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Chapter 444 The Second Page

On the way to the right wing, Luo saw Pakunoda and was a bit surprised.

It had been a long time since they had met, and Pakunoda had grown significantly taller, with a notable change in her figure. However, Luo recognized her immediately.

"Is she here on her own, or is it a Phantom Troupe activity?"

Luo squinted his eyes, instinctively reaching for his pocket to call or message Machi to ask about the situation, but found it empty.

Before entering the Ohara Museum, his phone had been confiscated according to the organizer's rules, which prohibited recording and communication devices. Even the few qualified journalists had to rely on notes and on-site sketches for their reports.

In the rush to get to the museum from the association, and without Salin's reminder of these details, Luo hadn't thought to store his phone in Black Cat's space, avoiding detection by the museum staff.

Without his phone, Luo quietly withdrew his hand. At this moment, Pakunoda seemed to notice his unabashed gaze and turned to look at him.

Luo, wearing a mask and unafraid of being recognized, gave Pakunoda a lecherous smile, his eyes fixated on her impressive chest.

He didn't know much about the situation and didn't intend to approach Pakunoda actively. Moreover, among the people he knew, Pakunoda's nen abilities were the most intimidating to him.

Pakunoda's cold eyes lingered on the bearded, rough-looking man. She frowned slightly and turned away. If it weren't for her mission, she would have gouged out his eyes.

After Pakunoda turned away, Luo also shifted his gaze, scanning the other guests.

The bald man accompanying Pakunoda was not a Phantom Troupe member. Pakunoda usually stayed close to Chrollo, so if she was here, Chrollo was likely here too.

After a careful scan, Luo found no other Phantom Troupe members besides Pakunoda.

"The Troupe hasn't gathered for over a year. Is Pakunoda acting alone? No, wherever Chrollo is, she will be too."

Luo stroked his chin, eyes reflecting deep thought.

He had heard from Machi during a recent call that the Troupe hadn't acted collectively for over a year, suggesting Pakunoda might be acting alone. However, because it was Pakunoda, Luo leaned towards believing the Troupe had gathered.


Before entering the right wing, Luo meticulously scanned the guests again, still finding only Pakunoda.

"Could they be in the security team?"

The possibility occurred to Luo, but the museum's security was handled by the Ohara staff, and the guests' bodyguards were separated at the edges. It was too late to check now.

The Phantom Troupe's collective actions were rare but always involved major crimes. Luo knew of at least two occasions when they had looted museums.

Therefore, Luo wasn't surprised that the Troupe might target the Ohara Museum.

Luo had discussed criminal activities with Machi and the others several times. However, those from Meteor Street had deeply ingrained views, and the Troupe, a group of thirteen, would always sway towards the majority's will.

Unable to change their minds or ways, the Troupe remained the Troupe.

Over the years, Luo had stayed by Salin's side, reducing his interactions with the Troupe. He hadn't even met the newer members.

He usually kept in touch with Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga through calls, occasionally meeting when they were nearby. As for Chrollo and the others, they rarely met or contacted each other.

Moreover, Feitan had always disliked Luo, ready to attack him at any opportunity.

In-depth, Luo's relationship with the Troupe was likely limited to Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga.

If the Troupe's target was indeed the Ohara Museum...

Luo glanced at the much-admired Clover, who was his future important partner. Given the Troupe's nature, if they targeted the museum, they would certainly kill Clover after the heist.

Thinking of this, Luo sighed, recalling the Kurta Clan incident two years later, factors that would lead to conflicts with the Troupe.

"In any case, Clover is someone I must protect."

"Why are you sighing?"

Beside him, Salin suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Nothing." Luo collected his thoughts and smiled at Salin.

Fortunately, he had rushed here, or Salin would be in danger.

Salin found it strange, but knowing that asking further would yield no results when Luo said "nothing," she didn't press.

The right wing's doors opened, and the guests gradually entered.

Luo quietly gathered aura in his eyes, looking at the bald man.


In his vision, the bald man showed neither residual nor leaking aura, appearing as if using Zetsu.

A less knowledgeable nen user might conclude from this glance that the bald man was a nen user.

Luo, however, suspected the bald man was under Shalnark's control.

"What to do? Reveal my identity and persuade the Troupe to retreat? That's unrealistic; only Machi and the other two might listen." Luo rubbed his temples, feeling a headache over the matter.

Everyone entered the right wing. Led by Clover, they ascended the stairs, viewing precious antiquities in glass cases, marveling at Clover's collection.

Halfway through, Luo's thoughts were still entangled with the sudden appearance of the Troupe. Nearing the top floor, a familiar dark aura above pulled him from his thoughts.


Salin, sensitive to the discomforting aura, nudged Luo.

"I noticed." Luo's eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Among the nearly two hundred people in the right wing, only Luo, Salin, and Pakunoda were nen users; the rest couldn't sense the ominous aura.

The group reached the top floor, where many empty glass display cases were placed, with only one containing three paper-like items, yellowed and distinct.

The black aura didn't attack the ordinary people but floated ominously above the display case.

"This is the newly opened section, currently housing only three old scores."

Clover stood by the display case, facing the guests, unaware of the black aura's snake-like movement over him.

"Could it be the second page of the Dark Sonata..."

Looking at one parchment-like score, Luo's heart surged with excitement.

After all the effort searching, it was an unexpected encounter.

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