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Chapter 505: Super Giant Whirlpool

The life crystal had various uses and was stored away by Luo.

The pits on the Lorry were repaired by Luo using that gray solidified substance, finally solving the balance problem and reinforcing the previously broken holes.

The voyage continued without encountering any more storms or giant sea creatures.

Two days later, the calm sailing was once again interrupted. This time, the sea creature that attacked the Lorry was a giant great white shark. It suddenly leaped from the sea, opening its huge maw full of fangs, attempting to swallow the bow of the Lorry in one bite.

Fortunately, Bisky was on the deck at that time. She decisively transformed into her muscular form and punched the shark back into the sea.

Luo arrived upon hearing the commotion and cooperated with Bisky to slay the giant great white shark.

The blood from the shark instantly stained a large area of the sea red. After the Lorry left, the blood-stained sea boiled, and one by one, giant sea creatures emerged from the sea, vying and intimidating each other.

Luo and Bisky looked at this scene in silence, deeply feeling the terror of this sea area.

It seemed that their ship was the smallest thing here, surrounded by monsters several times larger than the ship.

This meant that the ship could be overturned by giant sea creatures at any time. As the voyage continued, someone had to keep watch every moment.

Fortunately, with Ms. Cookie on board, the rest time didn't need to be long. Even with only three people and a cat on the ship, they could still handle round-the-clock monitoring.

However, more and more terrifying sea creatures kept appearing.

A super large black whale, with the Lorry not even as big as the whale's eye, fortunately didn't seem to notice their tiny ship and calmly bypassed them.

A green-skinned penguin wearing an enormous golden crown swam past the Lorry in a butterfly stroke. The giant wave it caused was more than twenty meters high, almost capsizing the Lorry.

A huge shadow swam past from the bottom of the sea. It was discovered by Tonpa, who couldn't see what it was. According to his description, the visible range of his eyes was all covered by the shadow, scaring him almost to the point of stopping his breath.

The black shadow from the bottom of the sea disappeared after about a minute, seemingly diving deeper, leaving them unsure of what it was.

The more giant sea creatures they encountered, the greater the risk they faced. However, the Lorry passed through these dangers without incident. Perhaps being small had its advantages, making it difficult for those monsters to notice them.

In the third week of the voyage, there were still at least two weeks left to the coastline of the Dark Continent.

Luo was sitting on the deck, slowly recording the strange encounters of each day in his notebook, when suddenly, a towering giant wave, over a hundred meters high, rose up at the eight o'clock direction.

After weeks of sailing, Luo was very familiar with these sudden giant waves, which were usually caused by the appearance of giant sea creatures. But this time, the commotion was even bigger than before.

"Here we go again."

Luo's heart trembled slightly. He immediately put away his notebook and stood up to look at the towering giant wave five hundred meters away.

The white foam of the wave covered a massive figure. Before its true form could be seen, the water splashed into the sky was blown by the wind, falling like a torrential downpour onto the deck.

At the same time, the waves pushed the Lorry, causing it to sway.

This sudden commotion also alerted Bisky and the others inside the cabin.

"Can't take it anymore."

The black cat cursed and skillfully steered the ship, trying to avoid the area where the sea monster appeared.

Facing these enormous sea monsters in the open sea was almost a certain defeat. It was best to avoid them if possible.

The Lorry turned to the right, preparing to steer half a head away.

At this moment, another towering giant wave rose. Two gigantic squids and octopuses appeared on the sea surface, their tentacles covered with barbed teeth, entangling each other like fierce beasts.

Luo saw the faces of the two sea monsters, and his expression changed slightly.

"Those tentacles?"

In his mind, he immediately recalled the tentacles he saw at the Golden Lake, which were at least ninety percent similar to those of the squid and octopus. The obvious difference was the size.

Compared to the tentacles of these two sea monsters, the previous ones were like the difference between an adult and a baby.

Suppressing his doubts, Luo watched the two sea monsters gradually move away.

Tonpa and Bisky rushed out of the cabin, looking at the monster battle in the distance, feeling numb.

During this voyage, they had witnessed at least ten such sea monster battles. It seemed that the cruel selection of nature was constantly playing out here, illustrating the law of the jungle.

This time, the monsters were an octopus and a squid, their tentacles capable of stirring the sea as they fought, causing blood to spray like it was free, instantly dyeing a large area of the sea red.

"Blood is out," muttered Tonpa.

Luo and Bisky said nothing.

Blood was the most stimulating bait for sea monsters in this sea. Within ten seconds, a large number of sea monsters would swarm the area where the octopus and squid were fighting, leading to another chaotic battle.

The Lorry turned away, quickly pulling a thousand meters away.

As expected, the sea monsters appeared following the blood, fighting again, causing the surrounding sea area to shake as if experiencing a strong earthquake, with towering giant waves.

"This is endless."

Watching this scene, Luo sighed, hoping to land as soon as possible. On land, humans had more advantages, not being swept away by the waves.

Thinking they had pulled far enough to be safe, Luo and the others didn't expect that the squid and octopus were exceptionally fierce this time, their terrifying tentacles easily lifting various sea monsters and throwing them like baseballs.

The direction of the throws was random, but the sheer number was overwhelming.

The Lorry was unfortunately affected. A sea monster landed not far away. If Luo hadn't desperately expanded his domain, the waves would have almost capsized the Lorry.

But that wasn't the end. It seemed their luck had run out after three weeks of sailing. The sea monsters in the chaos were heading towards the Lorry's escape route.

With the Lorry's speed, once the sea monsters locked onto them, they couldn't shake them off.

"We're doomed again!"

Tonpa looked at this scene, crying out in despair. As for why he said "again," only he knew the suffering.

Despite greatly expanding their knowledge during this time, Luo and Bisky couldn't stay calm seeing a swarm of giant sea monsters approaching.

In that instant, Luo even considered abandoning the ship, using Sky Walk to escape with the others.

As soon as the thought emerged, dozens of whirlpools, each a hundred meters in diameter, appeared on the sea without warning, not far apart from each other.

The sea monster group and the Lorry were unfortunately caught in them.

The whirlpools appeared too suddenly. Before Luo and the others could react, the dozens of whirlpools merged into a super giant whirlpool, unceremoniously pulling in the sea monster group and the Lorry.

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