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Chapter 445: Spotlight-like Attention

Ordinary people cannot see grudges, but they can generally feel the effects of grudges.

Haunted houses, ghostly residences, and hauntings...

There are always a few people who come into contact with places where grudges linger and subsequently feel inexplicably cold, as if being watched from the dark, or hear various noises around them. These are actually the effects of grudges on ordinary people.

In the eyes of modern people, these unseen and untouchable existences are defined as ghosts.

Compared to the more aggressive and lethal grudges, these weaker grudges are not worth mentioning. Exorcists wouldn’t waste their time dealing with places like dilapidated haunted houses.

Usually, grudges will affect ordinary people, especially in close contact situations.

However, the black nen field emitted by that sheet of music was almost swallowing Clover, but Clover seemed unaffected, still chatting and laughing with the guests.

Threads of aura, like countless women's hands, gently caressed Clover.

"The Dark Sonata only affects people when played. It seems this sheet of music is likely the second piece of the Dark Sonata."

When Clover approached the display case, Luo noticed that the black nen field, although uncomfortable, had no attack intent. Moreover, based on others' reactions, there was no physical impact.

Because of this, Luo didn’t stop Clover from approaching the black nen field.

In fact, he hoped the black nen field would attack Clover, ending the appreciation meeting early and ruining the Troupe's plan. Then, he could exorcise the grudge for Clover, gaining his gratitude—a plan with multiple benefits.

"I want to fill this section quickly, and I may rely on you all in the future."

Clover gently patted the display case. The newly opened section had only three ancient items. To fill it quickly, he needed help from famous collectors. After all, ordinary items wouldn’t catch his eye.

Hearing Clover’s words, the guests laughed kindly.

Then, Clover began introducing the origins of the three pieces of sheet music. As Luo had guessed, the sheet emitting the black nen field was indeed part of the Dark Sonata, belonging to the piano solo version.

Luo held the harp solo version. If he could get this piano solo version, he would have two pieces.

The other two solo versions, one for flute and one for violin, were still unaccounted for.

"Must get it."

Luo stared at the sheet music in the display case, thinking silently. Even without considering what would happen if all four solo pieces were collected, he needed to absorb the grudge from the piano solo version and the ancient items in the museum.

The left section had twenty-one items, and the right section, including the solo piece, had seventeen, making a total of thirty-eight items. The current average value was exactly 75%. Absorbing these would increase it by about 1%.

After the brief introduction, Clover led everyone downstairs, heading towards the main attraction of the day, the main hall of the Ohara Museum.

Everyone descended the stairs orderly. Salin noticed Luo’s unusual behavior.

His gaze fixed on the sheet music, like a lecherous ghost seeing a naked woman, his desire was intense.

However, everyone in the industry knew that Clover would never sell anything. Buying from him was harder than ascending to heaven.

Downstairs, out of the hall, heading towards the main hall standing in the center.

Compared to the two sections, the main hall was taller and covered a larger area.

Upon entering the main hall, they were greeted by a structure different from the sections. It felt like an ancient library scene from a game brought to reality.

"Welcome to my sanctuary."

Clover opened his arms, his face beaming with a joyful smile.

A vast open space, surrounded by rising bookshelves, filled with neatly arranged ancient books, at least a thousand of them, some being precious single copies.

The unimaginable amount of stored knowledge was placed in a museum made from a millennial ancient tree.

Looking at these numerous books, Luo was reminded of his year in Linne’s study, feeling nostalgic and even wanting to read all the books here.

"Master Clover, how many single copies are there among these books?" a beautiful and sexy female reporter asked.

Clover snapped his fingers and smiled, "One hundred and eight. Can you imagine the value of that number?"

To outsiders, the hidden value of this number was unimaginable. Ancient single copies had a fundamentally different value from ordinary collectibles.

Without waiting for the reporter’s answer, Clover looked at the guests, or rather, at the light red wooden box in Luo’s hand, and said, "I have too many books to introduce, so let’s get straight to the point. I believe everyone brought something good today."

The guests brought their collectibles, intending to display them here and possibly trade on the spot.

Pakunoda quietly observed the main hall’s structure. From the surface, the three museums showed no sign of a security system. But a place holding so many precious items must have a high-end security system.

To avoid drawing attention, the bald man accompanying her didn’t bring any collectibles.

While Pakunoda observed the environment, Luo observed her.

At this moment, Clover pointed directly at Luo and smiled, "Mr. Luo, I can’t wait any longer. Please come over here."


In the crowd, Pakunoda was slightly shocked but soon calmed down. She had scanned all the guests, thinking it was just a name coincidence.

The museum guards brought in a long table covered with a red cloth and neatly stacked white gloves.

Luo stepped out of the crowd and calmly walked towards Clover.

Being the first to be named was something he couldn’t wait for. It was a great promotion opportunity and a chance to sell his two collectibles at a high price.

After all, most of the guests here were wealthy, and many were highly knowledgeable. With so many experts, the authenticity of the items was somewhat guaranteed.

Pakunoda saw that the man called Luo was the lecherous bearded man and relaxed. It was indeed a name coincidence.

Clover watched Luo approach and excitedly said to the guests, "Let me introduce Mr. Luo, the founder of the Luo Ling Museum and an experienced hunter who roams dangerous ruins. Countless ancient items were unearthed by him."

The slightly exaggerated introduction drew everyone’s spotlight-like attention to Luo, each showing different expressions.

To those who loved collecting ancient items, befriending an experienced hunter had no drawbacks. But Luo’s appearance and attire were somewhat jarring among the elites.

However, among these wealthy guests, some still looked at Luo with the intention of making connections.

No one would pass up befriending a highly skilled hunter.

"What he brought today are treasures you couldn’t imagine: Elsai Ke’s final letter and the hidden truth in history!"

Clover’s excitement didn’t seem fake, but his high praise for Luo had other implications for those in the know.

Mitch and Angie knew the authenticity of the brush and final letter Luo brought was questionable, and Clover’s exaggerated hype in front of everyone would have serious consequences if the items were fake...

Luo also sensed something from Clover’s flattering introduction, but he wasn’t worried.

Essentially, collectors detest counterfeit items.

Hearing Clover’s words, the guests who knew Elsai Ke were surprised. They had never heard of a final letter from Elsai Ke, let alone one involving the truth...

Under everyone’s focused gaze, Luo walked to Clover’s side, placed the wooden box on the table, and slowly opened it.

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