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Chapter 506: Crab

The previously arrogant sea monster group was swept into a massive whirlpool, instantly turning into drenched dogs, each letting out roars that signaled their fear.

No matter how powerful an individual creature was, it was powerless against the might of nature. However, in this specific case, it was more like a relationship between predators and prey, with the whirlpool's appearance not being a mere natural phenomenon.

The roars of the sea monsters echoed above the sea, and without exception, all were pulled into the descending whirlpool.

Even the colossal sea monsters couldn't escape the whirlpool's pull, let alone the Lorry, which was smaller than a squid's tentacle, and was swallowed up in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

Before being sucked into the whirlpool, Luo and Biscuit simultaneously moved, quickly taking Tonpa back to the cabin and gathering in the captain's room with the black cat.

By then, the Lorry had already been drawn into the seawater, the ship shaking violently like it was trapped in a 2000 RPM washing machine, with the sound of tearing metal echoing in their ears.

The crisis emerged so abruptly that Luo didn't have time to set up the Divine Characters. The Lorry's hull couldn't withstand this horrific disaster and was on the brink of disintegration.

In less than ten seconds, the light dimmed suddenly as if they had plunged into the deep sea in an instant, unable to see their hands in front of them.

In the boundless darkness, seawater flooded into the cabin, but Luo's domain kept it at bay.

The water pressure increased at a terrifying rate, and within seconds, Luo felt the overwhelming pressure, as if they would collapse at any moment.

He knew that if the domain shattered, they would lose their chance to survive.

Even though it seemed like a futile struggle, as long as they didn't give up, there might be a glimmer of hope in the next second.

"Hurry and get closer," Luo gritted his teeth, calling out to Tonpa and Biscuit amidst the violent shaking.

In the pitch-darkness and severe shaking, it was challenging to reach Luo's side.

However, Biscuit, with her rich experience, immediately focused her aura in her eyes, using Gyo to see Luo's position in the dark.

She alerted Tonpa, then quickly clung to Luo's right waist. In contrast, Tonpa, driven by the emergency, managed to stabilize himself and also clung to Luo.

The black cat, to save space, transformed into black smoke and reentered Luo's palm.

With everyone together, Luo immediately shrank the domain's range to increase its strength and counter the continuously multiplying water pressure.

Luo's plan was simple: wait for the chaotic undersea currents to weaken and then float to the surface. The oxygen stored in the domain, shared among the three, would last about ten minutes.

The most pressing issue was that Luo didn't know how deep they had been dragged underwater. Judging by the water pressure, it was hard to estimate, but the depth was likely significant.

If they couldn't control the time, their survival chances would diminish rapidly.

Luo forced himself to stay calm and not overthink.

There was only one thing to do: keep holding on.

About a minute passed when the Lorry suddenly flipped, and Luo and the others crashed into the wall.

In the darkness, the sound of rushing water and the roars of sea monsters resounded.

The Lorry, like a drain with its plug pulled, had seawater flooding out in an instant.

Luo and the others clung to the wall, the entire cabin tilted at a bizarre forty-five-degree angle.

The environment had changed...

The rapid series of changes made Luo aware of this, as did Biscuit.

They were originally underwater, but now they were clearly falling from a high place. They were baffled by this transition.

However, compared to being trapped in an endless sea whirlpool, falling from a height was a preferable change.

"Hold on to me," Luo decisively grabbed Tonpa and Biscuit's clothes, broke through the cabin, and reached the outside, still in pitch darkness.

At that moment, a soft white light came from above, approaching quickly.

They instinctively looked up, their faces showing shock.

The source of the light was a massive lantern, coming from a gigantic lantern fish.

Around the light source were various giant sea monsters, posing seductively in mid-air as if struck by the shattered seawater.

They formed a chaotic formation, quickly descending from above.

The white light, which was far away a few seconds ago, reached Luo and the others in no time.

At that moment of seeming time freeze, they could even see the red flesh between the sea monsters' teeth.

"Ah!" Tonpa screamed involuntarily and fainted.

Luo bit his lip hard, not caring about obstacles on either side. He grabbed the two and moved sideways, trying to avoid the terrifying thing falling from above.

However, the area and weight of the sea monsters and water were immense, falling at an alarming speed. Luo couldn't evade and was hit by the water, falling into what seemed like an abyss.

Despite being pressed by the water, Luo stubbornly maintained his domain, constantly observing below.

It was too bizarre.

One second they were underwater, the next they were in an unknown place.

The lantern fish's light was strong, but it still couldn't illuminate the surroundings, remaining pitch dark.

In the deep, dark sea, a pair of eyes lit up, emitting a dazzling blue light.

These eyes, the size of two football fields, moved in the deep sea, accompanied by rumbling sounds, raising clouds of dust with each movement.

The sea was pitch black, and although the eyes were huge, their light couldn't even illuminate part of the body.

At this moment, a group of giant glowing fish appeared like a light switched on in a dark room, illuminating the sea bottom.

The dazzling light revealed that the owner of the huge eyes was an unimaginably gigantic crab, covered with layers of rock full of shells and coral.

The rock crab moved slowly on the sea floor, and when the glowing fish passed over it, they suddenly descended and were sucked into the crab's back.

In a fleeting glimpse, it was seen that the crab's back had a giant abyssal mouth that swallowed the glowing fish group and quickly closed.

After consuming the fish, the crab continued to walk slowly in a certain direction as if nothing had happened.

It was indeed a crab, for it walked sideways.

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