, satisfied, said, "Your convoy is amazing, so much food. Your leader must be incredible."

With their mouths full, the other two mumbled in agreement, "Exactly, having so much food in the apocalypse is a blessing."

Zhang Hao asked again, "How many people are in your convoy? How many meals do you have in a day? Are you all well-fed?"

Sitting with them in the back seat, the honest and straightforward big guy who was serving them food scratched his head apologetically, "Our leader is very kind. He says we need to eat well to have energy for work, so he doesn't restrict our food. But we have to find it ourselves."

Without catching the hint of the unfinished sentence, the trio's eyes lit up. Before the apocalypse, they hadn't realized, but after, they understood the preciousness of having enough to eat.

And this convoy, astonishingly, could eat their fill!

"Do you need more people in your team?" Zhang Hao asked excitedly. The other two had the same question in their eyes.

It wasn't that they were forgetful of their loyalty, but following Qin Haoyuan had been extremely unlucky.

When they first followed Qin Haoyuan, it was okay, but as time went on, their food reserves dwindled. They could only manage two meals a day, and later, even those weren't enough. They were left with just one meal a day. In their group of over ten people, not a single one had water abilities. Drinking water became a problem. There was a spatial ability user, but her space was barely half a square meter, and she died in a zombie pile in less than three days, bearing the consequences.

Just a few days ago, after finally encountering signs of civilization and hoping for a place to stay, they were mysteriously led into a zombie pile. Only the five of them managed to escape.

The big guy felt a bit awkward, "I need to ask our leader about this. After all, your origins are unclear, and I can't decide on my own." Then he added, "How about this, tell me in detail about your team, and I'll speak well of you to our leader when I tell him."

"Sure, sure."

Then the three eagerly shared their situations, but they maintained a sense of integrity and didn't reveal Tong Xiaoxiao's secret as a healing abilities user.

After walking for a few more hours, as night approached, the convoy stopped in an open field, and the subordinates began to get out of their cars for camping.

The main characters, hungry throughout the journey, stepped on the ground with a somewhat weary demeanor.

Ling Chunan opened his eyes, freed himself from Zeng Wuyue's embrace, and was about to get off the car when Zeng Wuyue pulled him back. He planted a deep kiss on his lips, and ten minutes later, with slightly swollen lips, Ling Chunan descended from the car, held by Zeng Wuyue. The subordinates, preparing dinner, looked at the two without much surprise and greeted them.

"Master Five, Master Ling."

Tong Xiaoxiao, who was drooling over the pot on the fire, turned her head and saw Zeng Wuyue embracing Ling Chunan as they sat down.

She was stunned, "Ling, Ling Chunan?"

Qin Haoyuan turned at her words, "What?"


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