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Chapter 425: She is Saint Lucia, Aila, and also a god!

With the arrival of the three councilors, the situation on the battlefield instantly reversed.

Lucia was tightly bound by alchemical runic chains, her expression unchanged as she calmly spoke, "It seems your target isn't just the oil..."

"Of course, we'll take the oil, but after dealing with you," Harof sneered in response.

Their airship wasn't flying aimlessly; heading to the oil location was just a diversion!

The importance of oil was undeniable, but it couldn't serve as a battlefield for that reason!

"Why is there only one person? Where is the High Judge?" Victorio was surprised; according to their plan, Lynn and others would try to lure both legendary figures of the Holy See for a joint resolution.

"Dealing with just this one isn't bad," Aurora said with a hint of a smile in her eyes.

If it were four against two, there might be room for error. If the enemy forcefully broke through, that would be troublesome.

But now it was four against one, the advantage was ours!

Thinking this, Aurora soon noticed something was amiss. The Holy See's Saint Lucia, despite being surrounded by them and bound by Victorio's alchemy, showed no sign of worry on her face.

"Is this all you planned for tonight?" Lucia spoke, sounding somewhat disappointed.

The wizards' goal not being the oil indeed surprised her. However, using polarization magic, she had sensed Victorio and others hiding here, as well as the alchemical arrays laid underground. She didn't pay much attention, though.

For her, whether facing one person, four, or ten, it made no difference!

"Now that everyone is here, let's settle this together!" Lucia's gaze turned cold, a terrifying magical aura surged around her, and the chains binding her suddenly trembled.

[Projection—Divine Realm!]

A grand hymn echoed through the night sky. Following that, the desolate land saw a surge of plant life, vines winding out, destroying the alchemical arrays on the ground.

Lucia floated in the air, her eyes sparkling like stars. The chains binding her shattered instantly, and everything within sight, the entire barren land, transformed into a divine sanctuary...

Lynn stepped back hastily but was still enveloped by the divine realm. What shocked him more was that Lucia didn't use holy words to unleash the Divine Realm.

Previously, when she used power beyond the Archbishop's, she didn't seem to pray like Edweil did...

In an instant, all the information converged in his mind, and the earlier confusion was suddenly unraveled!

"You're not the Holy See's Saint!"

Lynn's pupils contracted, and he spoke decisively, "You're Aila? That...pseudo-god?"

In the entire Holy See, only one person had the ability to command the Pope to baptize wizards as 'evil' and mobilize the power of the Divine Realm without using holy words.

That person was Aila, the god revered by the Holy See!


Harof, Victorio, and Aurora looked at the floating Lucia in shock. With Lynn's reminder, they all quickly realized.

The Saint chosen from among the nuns, rotating every few years, living a comfortable life in the Holy City, couldn't possibly possess such power!

Perhaps it was some kind of divine descent!

What chilled them even more was that she was conscious, extremely sharp in thought, completely different from their previous assumptions...

This was undoubtedly the worst situation!

"Have you found a way to eliminate the poison of faith?" Victorio asked, his expression both horrified and filled with intense desire.

The faith-turned-magic was a shortcut to a higher realm, a path they had abandoned due to the obstacle of the poison of faith.

It would corrode one's will, assimilating them completely into the imagined god of the believers!

Lucia ignored the title of pseudo-god, looking down on them. Her star-like eyes swept over the four, finally focusing on Lynn, saying coldly,

"This is the last chance; regret is still an option now!"

In response, a flame that seemed to burn eternally appeared around Lynn...

The meaning was clear; only battle remained!

Although things had taken a somewhat unexpected turn, all their preparations were for this battle!

There was no reason to surrender before the battle!

Lucia remained silent. Since she couldn't use them, they had to be eliminated as threats!

As the imminent battle approached, Harof made the first move. The space around him twisted, accompanied by a slight sound resembling glass shattering. Black threads rapidly spread within the Divine Realm projection, collapsing the area, shattering plants and trees...

This was the legendary magical spell—[Temporal Blade]!

Simultaneously, the destroyed alchemical runes on the ground silently reconnected, and from all directions, they targeted Lucia...

Lucia's expression remained indifferent, allowing the chains and invisible blades piercing through her body, pulling her into a vortex of space.

It was then that Aurora urgently reminded,

"You're attacking an illusion. Be careful, Victorio; her real self is on your right!"

Victorio's mind had already sounded the alarm. The Divine Realm compressed around him to less than three meters, and his perception abilities were significantly reduced.

Unknown when, Saint Lucia's figure had appeared to his side. Her right hand, gleaming with magical radiance, had already penetrated his protective magic...

A fear aimed at the depths of the soul surged in Victorio's brain...

The intense sixth sense made him realize that once hit, he was doomed!

Fortunately, Lynn and the others had already reacted. A strong beam of laser shot through the air.

Though he couldn't instantly unleash a fifth-level laser without the ruby as a focus, risking reflection, Lucia didn't dare to gamble on that probability. Layers of rippling water screens appeared, diverting the beam, but also missing the opportunity to kill Victorio...

[Grand Disintegration Spell!] [Death's Touch]

Harof and Aurora, working together, shattered the layers of water screens. The intense laser beam slashed out again, and Victorio took advantage of this moment to distance himself, breaking free from her control...


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