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Chapter 119: Love is a Green Light

Shi Yiyuan could never have imagined that, from the moment Lin Xian appeared, Nie Jia had been systematically executing his revenge step by step. He even knew about the incident where he shot Shi Lao, causing Wen Qinglin to jump off the building. Despite the considerable time that had passed, this matter was long past the statute of limitations, a full seven years. Even if it were exposed to Mrs. Wen, the Wen family wouldn't have the ability to control him.

However, she, unfortunately, killed Shi Lao, and the evidence was indisputable. Now, the Wen family stepped in, giving her a severe sentence, all for the sake of the twenty-seven-year-old baby and Wen Qinglin. Killing Shi Lao was just to convict her!

Even the fact that she killed Shi Lao was calculated!

Growing up in this dark underworld family, she had mastered all the tricks, but in the end, she fell into the hands of a young man!

"It's you! You're the one who killed my father! It's you who forced me to kill him!" Shi Yiyuan struggled fiercely, shouting in resentment at Nie Jia.

Nie Jia coldly smiled, "Yes, I forced you. What can you do to me?"

Faced with Nie Jia's provocation, Shi Yiyuan could no longer contain her anger, gnashing her teeth, "Just wait for me! I will never let you go! Just wait!"

"Wait until you come out of prison alive," Nie Jia responded indifferently.

Shi Yiyuan, furious beyond measure, almost broke free from the police restraints. Fortunately, Su City's Chief Su grabbed her in time. At this moment, Shi Yiyuan looked disheveled, her hair scattered, devoid of the usual elegance and nobility. Despite the chaos, she still held her head high, like a fallen monarch of a defeated nation.

As Shi Yiyuan was taken away in public, the members of the powerful families exchanged glances, none daring to intervene. Her subordinates were also in panic and confusion. Where would their family go from here? No one dared to ask Shi Chen.

Lin Haoran stood in the crowd, staring blankly at Nie Jia under the lights, speechless.

"Alright, the play is over. Let's go back," Shi Chen took Nie Jia's cup, casually placed it aside, and stood up, holding his hand.

Ye Ying nodded slightly to Mrs. Wen, "It's getting late, Grandma Wen, you should go back too."

Tonight, Grandma Wen was both saddened and relieved. Weary, she nodded to Ye Ying and, supported by Wen Yuanfeng, left the funeral parlor.

"Uncle, Mr. Nie, take care," Lin Xian stood respectfully with his head lowered, and Lu Lu imitated him, both glancing at the disheveled Lin Haoran beside them.

Remembering something, Nie Jia turned around, "By the way, although Shi Lao's will has been torn, you all know the content. Does anyone have objections?"

The family members hurriedly shook their heads. Shi Yilong, showing great tact, stepped forward, "Since it's Big Brother's will, Lin Xian naturally becomes the family head."

The family members echoed in agreement, surrounding Lin Xian's family with flattering voices. However, the young couple and the little girl showed no joy. After watching Nie Jia and Shi Chen leave, Lin Xian held Lu Lu on one hand and walked away without looking back, leaving behind this murky ground of power.

Lu Lu lay on Lin Xian's shoulder, looking at the defeated Lin Haoran with cold eyes. The atmosphere was as chilling as an ice blade.

The news of Shi Yiyuan being taken away from the funeral parlor was exploded that night. The news content was vague, only mentioning that Shi Yiyuan was handcuffed by criminal police, without specifying the reason. However, this didn't hinder netizens from speculating on the truth. With Shi Lao's sudden death and the funeral not even over, why would her daughter be taken to the police station?

The next day, news of Shi Yiyuan patricide hit the hot search list. People from other regions who didn't know who Shi Yiyuan was clicked into the news and were instantly shocked by the dramatic reality.

A daughter of the underworld, the wife of a wealthy family, someone with such a dazzling title—what could drive a person like that to commit such a crazy act as patricide? Was it a struggle for inheritance?

Before the official report came out, the video of Shi Yiyuan shooting the baby in the hospital twenty-seven years ago surfaced.

Although the footage was blurry due to its age, it was clear enough to recognize Shi Yiyuan herself. Her arrogant demeanor seemed to penetrate the computer screen.

Young Shi Yiyuan, dressed in a black long dress, with a high ponytail and a gun in hand, entered the frame. Without saying a word, she lifted her hand and shot, turning the infant on the bed into a pool of blood. The video had no sound, but the flame from the muzzle and the blood splattered on the wall were vivid.

Countless viewers, like the just-delivered Wen Qinglin on the hospital bed, were dumbfounded.

Her cruelty and indifference in the eerie black-and-white footage made people shudder for no apparent reason. Many even vomited directly in front of the computer.

The video was deleted shortly after its release, but several sets of gifs were still circulating.

Public anger surged. Even though they didn't know why Shi Yiyuan was arrested, people were already demanding her death penalty for stirring up public anger and killing her grandfather. A person who could harm a newborn was no longer considered human!

Shi Yiyuan didn't deserve human rights; she should die immediately!

The outcry was so loud that Lin's stocks plummeted. Lin Group had just revived with the funds from the Qin family and had not recovered yet. It was hit hard by this tsunami, almost unable to stand up.

When Lin Haoran received a desperate call from his father, he was drinking face to face with Qin Huai. Lin's father rambled on for a long time, and Lin Haoran crushed the cigarette with his fingertips, hoarsely saying, "Dad, Mom has been arrested for a week. When are you coming to Qin City to find out about her situation?"

Lin's father couldn't control his anger, "She has aroused public anger, killed your grandfather, harmed the Shi family, and ruined the Lin family. What do I need to find out? I just hope she dies inside! Don't talk nonsense. Regardless, you have to stabilize the Qin family over there. We have a gambling agreement with the Qin family; don't forget it. If this matter doesn't pass, you can sleep under a bridge with me!"

"The Qin family has Qin Yunhu at the top and Qin Hui below. Qin Huai can't handle this matter." Lin Haoran said casually.

"Even if he can't handle it, he has to! Are you just useless watching from the sidelines?" Lin's father shouted frantically.

Lin Haoran directly hung up the phone. He threw the phone on the table, smiled bitterly, poured himself a glass of wine, and looked at Qin

Huai across from him. "Sorry, let you see a joke."

"Hao Ran, I said I treat you as a friend, a friend for a lifetime. No matter what, you must hold on this time. I can't help you much now, but in a few years, I will take over the power..." Qin Huai wanted to say more, but Lin Haoran's decadent laughter interrupted him. "I'm fine. I just... now I understand why my brother wanted to have a family so much. It turns out that the feeling of having no family is so bitter..."

Before, accompanied by a lawyer, he went to see Shi Yiyuan once. She was still extremely angry, knowing that the situation was irreversible, and before parting with life, she just scolded Lin Haoran, the useless son, for a while, then left with a wave of her hand. Now, she was blamed by her father again.

The Shi family was now in Lin Xian's hands, and the Lin family was finished as well. Family members turned against each other, and suddenly, Lin Haoran felt the harsh reality.

He rubbed his face and wiped away a tear with his hand.

Qin Huai patted his shoulder with a bitter expression. Faced with such turbulence, he didn't know what to say.

"I'm fine," Lin Haoran smiled.

Qin Huai furrowed his brows and said, "The signature my grandfather gave to Lin Xian was with the consent of your uncle. I feel guilty about this matter. If I had realized it earlier, I wouldn't have advised you to sign that gambling agreement, letting the Lin family fall into the trap."

When it came to this matter, Qin Huai felt endless remorse.

However, Lin Haoran didn't care. At this moment, he didn't care about the life or death of the Lin family. "Business is like a battlefield; you don't need to take it to heart."

Qin Huai said, "All of this is Nie Jia's revenge, right?"

"Nie Jia..." Lin Haoran murmured the name he had missed in his dreams, then smiled bitterly, "Whether it's a coincidence or Nie Jia's calculation, I brought this upon myself, so be it."

He picked up his phone, seemingly remembered something, then put it back down and said to Qin Huai, "Can I borrow your phone?"

Using Qin Huai's phone, he dialed Nie Jia's number. After a few seconds, it was answered. "Hello, I'm Nie Jia's secretary. Mr. Nie is busy; if you have any matters, please leave a message, and I'll convey it for you."

"You tell him... I want to see him," Lin Haoran said with a hoarse voice.

"Are you... Mr. Lin?" The secretary recognized his voice.

From the other end, Nie Jia's voice came, indifferent as ice, "Who?"

"Mr. Lin," the secretary replied.

Lin Haoran suddenly felt a tug at his heart. He knew Nie Jia would never meet him... but even just saying a few words to him would be good.

But Nie Jia's voice was as cold as ever, "Hang up."

"Alright, Mr. Nie."

Before the call was disconnected, Lin Haoran heard the cheerful voice of Shi Yiyuan in the background, "Husband, let's have the wedding at this place..."

"Sure," Nie Jia's voice was gentle and obedient, just like it used to be towards himself.

A familiarity he couldn't remember anymore.

The secretary hung up the phone, and Lin Haoran, lost in thought, ultimately just smiled helplessly at Qin Huai.

"Don't think about him anymore," Qin Huai said dryly.

"It's okay. The last concern is finally over." Lin Haoran, with red eyes, smiled at Qin Huai and said, "The wine is gone; do you have any stock left in your liquor cabinet?"

"Wait, I'll get it," Qin Huai rubbed his knees, stood up, and planned to have a good drink with Lin Haoran today. He left the living room, and as soon as he opened the liquor cabinet, he heard the sound of the window opening behind him.

Qin Huai's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly ran back, only to see Lin Haoran standing by the window, calmly pouring himself down from the 23rd floor.

Stunned, Qin Huai stared at the empty window for a long time. The bottle of red wine in his hand slipped and shattered on the floor.

Lin Haoran's death was not widely known, and not many people cared. The public's attention was still on Shi Yiyuan's trial, and no one paid attention to how the former young master disappeared.

Nie Jia cared even less. After learning about Lin Haoran's suicide, he just smiled indifferently. Finally, no one would come to bother him. Lin Haoran's death did not bring any emotional fluctuations to Nie Jia. He continued to discuss wedding details with Shi Yiyuan, full of enthusiasm. After all, the two had been married three times, and Shi Yiyuan always wanted to add some unique touches.

Half a month later, Nie Jia and Shi Yiyuan's wedding took place on a remote island. Very few people attended, and even Han Manny was not invited; only close associates were present.

When they exchanged wedding rings, Ye Ying couldn't help covering her mouth, silently shedding tears. Ten Li was surprised, holding a dirty beach ball, and cautiously asked, "Sister Ying, why are you crying?"

Ye Ying said, "The boss had a drastic change in temperament some time ago, behaving like a fool every day. I didn't expect Mr. Nie to still be willing to take him. I'm really moved."

"What are you saying!" Shi Chen raised his eyebrows like a roaring dragon, lifted his foot, took off his shoes, and threw them at Ye Ying's head. However, they hit Lang Yijiro's head next to her.

Lang Yijiro blushed and stammered to Ye Ying, "Sister Ying, if one day... you, you also become foolish, I'm willing, willing to..."

Ignoring him, Ye Ying quickly ran away, avoiding the shoes and telling Ten Li, "See, I told you. The boss used to be so elegant, but now he's just a rough man."

Shi Chen, burning with anger, laughed as he hugged Shi Yiyuan from behind. Nie Jia, from the side, shouted, "Run!"


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