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Chapter 404: This is the only thing that can counter faith!

Ulysses, unable to defend himself, was swiftly bound by a group of gunners akin to hungry wolves.

As a Bloodline Knight, Ulysses held confidence in swiftly dispatching these commoners who dared capture him at such close proximity. Yet, facing the black muzzles of guns and two enigmatic grand wizards, he wisely refrained from resistance.

Once the lord of Steel City surrendered, Lynn effortlessly seized this crucial city.

Seltoden housed the kingdom's largest iron ore production and was a pivotal target in this counteroffensive!

Steel was the foundation of industry, its significance self-evident, required in nearly all aspects!

Although the capital had established many steel workshops, their output remained insufficient. This explained their extensive research into advanced weaponry without extensive deployment.

The ability to forge armored vehicles and battleships owed greatly to magical prowess. Without it, they couldn't even produce suitable steel!

However, with the limited number of formal wizards, utilizing these high-level talents for steel production seemed wasteful. Thus, after their victory over the Holy Church, they needed to promptly establish the entire industrial chain.

After days of relentless assault, the army temporarily rested in Seltoden, resuming the play of redistributing land from the nobles.

The gunners, predominantly from humble origins, excitedly rushed into the luxurious estates of the nobility, subduing guards and inventorying wealth.

Lynn enforced strict discipline; hoarding or harming the commoners meant dismissal or severe punishment!

Fostering good military discipline often required relentless training, easily disrupted by occasional indulgence.

The plundered wealth and measured lands were distributed among the oppressed peasants.

Land redistribution, financial aid, public criticism, and aiding the wounded constituted their four methods to change the image of poverty. These tangible benefits stood as the only counter to faith!

Though most peasants lacked education, they weren't ignorant. Each reasonably intelligent person understood that if the church reclaimed power, their possessions would be reclaimed.

As Rafael witnessed chests of treasures being distributed among the impoverished, he marveled at Lynn's generosity, astonished by the magical prodigy's benevolence.

Even the Iyeta School wizards expressed reservations, unable to comprehend such lavish spending.

"Money holds value only in circulation," Lynn clarified, noting their confusion. The value of money was subjective; its true worth manifested through exchange.

Empire coins couldn't purchase airships or fighter planes, for the empire lacked such commodities.

Thus, goods produced held real value, money merely serving as a means of exchange and valuation. Money without purchasing power rendered one as destitute.

Transforming these peasants into workers, producers, and consumers would likely circulate the money given to them, forming a positive cycle...

Employment for the impoverished, economic development, and increased production arose through Lynn's rudimentary economic theories. However, Raphael and others found this concept perplexing.

"You devil's minions, shameful traitors! The great lord will cast you into hell, incinerating your souls in its fiery abyss..." shouted the arrested nobles, witnessing their treasures seized and given to the lowly peasants.

"If they yearn for that false god so dearly, let's send them to heaven!" Lynn waved, commanding elite guards to escort these nobles away.

"Traitors, shameful scum, the disgrace of nobility!" Before being taken away, the Seltoden noble scions continued their frantic tirade, now directed at Hansen and others.

Compared to the inherently 'evil' wizards, these nobles turned betrayers were more detestable...

Count Hansen paid no heed to these shouts, believing that given the chance, these loudly protesting noble scions would also readily betray for survival! It was all about being opportunistic...

Due to time constraints, needing to reclaim the kingdom's territories before the Holy Church's large army arrived, Lynn and company had no intention to linger in this steel city. They rested briefly for only three days but accomplished much.

Firstly, after investigation, the most heinous among the nobility were executed, their bodies displayed at the city gates. Those with lesser crimes were sent to mine or construct roads. Only a handful of nobles with decent reputations retained their lives and properties, stripped of their noble status.

Any factions or local bosses met a similar fate, all rounded up and executed by firing squad.

This ruthless display, coupled with their earlier policy of land distribution and financial aid, gained them initial control of this steel city within a short three days, also earning partial favor from the populace.

Another advantage was the absence of nobles hindering this land, allowing for future industrial development.

Once these matters were settled, Lynn left behind three wizards, two hundred gunners, and formed a security force of two thousand from the assisted peasants to prevent any disturbances by fanatical believers. They then prepared to move on.

"Have the council heads encountered any issues?" Before departing, Lynn called for Raphael, in charge of communication, inquiring.

During the previous war, their lack of long-range communication nearly led to catastrophe. Had it not been for Aurora coincidentally encountering the Empire's expedition fleet, their home might have been razed after the kingdom's war concluded.

Thus, having learned from that mistake, Lynn introduced the most basic wireless communication technology. This way, each legion sent to reclaim territories could contact others in case of unforeseen circumstances, avoiding repeating past mistakes...


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