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Hello everyone, I apologize for not updating for the past few days. I have been sick.

Chapter 426: Realm of Despair, The Mighty Saintess!

As soon as they engaged, everyone present realized how formidable their enemy was this time. Although constrained by the limitations of the physical body, Lucia couldn't unleash much power, but it was still beyond the reach of these pseudo-legends.

With just a glance, Victorio almost met his demise!

The raging, unquenchable flames surged quickly, blocking Lucia's pursuit.

Surviving a close call, Victorio dared not make any further attempts and immediately activated the trap they had set in advance!

Accompanied by the sound of earth and stones exploding, the ground beneath everyone's feet collapsed instantly...

Whether it was Lucia or Lynn and the others, they all fell helplessly towards the depths at the same moment!

Despite reaching the level of Grand Wizards, flying in the air was the most basic ability, but now everyone was being dragged underground by a powerful force, rendering them unable to take flight!

This was Harof's greatest achievement in the study of force field magic, combined with Victorio's alchemy to create the "Gravity Domain"!

Below where everyone was falling was a mined-out and abandoned cavern.

The walls around were adorned with intricate alchemical runes.

These spells were meticulously arranged by Victorio and over three hundred alchemists in just an hour, not just the Gravity Domain alone!

"Thunder, come!" Lynn raised his hand, a shimmering lightning appeared in his palm, and the complex alchemical runes on the walls lit up one by one. Soon, everyone present was engulfed in a sea of lightning!

The thunderous roar echoed through the underground space!

The violent power of thunder wreaked havoc indiscriminately in the entire mine, with the white-hot arcs of electricity continuously leaping and flickering, forming a dense network of lightning that encompassed everyone present.

This formation was none other than the Thunder Summoning Array he had used in the capital!

Although lacking the support of celestial phenomena, with Victorio, the 'legendary' alchemist personally improving and casting it, along with the magical power of three hundred wizards and thousands of lightning stones used to charge electromagnetic cannons.

Its power was unquestionable!

At the moment of descent, Lucia was already enveloped in the lightning, and the elements in her divine realm were directly ionized into a high-temperature plasma...

The entire mine became like a sauna with a temperature over a thousand degrees, enough to evaporate the moisture from the human body in seconds!

Similarly, Lynn and the others, struck by thunder, constructed a circular copper mesh around them at the moment of descent. That was the Faraday Cage!

All thunder was blocked outside, and they could even feel the cool breeze caused by the electron wind.

For Archmages and Legendary Mages, using the magical power within their domains to create a Faraday Cage was not a difficult task. The difficulty lay in understanding its principles!

The rampant lightning continued to flicker. Lynn, Harof, Aurora, and Victorio, after landing, anxiously watched the center of the mine.

As the center of the array, most of the power of the thunder gathered there, forming a gigantic vortex of lightning, with white-hot plasma constantly surging, emitting a chilling aura!

"She might already be dead, right?" Aurora said in a low voice as Lucia descended.

"Maybe..." Victorio responded casually. This array was personally arranged by him, so he naturally understood its power.

Although due to the sudden attack by the Holy See, they didn't have time to perfect this array, its power surpassed ordinary legendary magic.

Victorio believed that if he fell into this trap himself, without being able to release the Faraday Cage, he would probably be dead...

But their target was the Saintess of the Holy See, likely the incarnation of the pseudo-god Lucia. Even Victorio wasn't completely confident!

Just as the two spoke, the gathered vortex of thunder exploded directly, revealing the interior!

The surface rocks had melted into molten lava due to the high temperature, and Lucia's feet stood on the scorching lava. Her fair skin had turned into a vivid red due to the high temperature, sweat soaked her robe, and dense electric arcs surrounded her...

However, the sharp-eyed Lynn saw that most of the lightning couldn't penetrate about three centimeters from her body surface. Only a small part could break through and enter her body.

Harof, Aurora, Victorio, and Lynn were all shocked, and Lynn felt a sinking feeling.

"Some kind of insulating material?"

Obviously, the opponent utilized some insulating element, significantly weakening the power of thunder magic, and then blocked the remaining small part. That was why the opponent could stand there intact...

This was the conscious and unconscious difference. The former wizard, Ella, was much more difficult to deal with than those 'ignorant' divine art practitioners.

Damn, if only he had switched to chlorotrifluoroethylene...

Lynn regretted to himself.

Mainly because using that as a trap would easily burn himself to death.

He also didn't expect that the Holy See's Saintess would turn out to be Ella's incarnation. This thunder trap was enough to deal with those 'illiterate' bishops...

"Retreat!" Lynn uttered these two words with difficulty; their previous plan had failed!

"Want to escape?" Lucia's cold voice echoed in everyone's ears, followed by a strong and dazzling divine light emerging from her body.

The divine light was extremely fast, instantly covering the entire mine. Everyone present immediately felt their domains further suppressed. Not only that, but their movements also became incredibly sluggish...

It was the element of air spontaneously hindering their actions!

In fact, without the protection of the domain, these elements would turn into deadly weapons, piercing their bodies from all directions!

"Color of the Stars!"

Lucia spoke again. In the void around her, brilliant starlight emerged, converging into a river of stars rushing towards everyone present.

Harof, closest to Lucia, suffered first. The protection around him shattered in the explosion of starfire. A crisp sound of bone breaking echoed as a huge gap tore open in his chest, blood sprayed out wildly, and he flew out, crashing heavily to the ground.

"Harof?" Victorio exclaimed, but he couldn't afford to check on his condition because the azure river of stars was already close.

"Realm of Water Curtain!"

At this moment, numerous illusions immediately appeared in the mine. Dozens of Auralas, one after another, surrounded Lucia, forming a circle. Before the river of stars arrived, they all rebuked in unison.

"Mirror Shift - Heaven and Earth!"

The emerging starlight seemed to enter a lake, being absorbed by the appearing water curtain. Immediately after, it was rebounded along the same path.


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