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Chapter 3

In his previous life, Ling Chunan only lived to be twenty years old, but he was quite clear about his sexual orientation. As for the specific type of appearance and physique he liked, he wasn't sure until he saw the person in front of him, but now there was no doubt that this person perfectly fit his preferences.

Handsome, tall enough, well-built, with a strong presence, and even the age was his favorite mature type; it perfectly matched his criteria for choosing a partner.

For the host who was completely infatuated, 098 paused and reminded, "As long as the host can control himself..." Before it could finish, it saw the host shyly smiling at the man.

Could it be that after this world ends, it has to find a new host again? Thinking about the energy consumed by Ling Chunan, 098 felt a bit distressed. It thought... maybe the host could still save the situation.

The young man's eyes were pitch black, with a slight lift at the corners when he smiled, and a shallow dimple at the corner of his lips. It was truly captivating. Thinking about the handsome figure he had seen earlier, Zeng Wuyue couldn't help but discreetly swallow his saliva. Then, with a serious expression, he extended his hand, "Hello, I'm Zeng Wuyue, your roommate's uncle."

Ling Chunan naturally understood the meaning in the man's eyes. It surprised him a bit, but he remained composed, shaking the hand in front of him, "Hello, I'm Ling Chunan, a freshman this year, in the same class as your nephew."

The young man's hand was a size smaller than the man's, and his fingertips were slightly cool, fitting perfectly into the warmth of the man's hand.

Feeling the warmth of the hand, Zeng Wuyue's mind drifted for a moment. He only realized after a while and let go of the young man's hand. Seeing the somewhat ambiguous expression on the young man's face, despite his experience in the underworld, he couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. He touched his nose, "Ahem, I got a bit distracted just now, sorry."

Ling Chunan withdrew his gaze from the man's straight nose, smiling, "It's okay, Uncle. Is there something you need in our dormitory?" He glanced at the name tag hanging at the end of his roommate's bed, "Zhang Hao isn't here."

The term 'Uncle' made Zeng Wuyue's heart tremble. Was he that old? But looking at the young man, he shouldn't be more than eighteen this year. He was thirty-two, a whole fourteen years older... Calling him 'Uncle' didn't seem wrong. Despite his inner turmoil, he maintained a smile, "I just came by casually. Since he's not here, let it be. I wonder if Little Nan has time to accompany me for a stroll around the school?"

"Sure." Ling Chunan nodded, "I don't have class right now. Uncle, please wait a moment; I'll change my shoes." He turned around, casually buttoning up the shirt on his left wrist and took a pair of shoes from the shoe cabinet.

The young man's feet were fair, almost like jade carvings. The faint blue veins under the almost transparent skin were particularly prominent. The round and cute toes and the nails painted in a beautiful pink color.

Zeng Wuyue's expression darkened slightly. At the moment the young man extended his foot, he even had the impulse to cradle those perfect feet in his arms and savor them. However, he quickly regained his composure and, as the young man stood up, he had already put on a righteous smile.

While changing his shoes, Ling Chunan called out to 098 again, "098, can you find information on this person?" He hadn't encountered someone like this in the plot he received.

"Returning to the host, Zeng Wuyue, also known as Zeng Wuye on the street, has great influence in both the legal and illegal circles. He is the uncle of the male lead Zhang Hao. Other information is unclear." 098 dutifully responded, "However, this person exudes a strong aura of bloodshed, presumably having killed many people. He is extremely dangerous; I advise the host to stay away."

"No wonder I like his scent so much." After hearing 098's words, Ling Chunan took another deep breath, then happily went out with the dangerously intriguing character, ignoring the system's reminder.

098: "... Host, don't forget you are still a student. Classes have already started, and the male lead is waiting for you in the classroom."

Apparently ignoring 098's internal call, Ling Chunan spent over two hours wandering the campus with this 'uncle,' circling the entire school. In the process, he casually disclosed his background and life experiences, made plans to meet again, and left contact information. Zeng Wuyue reluctantly bid farewell after that.

And the nephew, who had been forgotten on the side, had been anxiously waiting in the dormitory for hours after receiving the notification that his uncle was coming to visit the school.

"I think he's a pretty good person, articulate, gentlemanly, powerful. A good candidate for a companion, don't you think, 098?" On the way back, Ling Chunan chatted idly with the system. What he didn't say was that he found this person very appetizing.

"Host, don't be deceived by his appearance." 098 replied gloomily.

"It's okay. I like being deceived by him." Ling Chunan smiled with narrowed eyes, then rubbed his chin. "I remember I turned eighteen last month."

"..." Did the host really start thinking like this as soon as he came of age?

Fortunately, after the uncle left, Ling Chunan finally remembered the poor male lead. Recalling his schedule, he headed to the classroom.

The teacher on the podium was fervently lecturing, and Qin Haoyuan had a stern face. The seats around him were like a vacuum, and even the teacher dared not ask him questions due to his oppressive aura.

Entering the classroom from the back door, Ling Chunan sat next to Qin Haoyuan in full view of everyone.

Seeing this, even the teacher on the podium couldn't help but sweat for Ling Chunan. Some students had tried sitting next to Qin Haoyuan, fearless of death, but they were all scared off by a single glance from him. One even got punched a couple of times and was currently nursing a black eye in the corner of the classroom.

This young man looked really good. It would be a shame if his face got ruined. Everyone thought so.

However, to their surprise, as soon as the young man sat next to Qin Haoyuan, the icy atmosphere around him instantly melted. The previously iceberg-like Qin Haoyuan even nodded at the young man, still with a stern face, but the dispelled chill was genuine.

Who on earth is this young man!

After exchanging a few words with Qin Haoyuan, the crowd couldn't help but rub their eyes in disbelief. Did they see it right? The previously frosty Qin Haoyuan actually smiled?

"Sorry, my senior came to visit, and I showed him around the school. I came late." Ling Chunan sincerely explained, "I wanted to call you, but it seems we haven't exchanged numbers yet."

"No problem." Qin Haoyuan smiled and handed his phone to Ling Chunan. "Your number."

"098, not to brag, but I'm sure the male lead has fallen for me." Ling Chunan chatted with 098 while playing with his phone. "This male lead is too young, lacking in life experience."

In other words — he's too easy to deceive.

"Returning to the host, we will keep your opinion in mind. In the next world, we will definitely choose a high IQ male lead for you." 098's voice was cold.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it." Ling Chunan replied in his mind. "Preferably more handsome and with a more succulent meat. This male lead's meat is not tasty enough."

Initially thinking it would be a one-time joke, 098 said, "Host, the system doesn't provide food."

"But Uncle Zeng's scent smells delicious, his meat must be tasty." Ling Chunan was enthusiastic.

"..." Host, I remember you said before that you were looking for a bed partner, not food.

Regardless of 098's thoughts, Ling Chunan quickly found an opportunity to be alone with Uncle Zeng.

It was the first weekend of school, and under the persuasion of Ling Chunan's roommate Zhang Hao, the entire Class 2 went out for a meal. After satisfying their appetites, the group of young people inevitably wanted to have some fun. Zhang Hao, with his uncle's help, booked a private room at his family's club.

Ling Chunan naturally knew who Zhang Hao's uncle was. With the friendly inquiry from the male lead, he went along.

As for the female lead, she had left early after dinner.

Being good-looking and Zhang Hao's roommate, Ling Chunan had a good relationship with most male and female students. So, when it came to toasting, he became the most popular person.

Initially, Qin Haoyuan wanted to help him block the toasts, but when he saw Ling Chunan's soft look, he couldn't help but retract his hand. He pinched the cup in his hand, his eyes showing the youth's blushing cheeks and moist eyes. His throat felt a bit dry.

As Ling Chunan poured the wine into his mouth, he asked, "098, has Uncle Zeng arrived?"

"Returning to the host, the target is ten meters away from this private room." 098 reluctantly replied.

Ling Chunan stood up with a sudden jolt due to the alcohol. Because he was a bit drunk, his body swayed a bit. Qin Haoyuan, who had been observing him, supported him. After stabilizing himself, Ling Chunan broke free from Qin Haoyuan's hand, smiled at him, and said, "I need to use the restroom."

Qin Haoyuan was momentarily stunned by Ling Chunan's smile. It wasn't until Ling Chunan opened the door and unsteadily walked out that he remembered he forgot to remind him that there was a restroom in the private room. He hurried out to look for Ling Chunan but couldn't find him.

Zeng Wuyue, followed by a few bodyguards, was chatting about business with recent partners while walking towards the private room. Suddenly, he heard a door opening in front of him. Looking over, he saw the little guy he had been thinking about for days stumbling out.

The young man's eyes were unfocused, his face was flushed, and he couldn't walk steadily. It was evident he had drunk quite a bit.

An inexplicable anger surged from the bottom of Zeng Wuyue's heart, and he stood still. However, when the young man swayed towards him step by step, just as he reached him, his body went soft, seemingly about to fall. Zeng Wuyue instinctively reached out to catch him, pulling him into his arms. The young man murmured a "Uncle" from his nose and fell silent. Lowering his head to take a look, he was asleep. Shaking his head, he thought about the fact that he had just quarreled with a child, and couldn't help but find it amusing.

But the others around Zeng Wuyue felt like they had just walked through hell. Cold sweats covered their bodies, especially the bodyguards who had tried to stop the young man earlier. They were almost scared to pee.

Who didn't know that Zeng Wuyue was not interested in beauty? Anyone who approached him, be it a man or a woman, no matter how good-looking, never had a good ending. But they never expected that today, Zeng Wuyue would voluntarily hug a drunk beautiful youth. And his expression... was it indulgent?

Could it be that Zeng Wuyue is in love? And with this young man who looks even younger than him? Thinking of this possibility, everyone couldn't help but shudder, unable to comprehend that the famous Zeng Wuyue would like


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