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Chapter 511: Survival and Freedom

The size of the Rock Island Crab was unimaginable, and its internal structure defied common sense.

In normal perception, it seemed less like a living creature and more like a gigantic mechanical life form.

Despite the Bruna people living here for many years, they had only explored part of this layer and had no idea how to leave. Moreover, leaving was not important to them.

“Land, are you referring to the Dark Continent?” Luo asked.

The Bruna Chief nodded. The only land that could accommodate the Rock Island Crab would be the Dark Continent, given its enormous size.

Luo and Biscuit saw this as good news. This meant that they just needed to find a way to leave and wait for the Rock Island Crab to stop.

Seeing Luo and the others’ strong desire to leave, the Bruna Chief, knowing the ferocity of the parasites, suggested, “There are too many parasites. It’s better not to take the risk. Why not settle down here instead?”

As he spoke, the Bruna Chief looked at Biscuit and seriously said, “You have the right conditions to reproduce.”

The chief's communication tentacles were attached to Luo and Biscuit, so they could hear him simultaneously.

Hearing the chief’s suggestion, their faces darkened slightly. Reproduce? Did he mean for them to continue their race inside the Rock Island Crab?

“We know what we're doing, don’t worry about us,” Luo replied with slight discomfort.

Seeing Luo’s determination, the Bruna Chief didn’t press further, only stating that if Luo needed any help, the Bruna people would do their best to assist.

Later, before the banquet ended, Luo received a lot of useful information from the Bruna people, and they arranged for them to stay in shell houses.

The houses were made of shells of various colors, like an oil painting made with many different pigments.

Dongba noticed that there were eye-catching pearls on the walls of the shell house and wanted to pry some off. However, the natural adhesive used in the shell house stuck the pearls firmly in place.

When Luo and Biscuit moved into the shell house, they also noticed the pearls on the walls. The quality was quite good, with the largest being the size of a basketball.

It seemed the Bruna people had no interest in pearls, using them and the shells as building materials.

Dongba couldn’t pry them off, but Luo used God’s Hand to easily separate the pearls without damaging the house.

He handed the separated pearls to Biscuit, but she wasn’t very interested in them and didn’t take them.

So, Luo tossed the basketball-sized pearl to Dongba, who was nearly speechless, having never seen such a huge pearl.

“A lifetime without worrying about food and clothing.”

Dongba clutched the pearl and fell asleep dreaming.

Since strong light was the main defense against parasites, the Bruna people’s living area was always as bright as day, and the shell houses provided excellent light-blocking properties, ensuring a good sleeping environment.

Once safety was confirmed, Luo and his group rested without worry for the night and woke up refreshed the next day.

Dongba stayed in the shell house, constantly polishing the rare large pearl as if it had become his family heirloom.

Biscuit wandered around the Bruna people’s living area, while Luo went to find Bruna to ask for algae that could produce pure water.

Bruna soon brought Luo a shell full of algae, including several special types like light algae, oxygen-producing algae, and heat-producing algae.

These algae with unique properties needed energy to transform, making them very useful tools for Nen users.

Luo thanked Bruna and took all the algae without hesitation.

“Luo, are you going to find the parasite ruler?” Bruna’s tentacles gently touched Luo’s temples.

Luo sat on the stone bridge, looking at the fish swimming in the light lake, and replied, “If finding the parasite ruler is necessary to leave here, then we have no choice.”

“It’s very dangerous,” Bruna said worriedly.

Luo smiled at Bruna, holding up the light algae, and said, “Don’t worry, we have this.”

As he spoke, the light algae in Luo’s hand emitted light, surprising Bruna. She wondered how it could glow without an energy source.

“This is a result of Nen, one of our race’s advantages. With the light algae, parasites can’t even get close to us,” Luo explained with a smile.

Bruna blinked several times, amazed. “That’s amazing, Luo, your race is incredible!”

“I think the Bruna people are even more amazing, finding a way to survive in such harsh conditions,” Luo remarked.

The Dark Continent was home to countless species, constantly eliminating some. Even ancient humans were forced to flee to the island in the lake.

Bruna seemed touched by Luo’s words. She looked up at the many young Bruna floating and playing in the settlement, feeling sad. “But we sacrificed our freedom for survival.”

Luo was stunned, then apologized, “I’m sorry.”

Survival and freedom, a harsh choice facing the Bruna people.

Individuals might yearn for freedom, but a race would always choose survival.

At that moment, Luo understood Bruna’s true feelings. She had a heart that longed for freedom, but the harsh environment would eventually make her bow to survival.

“Why apologize?” The simple Bruna didn’t understand why Luo apologized, her tone full of confusion.

Luo was speechless, seeing her color change to a deep blue, representing the sky and the sea, which should be vast but signified melancholy in her case.

“Nothing,” Luo shook his head, changing the topic with a smile, “Do you want to know what the outside world is like?”

“Yes!” Bruna immediately replied.

Then, Luo described the blue sky, white clouds, mountains, seas, sunrises, and sunsets as if telling a story.

In the established communication bridge, it was as if every word transformed into a beautiful picture.

Bruna listened quietly, her melancholy blue turning into a bright yellow.

After several days of rest in the Bruna Tribe, Luo decided to leave and find a way out.

All the Bruna people gathered at the stone bridge to see Luo and his group off.

The chief came to Luo, extending his tentacles, and said, “I think you need a guide.”

At this moment, Bruna floated out from the crowd, coming to the chief’s side.

“Thanks, but no thanks,” Luo declined politely.

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