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Feylorius entered with the might of Dragon's Fury.

In an instant, he cast a fearsome shadow over the goblin and jackal-headed men who had just charged forward.

The skeletal dragon extended its bony wings, and its neck, covered in jagged bones, twisted abruptly in mid-air. In the next moment, it opened its lower jaw, releasing a thick, dark smoke from its chest.

Dragon's Breath!

A cone of malevolent energy, laced with poison and corrosiveness, shot out in a conical pattern.

The area in front of the skeletal dragon was immediately shrouded in the black smoke.

The underground creatures at the forefront had no chance to even cry out as they were killed by this terrifying breath. While the enemy was in disarray, the skeletal dragon lunged forward once more.


Feylorius's massive body rolled across the desolate landscape.

Dozens of lifeless bodies of underground creatures lay strewn across the ground.

His debut on the battlefield was remarkable, and he exhibited caution by holding his ground as the majority of the enemy forces retreated, proudly facing in Martin's direction.

This move aligned perfectly with Martin's strategy.

The skeletal dragon was a devastating force against lesser troops. However, deep within the enemy ranks, there were formidable spellcasters and the newly joined southern quartet, whose levels were not far off from the skeletal dragon's. Charging recklessly could result in disastrous consequences.

"Without the Exile Writs, prolonging this battle only benefits us," Martin thought clearly.

This was Rumblingstone Town, their home ground, and in a protracted battle, the more corpses that accumulated on the ground, the better it was for the necromancer's magic to thrive.

Therefore, he quickly communicated with Zeller.

The knights began to slowly reform their formation, heading toward the direction of the oak forest.

Everyone watched the enemy's movements closely.


On the other side of the cave entrance.

Hundreds of underground creatures, cowed by the skeletal dragon, were running amok like headless chickens. Some of the weaker ones were even trampled to death by their panicked comrades.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Cataclysmic Cult took swift action.

A burly boar-headed warrior carried a brown war flag and charged into the chaos.

Given his physique, the underground creatures he collided with were sent flying without exception.

The boar-headed warrior, having knocked down over a dozen goblin and jackal-headed men, reached a relatively open area of the wasteland. In the next moment, he planted the war flag firmly into the ground in front of him.


The boar-headed warrior thumped his chest, producing a resounding roar.

The war flag fluttered without any wind.

Circles of dark brown halos emanated from under his feet.

Wherever the halos passed, the previously panicked underground creatures calmly dispelled their fear.

Simultaneously, the half-dragon spellblade, who had been following closely, took out a pitch-black horn.


The horn's sound rang out.

The underground creatures, upon hearing the horn, shivered and then instinctively moved closer to the war flag's direction.

The fear in their eyes vanished, replaced by a strong fighting spirit.

And just like that, with a single war flag and a horn, the chaotic situation was instantly quelled.

The Cataclysmic Cult's army regrouped once more.

During this process, more underground creatures continued to pour out from the cave.

The number of underground troops on the wasteland increased significantly.

"Well done, Banwen, Maheedis!" Edson praised loudly.

Then, he turned to the immensely obese ogre by his side.

"Sinwak, it's your turn to take down that blasted skeletal dragon. I know it'll be a piece of cake for you."

Unbeknownst to them, the ogre was lying comfortably on the ground.

He showed no intention of getting up. "Nope, Sinwak's not going anywhere! I'm just going to lie here and tear them apart when the enemy gets close!"

Edson couldn't contain his frustration. "We're in the middle of a battle! Can't you finish your nap later, for the glory of Yukruss?"

The ogre remained indifferent. "The mighty Yukruss never said that Sinwak can't rest for a while. After all the effort Sinwak put into getting here, what more does Sinwak have to do?"

Edson's patience wore thin. "Don't make me hit you, Sinwak!"

He sternly raised the hammer he held.

"It doesn't matter. Sinwak's memory only lasts for 17 seconds, so if he gets hit, it'll only hurt for a little while."

The ogre lazily turned on his side.

And his thick, moss-covered buttocks were now directly facing Edson.


Edson angrily swung his hammer and struck the ogre right on the forehead.

The ogre's eyes rolled back, he shivered, and then a deep snoring sound followed.


Edson was infuriated.

"Let him sleep. For an ogre of his age, Sinwak is like a five-year-old child," a nearby dwarf warrior remarked nonchalantly.

Edson stared at her in disbelief. "How long will he sleep?"

The dwarf adjusted her hair. "Who knows? Last time, he dared to sleep right in front of that old black dragon, and he slept for a full eighty hours. The dragon almost castrated him in frustration. Unfortunately, they couldn't find Sinwak's jewels—he's just too fat. I'm genuinely worried about his future wives."

Edson was left speechless.

He glanced at the depths of the mine. "So, what about the Black Dragon Agus himself? Why isn't he coming?"

The dwarf sneered, "You should know the temperament of that old black dragon. In his youth, he dreamed of dominating the underworld. However, after consecutive defeats at the hands of dragon shamans and fire elemental beings, he was terrified. Now, all he wants is to guard his hundreds of wives from various races in peace. The fact that he's lending us troops is already giving the Cult face."

Edson retorted coldly, "He may have no desire to surface again, but it's also because he's terrified of Ronan."

Zeller should have responded:

"Who isn't afraid of that lunatic Ronan? If it weren't for our Lord's explicit instruction that Ronan is trapped in the Starrealm, I would never have gotten involved in this mess."

Edson nodded in agreement.

His tone softened considerably as he said, "Leila, have you seen that skeletal dragon? It's a major threat on the front lines, and I need you to go and kill that necromancer. It will significantly reduce our losses. Don't worry; I've already engaged with the necromancer earlier, and his level isn't high, at most third tier. His skeletal dragon was probably a result of sheer luck."

However, Leila unexpectedly shook her head quickly and refused, "My task is to contact the old black dragon Agus, coordinate the troops, and protect your life. I can't obey any other commands."

Edson's blood pressure, which had just dropped, surged again. "So, you plan to stand idly by?"

Leila responded without hesitation, "My purpose is to ensure that, even in the event of defeat, your body can be returned to the sanctum relatively intact for resurrection. After all, it's a precious divine gift. Among all the people in the South, you're the one with this privilege. I can't let it be left outside."

Edson shook his head furiously, tightly gripping his hammer.

Leila, still expressionless, warned, "I thought you had already adjusted to the fact that everyone in the Cult is a bit eccentric. It seems our High Priest still needs some growth. I advise you not to look at me with that kind of gaze. I'm not a foolish ogre. If I feel threatened, I won't hesitate to turn you into a corpse and take you back to the sanctum."

With that, her right hand was already on the curved dagger on the outside of her thigh.

"Could you please show some Cult camaraderie and solidarity?" Edson pleaded.

"Edson, didn't you say we're like a family?" The boar-headed warrior guarding the flag in the distance seemed to sense the tense atmosphere. He complained loudly, "Besides, can you please deal with those two groups you brought in? They've all run off!"

Edson was taken aback. He quickly looked in the direction the boar-headed warrior was pointing.

He saw that the Silver Frost Brotherhood and the Withering Cult's members, armed with weapons, had still dispersed and fled. But this time, they hadn't run into the mine. Instead, they were heading northwest.

The escape route of one group did not seem to be away from Rumblingstone Town.

Edson's face darkened, and he shouted, "Don't bother with them. Let's resolve this quickly!"

"Banwen, you and Maheedis are old partners. Both of you lead the team to take down that skeletal dragon. Is that okay?"

After receiving affirmative responses from the boar-headed warrior and the half-dragon, Edson also ordered a strong jackal-headed man to lead a small squad to circumvent the frontlines, attacking a nearby farm and causing as much chaos as possible.

And so, in the resounding snores of the ogre Sinwak, the situation on the battlefield changed once again.

The underground coalition army launched their attack methodically!


The Lord's Manor and the nearby camp were brightly lit, and the sound of troops gathering was ceaseless.

In one room, Sev, dressed in her nightclothes, watched her father, who was arming himself, with concern. "Don't you have to go? Can Uncle Zeller and Cousin Blade handle it?"

Rhaegar, while adjusting his armor, replied solemnly, "The Bloodflag family does not shy away from battle. When our people are threatened by invaders, our only duty is to go and eliminate them with our own hands."

He paused for a moment and added, "Over in the oak forest, your teacher is likely on the scene as well. Though I don't like him, I have to go protect him. It's my responsibility."

Sev bit her lip. "But I'm part of the Bloodflag family too! I want to go with you."

Rhaegar turned to her and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. His eyes were bright. "Your veins do indeed carry the blood of our family, and at some point in the future, you'll step onto the battlefield, fighting for what's crucial to you, just like I do. But that day is not today."

Sev pushed his hand away. "But you're not even willing to teach me how to fight! I'm turning sixteen soon, and you've been lying to me all this time. I know you just want to protect me, but I don't want to live forever under your protection."

Rhaegar was momentarily stunned. He bent down, gently touched his daughter's shoulder, and looked into her eyes with brightness. "Fighting is not a difficult task for those of the Bloodflag family, Sev. I promise you that one day, you will become an outstanding warrior. But before that, my daughter, please let me protect you. Will you?"

Sev pursed her lips, took a deep breath, and pushed Rhaegar away, tears welling up in her eyes. "I know, I understand. I'm just so worried about you, Uncle Zeller, and Martin. I shouldn't have held you back. I'm just feeling a bit out of control. You don't need to worry about me anymore; I'll stay in the safe house until you return. Please go now!"

Hearing Sev's assurance, Rhaegar smiled with relief. He put on his helmet and took a hefty two-handed sword from the wall, resting it on his shoulder. Then, he swiftly walked out.

Soon, outside the camp, led by Rhaegar, the knights of the Lord's Guard marched in an orderly fashion toward the direction of the oak forest.

Just as the last group's figures disappeared in front of the Lord's Manor, in a small alley on the opposite side...

Several secretive figures quietly appeared.

Chapter 46 >>

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