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Chapter 423: Legendary Divine Art - Rain of Stars!

Lucia, riding a griffin, naturally noticed the fighter jets speeding through the air.

In her magical sight, the polarizing magic that could achieve visual invisibility had no effect.

"The highest speed is actually over three hundred kilometers per hour?" Lucia quickly estimated the opponent's speed through the maneuvers of the fighter jets in the air.

If quantified, a mere three hundred kilometers per hour wouldn't count for much, but in their current state, these new alchemical creations might pose a threat.

A divine light shimmered in Lucia's palm, ready to leave these new alchemical creations stranded here.

However, the next moment, the fighter jets changed their course and evacuated in different directions.

"Escaping?" Lucia furrowed her brows, not bothering to pursue further. Instead, she raised her hand towards the sky, and a brilliant divine light instantly spread, piercing through the entire sky.

Powerful magical fluctuations made Lynn and the others a kilometer away stand on end. Subsequently, under their gaze, numerous dazzling starlights descended from the sky.

"What is this... a meteor shower?" Harof's expression turned solemn, sensing a strong sense of danger from these falling starlights.

"Inform everyone, reinforce defenses, full speed ahead, we must leave this place immediately!" Lynn realized something was amiss and immediately gave the command.

The range covered by the starlight was as much as three kilometers. The fighter jets, with their high speed, swiftly raced through and successfully left the area before the starlight descended. However, the slower airships weren't as fortunate...

The falling starlight immediately revealed its terrifying power, effortlessly piercing and dissolving the characteristic leather of the airship's envelope. Even the wizards on board were not spared; their protective magic was thinner than paper and quickly melted in the rising star flames.

In an instant, more than twenty airships crashed thunderously, causing more destruction than the harassment and breath of a fire dragon!

This was the legendary divine art—[Rain of Stars]!

Lynn's airship was also within the range of [Rain of Stars], but the difference was that all these starlights were blocked by the spatial barrier created by Harof. However, they were powerless to aid the remaining allies and could only watch as ship after ship sank into the sea of starlight.

Having resisted the [Rain of Stars], Harof didn't have half a moment to catch his breath because Lucia, riding a griffin, was now less than two hundred meters away from them!

This meant that the enemy had entered the range of the laser!

The pilot responsible for controlling the laser immediately launched an attack!

Lynn, on the side, immediately thought of something but couldn't stop it in time because light is just too fast!

At the moment the button was pressed, a powerful laser shot out, directly targeting Saint Lucia!

With a speed of three hundred thousand kilometers per second, there was almost no possibility of evasion. However, Lucia didn't plan to dodge. She had already witnessed this peculiar laser and naturally wouldn't be unprepared.

An invisible curtain appeared in front of her, and the red laser, like passing through the water's surface, deviated from Lucia's side. Immediately, Lucia opened her mouth and uttered, "Reflect!"

The moment the words fell, the transparent curtain immediately solidified. The approaching light rapidly changed its angle, creating a beautiful arc in the void, and then struck towards the airship!

Fortunately, at the moment Lynn sensed something was wrong, he quickly pulled out the red gem used for casting the laser, just in time to stop the spell and avoid the risk of being killed by his own magic.

The information about the Church's Saint being able to counter laser magic had been discussed in meetings with people like Aurora. However, the drivers of these airships apparently weren't qualified to attend that meeting.

"Stellar Radiance!" Lucia spoke again, and an infinite sea of starlight manifested around her, rushing towards the massive airships.

Neither Lynn nor Harof dared to be negligent under such a powerful force. They immediately used their most potent protective magic.

[Space Barrier]!

[Indestructible Shield]!

The boundless river of starlight was weakened layer by layer under the barrier of force magic. Then it collided with the rising eternal flames, erupting into a deafening roar!

The interweaving of starlight and fierce fire caused the airship, a hundred meters away, to shake violently. Lynn and Harof showed expressions of shock, as Lucia, riding a griffin, emerged from the brilliant starlight and the endless flames of eternity!

What kind of monster is this?

Lynn was completely stunned. Lucia was surrounded by the eternal flames, so powerful that it could devour all known elements, making even the trifluorochloride seem fake, causing no impact on the Crowned Saint.

"No, something's not right. This is an illusion!" Lynn immediately realized, loudly reminding.

The false part was not her flames but Lucia herself!

Since the only thing breaking through the [Indestructible Shield] was an illusion, where was her real body?

Just as Lynn was about to speak, the previously subtly swaying airship became more violently unsteady. Then the entire cockpit emitted a harsh, unpleasant creaking sound. Whether it was the floor underfoot or the surrounding railings, everything quickly shattered as if being forcibly crushed!

As for the people on the airship, they had already flipped over the railing, escaping the fate of being crushed into powder...

Lynn was no exception, escaping from the burst airship. Having ascended to Archmage and mastered force magic, he could fly in the air without any reliance, but his speed was relatively slow.

In usual circumstances, this wouldn't be considered a weakness. However, things were different now because in his line of sight, Lucia was already riding a griffin, rapidly approaching.

"Did you choose me as the target?" Lynn's face turned grave, unsure if this was fortunate or unfortunate...

Perhaps only the term 'honored' could describe it!

With a thought, Lynn shot out clumps of eternal flames, blocking her approach. The explosive heat waves even accelerated his descent!

However, Lynn understood that this could only slightly hinder her. His gaze quickly turned to the red gem he had taken from the airship earlier...

Let's try this one!

Whether the fifth-level laser could penetrate the imperfect reflective surface, overcoming the biggest flaw of laser magic, had always been a question Lynn was exploring.

Although it hadn't been validated yet, in this desperate situation, he had no choice but to take a risk!


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