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Chapter 2

Ling Chunan wasn't the least surprised by the 40% figure. In this story, the main reason for the antagonist's death was pushing the protagonist off the cliff. Now that the protagonist has lost hostility towards him, it naturally increases the antagonist's survival rate, which is the comeback value in this mission.

Ling Chunan blinked his eyes as if not fully awake, looking in the direction of the protagonist with a somewhat confused expression, "Hmm?"

The young man in front of him was quite handsome, with soft black hair falling on his forehead, bright black eyes, and a gaze filled with innocence. He seemed like a harmless lost little animal or, perhaps due to just waking up, had a nasal tone in his voice, making it particularly enticing. Qin Haoyuan felt a pang in his heart as he lowered his voice, "Did you fall from the mountain? We're trapped below, do you have a cellphone?"

Naturally, neither of them had a cellphone. In the end, it was the protagonist who helped the "weak" Ling Chunan down the mountain.

Interestingly, Ling Chunan's current body had the same name and appearance as before, thanks to the system's assistance. It seemed like a beginner's perk in the basic world?

During the revelation that both would attend the same university, the comeback value increased by 5%, leaving 098 astonished. Having followed many hosts, it had never encountered such a scheming one. Look at that shaky figure and the pitifully pale face; the originally set antagonist personality had unexpectedly collapsed into that of a pure and innocent character!

"098, there's no rule against collapsing character settings, right?" Ling Chunan seemed to guess what 098 was thinking.

"Host, as long as the mission is accomplished, anything can collapse." 098 thought for a moment and added, "Just as long as you don't eat people." Cats were also off-limits, of course.

"I just tried it; the protagonist's flesh doesn't taste good." Ling Chunan looked disdainfully at the protagonist and then glanced at his own bandaged left wrist, once again revealing a greedy look in his eyes.

"..." So, are you planning to eat yourself? 098 was puzzled.

Qin Haoyuan, unaware of Ling Chunan's expression, wiped the sweat from his face, raised his lips, and showed a handsome smile, "Annan, my home is just down the mountain. Can you walk?"

In the end, Ling Chunan didn't go to Qin Haoyuan's house but was taken away by his own family who happened to be searching for him. With a 45% comeback value, Ling Chunan bid a reluctant farewell to the protagonist.

Then turned around with a look of disdain.

098: Host, you can't dislike someone just because the protagonist's flesh is unappetizing; he still carries your bite marks.

Two months later.

Shengqing University is a nationally renowned aristocratic institution, admitting only a few thousand students each year, all from wealthy families. Out of ten randomly selected students, eight were rich second-generation, and the remaining two were heirs of prominent families.

Tong Xiaoxiao was one of the students specially admitted this year with nearly perfect scores. She had a slightly chubby face and big eyes, appearing very pure and beautiful. However, she was currently walking aimlessly in the school's forest, feeling lost.

After walking without direction for a long time and not seeing a single person, Xiaoxiao became increasingly anxious as the sky darkened. Why was the school's small forest so large? She regretted not being more straightforward and asking Senior Gu to take her to the dorm.

Suddenly, Xiaoxiao heard a sound up ahead. Startled, she looked at the sky and, seeing that the sun hadn't set yet, breathed a sigh of relief. Carefully, she walked towards the source of the sound.

"Host, please note, the female lead is twenty meters away from this location."

"Got it." Ling Chunan licked the bloodstain on his wrist with reluctance.

Xiaoxiao saw the young man sitting on a stone bench in the forest, bowing his head, revealing a slender neck. As she approached, she couldn't help but speak, "Um, hello. Can you tell me how to get out? I'm lost..." She screamed and ran away when the young man raised his head and turned towards her.

Ling Chunan wiped the bloodstain from his lips, eyes shining, and said to 098, "She's interesting."

"..." Host, scaring people like this would get you captured by Taoist priests in supernatural novels.

However, unless she had a peculiar taste, the female lead would surely not develop any favorable feelings towards the host now. In the original work, it was because the female lead had a slight fondness for the antagonist, coupled with the antagonist's persistent self-destructive behavior, that she ended up in such a miserable state.

"Comeback value +5%, current comeback value 50%. Host, you're amazing!... Though a bit twisted." 

Terrified, Xiaoxiao quickly ran out of the forest and found her way back to the dorm. Her roommate, a girl from a wealthy merchant family with an ordinary appearance, had met her once in the morning. Seeing Xiaoxiao return pale, she asked, "Xiaoxiao, what happened?"

"I... our school has ghosts! In the small forest," Xiaoxiao stammered.


The next morning, Ling Chunan encountered Tong Xiaoxiao again. She was walking towards the dining table with a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns from the cafeteria. Ling Chunan stood in the middle of her path.

Seeing her looking at him, Ling Chunan sidestepped and gave her a toothy smile.


A loud crash drew everyone's attention to Tong Xiaoxiao.

Ling Chunan looked at his dirtied pants and remarked to the system, "She is indeed interesting."

098 couldn't help but feel some sympathy for this timid female lead. Also, host, scaring a young girl like this, isn't it embarrassing?

At that moment, a cold voice from the side said, "You dirtied someone's clothes, don't you apologize?"

"I-I didn't mean to, this classmate, um, sorry." Tong Xiaoxiao didn't dare to look at Ling Chunan while speaking, and after apologizing, she hurriedly rushed out with a pale face.

Ling Chunan wasn't surprised that the male lead appeared here. In the plot, the male lead first met the female lead in the cafeteria on the first day of school. The scene then was similar to now, with someone intentionally bumping into the female lead, spilling her food, and the male lead stepping in to help. Eventually, gratitude led to a mutual liking between the two.

However, this time, Ling Chunan's smile disrupted the pleasant encounter, successfully causing the male lead to feel a hint of disgust towards the female lead.

This hypocritical and affected woman – Ling Chunan didn't need to guess the male lead's current evaluation of the female lead.

"Annan, didn't I give you my home phone number? You didn't contact me for two months." Seeing the female lead walk away, Qin Haoyuan's expression softened, sounding a bit aggrieved.

Ling Chunan found the male lead somewhat strange. Even if he cleared his suspicion of intentionally harming him, where did this overly familiar attitude come from? Although he thought so, Ling Chunan still smiled apologetically, "Sorry, my memory isn't that good."

"Host, you clearly remember," straightforward 098 reminded. Just a few days ago, the host mentioned the male lead's number and calling him.

"I said I forgot, and I forgot." Ling Chunan wasn't bothered. "Don't suddenly appear and scare people."

"..." It misunderstood.

The male lead thought Ling Chunan had forgotten his number. Considering the situation that day, letting the other person remember his number was quite difficult. He felt a bit guilty, "It's okay, we can exchange numbers later."

Ling Chunan nodded, glanced at the marks on his pants, and said, "I need to go back and change clothes."

"I'll go with you," the male lead offered.

Laws for the Reverser: 1. Male and female leads cannot be killed. 2. Try to get along. 3. Do not reveal your identity. 4. Cannot develop nostalgia for the task world.

Although it was best to get along, Ling Chunan couldn't help but despise the male lead's unappetizing flesh. So, he declined, "I'll go back by myself." Seeing the male lead about to say something, he added, "You came here to eat, go ahead, see you later."

Coincidentally, Ling Chunan, Tong Xiaoxiao, and Qin Haoyuan were all in the same class, so what Ling Chunan said wasn't wrong.

Qin Haoyuan seemed to realize this, though disappointed, he didn't insist.

Ling Chunan returned to the dormitory, and his roommate's bed was already neatly made. It seemed someone had come and gone. He took a set of clothes from the wardrobe, thought for a moment, and decided to take a shower first.

"Host, it's almost time for class," reminded 098 as Ling Chunan was leisurely taking a shower.

Ling Chunan responded, continued his shower unhurriedly, dried himself, wrapped several layers of gauze around the gruesome wound on his left wrist, then wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the bathroom door.

Just as Ling Chunan had put on his pants and his hand touched his clothes, the dormitory door clicked open.

This was a two-person dormitory, and since most were affluent students, they often tidied up their dorms, putting on a few sets of clothes for convenience and handling unexpected situations. Of course, most people still chose to go home at night, but Ling Chunan was an exception.

As for his roommate, Ling Chunan hadn't met him yet.

But now, his arrival seemed quite timely.

Ling Chunan raised an eyebrow and, in the eyes of the newcomer, continued calmly putting on his clothes.

The young man had a slender figure, fair and handsome, but for some reason, lacked a bit of color. From the doorway, you could see the beautiful muscular lines on his back, the slightly raised buttocks obstructed by annoying pants, but the enchanting curves alone were enough to make one's blood boil.

The legendary Fifth Lord, who had never been interested in beauty, unexpectedly fell in love at first sight after seeing his nephew's roommate from behind.

After Ling Chunan finished dressing, he turned to look at the newcomer.

Obviously, standing at the door was not his roommate but a mature man. Around thirty years old, he possessed an aggressively handsome appearance. He was about a head taller than Ling Chunan, who was currently about 178cm tall. The man exuded a strong aura, just standing there made people feel breathless.

Feeling the intense and hot gaze in the other's eyes, Ling Chunan smiled at him, "Hello, may I ask who you are?" At the same time, he quickly called 098 in his mind, "098, come out! I need to ask you something."

"Host, what can I help you with?"

"The rules only said not to develop nostalgia for the task world, which means, under this premise, I can pursue my favored bed partner, right?"


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