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The Withering Light was a somewhat unconventional ability.

Upon activation, it had an aura-like effect, but it couldn't stack, and it didn't deduct much health. Its advantage lay in its continuous damage over the course of a prolonged battle.

Another characteristic was that the activation and maintenance of this ability didn't consume Matthew's mana.

Instead, it consumed the soul fires of the chosen undead.

In a way, it was a form of mutual destruction.

However, Matthew didn't mind this flaw.

Would a necromancer ever run out of cannon fodder?

As he gazed at the densely packed goblin zombies in the barren field ahead, a strong sense of satisfaction filled Matthew's heart.

"The Withering Light is also a perfect complement to the Corpse Explosion, but the casting range is a bit limited."

In fact, while summoning so many undead creatures simultaneously, Matthew had also realized that he was reaching the limit of his control.

This was not only related to his mental strength but also to his field of vision.

Matthew looked around.

Soon, he spotted a tall oak tree.

In the next moment, he transformed into a crow and took flight. At this moment, the moonlight was intense, and Matthew's transition to his wild shape was seamless, with smooth movements.

After a few flaps of his wings, he smoothly landed on the treetop.

Returning to his human form, Matthew stood still, looking ahead. His field of vision instantly expanded, and his control over the undead was back to its optimal level.

It was at this moment that Ella, the owl, flew over.

She shouted nervously, "Matthew, there are too many enemies, and I'm a bit scared. I dare not join you in the fight, but I can offer you some assistance within my abilities."

As she spoke, a faint white light emanated from her body, quickly entering Matthew's body.

"Hint: You have received the High Blessing 'Elegance of the Wind' from the Nature Spirit Ella.

Elegance of the Wind: Your evasion has been greatly increased."

Evasion was a valuable attribute.

Before Matthew could thank her, another beam of white light gently flew from the oak tree's canopy and entered his body.

"Hint: You have received the High Blessing 'Lucky Boom' from the Fairy Princess Lulu.

Lucky Boom: Your luck has been greatly increased."

Matthew looked down and saw a group of oak tree fairies below, fervently cheering for him. As for the shy Lulu, she disappeared after casting the High Blessing.

With two major High Blessings added, Matthew felt his chances of success greatly improved. He knew that even for nature spirits, increasing evasion and luck came at a significant cost, as seen from Ella's weakened state. It was likely that Lulu shared the same condition.

"I must hold the Oakwood Forest. This is my territory!"

Matthew fixed his determined gaze on the battlefield. Just as the enemy forces completed their deployment and preparations, the first reinforcement from Rolling Stone Town arrived.

It was led by Blade, consisting of over twenty members of the defense team, all well-equipped and armed. The only difference was their lack of mounts, causing them to arrive a bit later.

After a brief communication with Matthew and Blade, these defense team members were positioned behind the undead forces, forming the second line of defense to the north of Oakwood Forest.

If Matthew's undead army were to break through the front lines, they would engage the enemy head-on. Meanwhile, the knights of the Lord's Guard were stationed between the main battlefront and the eastern wall. This allowed them to cut into the battle from the sides, performing tasks like breaking formations and harvesting.

However, in recent years, there were very few territorial disputes, and knights were mostly experienced in dealing with bandits and driving away goblins. It remained uncertain whether they could live up to their imagined combat potential on the real battlefield.

Zeller alone guarded the eastern route, one element at a time.

Under no circumstances would they allow the gnolls to raid the farmland area; this was the consensus of Matthew and his group.

This approach placed nearly all the pressure of the main battlefront on Matthew's shoulders.

But Matthew wasn't the least bit afraid; instead, he grew more excited.

Because this was the kind of necromancer he had always dreamed of being.

One necromancer, one army, enough to resist tens of thousands of enemies!


The Bone Dragon, mingling among the undead, lowered its head, and its ever-shifting soul fires gave it an aura of mystery and majesty.

"They're here!"

Matthew's gaze sharpened.

At the forefront, a boar-like goblin warrior, carrying a war banner, charged into the midst of the goblin zombie horde.

With the Withering Light, Matthew immediately ignited the soul fires of several zombies at regular intervals. A dark gray light, filled with negative energy, shot out from the undead, quickly enveloping the goblin warrior.

However, he showed no fear.

Without even using the massive axe on his back, he grasped the battle flag with both hands and swung it from side to side, as if he were sweeping the floor.


The goblin zombies in front of the boar-like goblin warrior were sent flying.

And the goblin zombies on either side, struck by his banner, also scattered like trash in the air.

What a formidable warrior!

Matthew's eyebrows twitched.

The undead army may not have the resilience of human infantry, but the goblin warrior's physique was too terrifying. Charging forward, he practically had no one to match him head-on.

Matthew noticed a similar dark-red gleam on the goblin warrior's body, similar to Edson. This fellow clearly held a high position within the Cult of the Scourge.

As it seemed that the bold goblin warrior would break through the defenses single-handedly, Matthew had no choice but to command the Bone Dragon to intercept.

A somewhat reluctant thought was transmitted from the contract, but Phylolucius still fiercely met the goblin warrior.


The Bone Dragon charged towards him.

The undead in front of it quickly made way.

The goblin warrior bellowed, "Perfect timing!"

He suddenly dropped the battle flag, and, holding his massive axe, fearlessly charged towards the Bone Dragon.

Behind him, the low-profile half-dragon warrior followed him closely, wielding a brightly glowing magic sword.

He chanted spells under his breath, and every few seconds, a light halo would appear on the goblin warrior.

By the time they reached the Bone Dragon, the goblin warrior was covered in colorful, neon-like lights, making him look quite intimidating.

"These two seem like old partners. That's fortunate. The ogres and Zora warriors haven't charged yet."

Matthew felt the pressure increasing. These two fourth-tier powerhouses were truly fearsome.

Phylolucius, who was about to face the goblin warrior head-on, had to change course at the last moment. When the dust cleared, the Bone Dragon's thick, bone-spiked tail swung fiercely.


Its "Tail Sweep" hit the goblin warrior squarely in the face, tearing his flesh apart and making his visage a bloody mess, sending him flying.

"Excellent! Crafty move!"

Matthew praised with excitement.

In this pivotal round, it became evident that Small Fei was no pushover, and he had a unique understanding of battles among peers. However, Martin's happiness lasted for less than two seconds. A luminous streak shot up from the smoke, and different from the boar people's ferocity, the half-dragon's charge displayed a hint of elegance. His steps were steady, and his speed was astonishing. In the blink of an eye, he reached Small Fei's side.


The half-dragon unexpectedly thrust the magic sword into Small Fei's ribcage. The bone dragon, lacking flesh and blood, suffered little damage from the sword itself. However, upon the sword's insertion, faint purple lightning began to surge continuously. In just an instant, Small Fei's body was covered with layers of lightning nets, even though the damage was not severe.


Small Fei let out a mournful cry, his soulfire shaking violently, but his body swayed, losing its balance.

Warning: Your Bone Dragon is afflicted by "Scarlona's Lightning Bind" of the magic sword, temporarily losing partial autonomy.

Small Fei struggled desperately, but his movements became sluggish and feeble. The half-dragon clutched the magic sword firmly, and his scales turned even more azure. What's more, the boar people warrior, with half of his face torn off, climbed back to his feet. He raised his battle axe once more, charging back into the fray. This time, his target was the bone dragon's tail.

"Wooh, wooh, wooh!"

Under the relentless assault of two level-four elite warriors, the bone dragon was struggling. In the nick of time, two silver moon zombies rushed forward.

Bang, bang!

Spell: Final Dance!

The zombies' self-explosion was more powerful than the skeletons, and though it couldn't inflict much damage on the half-dragon, it interrupted the connection between him and the magic sword. Martin, anxious, added another Corpse Burst to the zombies' bodies. The charging boar people warrior was ensnared by one of the zombies and faced another explosion, resulting in his battle axe being knocked off-kilter.

On the bone dragon, the pale purple lightning flashed and disappeared. With a moment to breathe, the bone dragon immediately got back on its feet. Instead of retreating, it turned around and pounced.


It was another billow of dust on the battlefield. Small Fei counter-attacked, using its wings to fly away.

Only to find that the boar people warrior had vanished from his sight! He quickly shifted his gaze to the side, to the half-dragon spellblade.

At this moment, the half-dragon spellblade was raising the magic sword high, silently reciting something, his eyes burning, locked on Martin.

A strong sense of impending danger struck. Martin didn't hesitate; he transformed into a raven and flew backward. But it seemed like it was too late.

A brilliant blue portal materialized out of thin air above the treetops. The boar people warrior suddenly appeared. Half of his face had turned into a bloody mess, giving him a terrifying expression.


"Good teleport, Mehidis!"

"You're the 17th mage to die under our unbeatable teamwork!"

He swung the giant axe and aimed it at the raven.

In a life-or-death situation, Martin remained surprisingly calm. The Moonlight Society granted him an attribute boost of +1 to all attributes in his Wildshape. It was this tiny boost that made his raven form exceptionally fast.


Martin simply flapped his wings and soared away. The ferocious axe wind narrowly missed him. The boar people warrior muttered "Huh?" in disbelief. As he turned, he threw his axe towards the raven.

With no way to escape, Martin had no choice but to revert to his human form.


Both of them crashed into each other, struggling in mid-air.

"Oh, dear necromancer, you're not really trying to fight me in close combat, are you?"

The boar people warrior laughed maniacally.

The two of them plummeted to the ground. Upon landing, the boar people warrior swiftly gripped Martin's neck, and he cruelly grinned. With a powerful squeeze, he seemed on the verge of snapping Martin's neck, but in the next moment, he found himself choking on thin air.

In Martin's incredible transformation, everything above his chest turned into a ghostly presence.

"Who said a necromancer can't engage in hand-to-hand combat?"

Martin stared at him coldly, his right hand trembling, unleashing an uncontrollable surge of dark energy.


At that moment, Martin's right hand also grasped the boar people warrior's thick neck.

Warning: You've used "Undying Form" to partially transform your body into a spectral state.

You used "Pale Hand" on the boar people warrior!

Chapter 48 >>

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