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Chapter 427: Hell Descends Upon the Mortal Realm!

The brilliant colors of the stars, manipulated by the mysterious spell "Mirror Transformation - Heaven and Earth" cast by Aurora, were sent back along the original path. Lucia's face revealed a slight expression of surprise, then she uttered a single word.


At the moment her words fell, the reflected starlight exploded the moment it left the mirror, transforming into a fierce stellar fire.

In the rising starfire and shockwaves, several phantom figures were instantly obliterated!

The walls inside the mine were directly cut through, leaving a meter-thick layer of rock demolished, and all magical runes were nearly destroyed!

In just these two or three seconds, Lynn and the others had vanished...

However, she wasn't worried because the projection of the divine realm had already expanded to cover the entire mining mountain, every move of the other party under her control!

Lucia didn't rush to pursue but instead looked down, the once pristine white holy robe on her body had been cut by the terrifying laser beam, further damaged in the violent thunderous force moments ago, relying solely on her divine arts to sustain it.

Lucia tore apart her torn robe, using the energy of divine arts to rebuild a new holy robe, and with an icy tone, she spoke.

"The blasphemer shall descend into hell!"

The words of the divine became reality!

The entire divine realm projection quietly underwent a change, centered on this mine, rapidly spreading in all directions.

Wails and screams that sent shivers down the spine echoed out of nowhere, a terrifying aura surged, and the once joyful land turned into an inferno in an instant...

Meanwhile, Lynn and the others, forced to flee, were swiftly moving along an abandoned mine passage.

"President Harof, are you alright?" Lynn expressed concern.

At this moment, Harof's face bore traces of blood, a large hole in his chest, tattered clothes, and he sounded like a leaking drum with every breath, appearing extremely miserable!

"I'm fine, can't die!" Harof laboriously took out a bottle of "Water of Life" and drank it straight.

The large hole in his chest rapidly healed before the naked eye!

This legendary magical medicine was undoubtedly precious, but now was clearly not the time to be frugal; life was always more important than material possessions...

"It seems our planned strategy has failed. What should we do now?" Aurora sensed that her projection magic had been completely shattered, speaking with a grave expression.

According to their plan, they intended to lure the two legendary figures of the Holy See here, join forces to fight them four against two, and then, using the lightning-based legendary spells set up by the alchemy array, push them to the limit, inducing them to unleash the Gate of Heaven!

Based on Harof and others' research on the spatial portals within the magic crystal mine, the more powerful an entity, the more challenging it was for them to cross dimensions.

Entities like Ivina, even with a legendary priest providing enough energy at the cost of their own life, would still take about six or seven seconds from opening the gate to the pseudo-god stepping out!

This time was enough for him to launch the nuclear explosion magic inside!

However, Lynn did not expect that the opponent would push them into such a desperate situation with just a single incarnation!

Their carefully laid traps were also diminished in potency by the insulating body, providing almost no effect...

"Normal attacks can't kill this Holy See's saint, even dismemberment is useless. I've tested it just now!" Lynn reminded.

Harof and others looked serious but soon relaxed.

During the Battle of the Royal Capital, Edweil also demonstrated a similar ability to an undying body, but in the end, they still managed to kill him.

This proved that an undying body was not truly immortal; it had its limits!

It might require a massive amount of energy or have an upper limit on healing capabilities.

"We can only use your new magic then." Victorio looked at Lynn. With the power of nuclear magic, if located at the core of the explosion, nothing would be left!

There would be no possibility of bodily reconstruction.

"But, do we really need to use it here? Just to deal with an incarnation?" Aurora hesitated.

"With the power demonstrated by the opponent, it's definitely not as simple as ordinary divine descent magic!" Harof decisively said.

Lynn remained silent; in fact, he couldn't find an opportunity to use nuclear magic!

After all, the distance between them was too close; in this situation, using nuclear magic would undoubtedly be a mutual destruction...

This was something Lynn could think of, and naturally, Harof and others were aware of it as well.

There were alternative solutions derived from this problem.

The plan was to have one person temporarily delay Lucia, allowing the others to cast the spell and escape!

The problem was, could one person really hold her back? Their combined strength wouldn't last long enough to support escaping from the explosion range.

Moreover, who would be the one to sacrifice?

"We can only leave two people behind and let two escape!" Harof sighed, then looked at Lynn and spoke again. "Can your magic be cast by someone else?"

If it could, then there was no need for Lynn, the star of magic, to sacrifice himself.

"Things haven't reached that point yet..." Lynn suddenly interrupted everyone's thoughts. "Do you remember how I had them evacuate?"

Harof and others pondered, realizing that when Lynn mentioned "them," he was referring to the wizards responsible for Victorio's alchemical array.

"In addition, do you have a way to break this divine realm projection, President Harof..." Lynn spoke again, stressing the importance.

He remembered in the previous Battle of the Royal Capital; Harof had shattered the divine realm area set up by Edweil!

"It's difficult, very difficult!" Harof furrowed his brows.

Although this was just a projection of the divine realm into the real world, the caster was the incarnation of Ivina, whose strength far exceeded that of Edweil!

"Just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's impossible, right?" Lynn emphasized once again.

"Difficult, but not impossible!" Aurora added.

Harof was about to reply when a wave of red light spread from behind them. The solid mountain rock under their feet immediately turned into a stinking mud, and skeletal hands emerged from the underground, attempting to pull Lynn and the others into it.

The walls around them continuously crumbled, revealing twisted faces on the disintegrating surfaces. In their visible front, dozens of grotesque monsters crawled out from the muddy ground, blocking their path...

A strong, nauseating stench overwhelmed them, enough to suffocate and chill anyone...

This was the depiction of hell descending upon the mortal realm as described in the scriptures!


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