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Chapter 405: The Power of the Gods, First Major Defeat from the Empire!

The so-called wireless communication techniques come in various forms, but in general, they all utilize electromagnetic waves for communication.

For wizards who can perceive and influence electric and magnetic fields to a certain extent, using magic for this isn't particularly challenging. At the very least, sending a simple signal isn't an issue.

Considering the electromagnetic waves generated by the wizards' current abilities, after attenuation, their range is limited. Hence, Lynn used a hundred airships patrolling various regions to establish temporary signal stations covering nearly half of the kingdom.

Each airship housed a wizard well-versed in thunder magic. Upon receiving faint electromagnetic signals, they'd relay them, swiftly disseminating messages throughout the kingdom.

Though Lynn had simpler communication methods through a magical network linking those whose mental powers had been decrypted, this remained a secret for now. Similar capabilities were demonstrated only in front of Anthony and Redell.

After all, no wizard would appreciate someone easily infiltrating their mind. Revealing this without absolute power suppression would be akin to inviting trouble.

"Based on the signals we've received in these days, the progress of the two legions reclaiming kingdom territories has been remarkably smooth. Chairman Harof has even penetrated into the heart of the Empire and should be seizing the Miste Territory!"

The Miste Territory lay to the west of the Empire, bordering the kingdom. Victorio had gleaned plenty of useful information from the minds of captured priests, like it being an oil-rich region.

It was one of the two vital territories essential to seize during this counteroffensive!

"Good to hear everything's going smoothly..."

Lynn nodded, but a vague sense of unease lingered.

It had been over two months since the war's end in the capital. Surprisingly, both the Empire and the Holy See remained unusually quiet. Their scouting airships hadn't detected any signs of enemy forces breaching the borders.

This abnormality unsettled Lynn to some extent.

"I reckon the Holy City is probably in chaos right now; they won't have time for the kingdom in the short term." Raphael spoke optimistically.

The punitive force dispatched by the Holy See had just suffered two consecutive disastrous defeats. Rebuilding morale wasn't an easy task.

As Raphael pondered, the electromagnetic signal receiver in his arms suddenly lit up.

"It seems Chairman Harof has taken over the Miste Territory." Raphael remarked as he placed the receiver on the table.

Lynn glanced over. The magical transformation of electromagnetic wave technology was still in its early stages. Although wizards proficient in thunder magic had learned to send signals, they still relied on special receivers to detect these faint electromagnetic fluctuations.

Clicks and clacks echoed incessantly in the room.

Raphael began translating using a Morse code book.

This primitive electromagnetic wave receiver was rudimentary, only producing clicks upon receiving two different frequency waves.

Initially, when Lynn brought this device out, Raphael was thoroughly disappointed. While effective for long-distance communication, its message conveyance was limited.

It could only represent victory with clicks and defeat with clacks, providing them with a rough understanding of the situation.

However, the ingenuity of this magical star was incomparable. By arranging short and long sounds differently, it could create countless combinations, transmitting any desired message.

Furthermore, it could prevent the interception of signals or the capture of messengers, ensuring information remained encrypted. Only those with the codebook could decipher it!

The only downside lay in the cumbersome translation process.

"Miste Territory, major defeat..." Raphael slowly recited based on the information in the codebook.

Had the enemy already been defeated?

Raphael pondered, but soon realized the final combination of the signal seemed to indicate...

"Rescue!" Lynn immediately stood up from their seat, a grave expression on their face. Despite not consulting the codebook, they translated the entire sentence faster than Raphael. "We've encountered a major defeat in the Miste Territory and need rescue, immediately!"

Raphael felt a momentary mental fog. Being in possession of the codebook, he knew Lynn's translation was flawless!

But how was that possible?

Amazement and confusion painted Raphael's face. Although the three legions reclaiming kingdom territories each had only around ten thousand soldiers, they held absolute technological superiority!

To ensure safety, all three chairmen had already set off with the troops.

However, to create an illusion that the chairmen were still in the capital and deceive the enemy, they hadn't made themselves visible.

Now, the heavily guarded royal capital seemed oddly empty inside.

"Could it be that there's a legendary divine figure stationed in the Miste Territory?" Raphael, perplexed, could only think of this possibility.

Only the descent of a deity could crush a ten-thousand-strong legion equipped with modern firearms and armored vehicles, prompting Chairman Harof to use words like 'major defeat' in the communication.

Lynn furrowed their brows slightly, disagreeing. They had discussed similar scenarios before. Whichever legion encountered a legendary divine figure during this counteroffensive would abandon their assault immediately, opting to defend and await reinforcements, or even retreat.

Using the divine descent came with a price tag. Without going all out, the enemy shouldn't have a reason to use it recklessly.

In terms of high-end combat power, both sides would be at a standstill!

Moreover, upon encountering a legendary divine figure, Harof should have immediately sent a distress signal, not waited until retreating to request rescue.

Lynn inferred that the situation must have swiftly reversed for this to happen!

Most crucially, the message received didn't mention the use of divine descent at all!

"There's another possibility: the Empire's punitive legions suddenly appeared in the Miste Territory, maybe even launching a surprise attack..." Aurora's figure emerged from the side, suggesting the most plausible scenario.

This implied that the Empire's legions had eluded the airship surveillance, arriving right under their noses without their knowledge.

It wasn't an implausible scenario!

Perhaps the reconnaissance airships they dispatched had been silently eliminated by powerful divine arts, or maybe a large-scale invisibility magic concealed an entire legion, allowing them to march undetected, right into their blind spot...

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