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Chapter 420: A Man's Voice

The Zodiacs have always had one vacancy, reserved by Netero for Luo.

Luo has no plans to obtain a license, let alone serve as a Zodiac. Due to this vacancy, the Zodiacs remain incomplete.

Zi, Pariston, represents the Rat. He is a three-star hunter and the vice president of the Hunter Association.

Chou, Mizaistom, represents the Ox. Dressed in a black and white cow costume, he is a two-star crime hunter who works as a lawyer in civilian life.

Yin, Kanzai, represents the Tiger. With hair resembling tiger stripes, he is a treasure hunter with a fiery temper.

Mao, Piyon, represents the Rabbit. She is a young, adorable girl who recently became a Zodiac and serves as an ancient text hunter, having translated for Ging and Luo.

Chen, Botobai, represents the Dragon. His face painted in patterns similar to Peking opera, he is a three-star terrorist hunter with a reputation and strength comparable to Netero.

Si, Geru, represents the Snake. As a toxin hunter, she has achieved significant success since separating from Luo six years ago.

Wu, Saccho, represents the Horse. Resembling a mule, he is a two-star worries hunter, akin to a psychological counselor.

Wei, Ginta, represents the Goat. A burly man with dense hair, he is a poacher hunter.

You, Cluck, represents the Rooster. Always dressed provocatively, she is a proud plant hunter.

Xu, Cheadle, represents the Dog. A three-star rare disease hunter, she is a highly intelligent woman with multiple responsibilities.

Hai, Ging, represents the Pig. A two-star ruins hunter, he is the most passive Zodiac member, with exceptional laziness.

The last position, Shen, represents the Monkey, but it remains unfilled, reserved by Netero for Luo.

All the Zodiac members are aware of this, including Ging, who knows Luo well. Even those unfamiliar with Luo possess basic information about him.

For example, Luo participates in the Hunter Test every year, wearing different human skin masks to rescue endangered examinees.

Over time, examinees have dubbed Luo "The Rescuer," mistakenly believing he is a Hunter Association committee member specifically assigned to reduce their death rates.

Since the emergence of "The Rescuer," the pass rate has increased, and the death rate has decreased. Many examinees consider this a humane measure by the Hunter Association.

Their understanding of "The Rescuer" is limited. Over the years, they have only learned two identifying traits.

First, all "Rescuers" share the name Luo.

Second, upon arrival at the first test venue, "Rescuers" always ask the veteran rookie killer Tonpa for a drink.

These two points easily identify "The Rescuer."

One thing confuses examinees: why does "The Rescuer" always ask Tonpa for a drink?

A few imaginative veterans speculate that Tonpa is secretly a Hunter Association agent testing new examinees' abilities.

With this thought, the connection to "The Rescuer" seems clear.

No wonder both Tonpa and Luo fail the test every year—they have distinct roles, with one rescuing and the other testing. They are an unparalleled duo!

Believing they have uncovered the truth, some examinees spread this theory, which gains more and more traction.

In recent Hunter Tests, some examinees approach Tonpa for drinks, hoping to prove their ability to turn the tide in adverse situations or bring antidotes to make a good impression.

This slow but direct change is gradually ending Tonpa's long enjoyment of his role.

Tonpa wants to tell the foolish examinees, "It's not like that!"

But it's futile. Once most people believe something, it’s impossible to clear it up.

Tonpa's enjoyment is being stifled, while Luo doesn't care about Tonpa's mental anguish or how the examinees perceive him. Even playing along is enjoyable for him.

Luo's disruptive actions during the Hunter Test not only annoy the examiners but also make many Zodiacs dislike him. Some even urge Netero to find someone to fill the vacancy quickly.

Unfortunately, Netero's decisions aren't influenced by others, so the Shen position remains vacant.

Perhaps the most regretful person is Pariston.

In his original plan, the Shen vacancy was meant for one of his people, but Luo's presence has thwarted this for years.

"So, to make Saiyu a Zodiac, we need to kill Luo?" A rough, bold male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Pariston stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in a high-level room, holding the phone to his ear. His face lost its fake smile as he gazed at the night scene below, speaking calmly, "That's one way to see it."

In the luxuriously decorated room, a man with a slightly pointed face, yellow buzz cut, and prominent features sat on a lavish leather sofa.

With his legs crossed, he lazily watched Pariston talk on the phone with the boss.

The man's ears, like sails, could hear the phone conversation. The rough voice continued, "Luo is someone Netero values. What price do you think we’d pay to eliminate him?"

Pariston replied calmly, "A great one."

"Oh, I want him to join us." The man's words were contradictory.

One moment discussing eliminating the obstacle, the next wanting him to join.

"Who will contact him?" Pariston asked calmly.

"That's the problem. No one can get through to him, right?" The man laughed.

Pariston couldn't find the humor. His expression and eyes were as calm as still water, listening to the laughter.

"Forget it. Let's put infiltrating the Zodiacs on hold. Most goals have been achieved. Now you need to balance power and control real authority," the man said after laughing.

"Understood." Pariston's eyes deepened as the call ended.

To create a Zodiac vacancy, targeting Luo isn't necessary. There are weaker candidates.

"What are you planning?" Pariston put the phone in his pocket.

If Saiyu insists on joining the Zodiacs, Piyon, who recently joined, would be a more suitable target than the more problematic Luo.

Giving up without really trying isn't like that man.

It seems he believes that lacking a Zodiac spy won't significantly impact his plan.

Pariston pondered silently, turning to look at Saiyu on the sofa.

"Why don't I contact him?" Saiyu suggested.

Pariston smiled warmly, "That's not wise, Mr. Big Ears."


Saiyu's eyes narrowed, "I don't think so."

Pariston stayed silent, observing the defiant Saiyu with a glint in his eyes.

After a moment, Pariston said, "Maybe you should ask for instructions."

He clapped his hands as if remembering something, "I've been so busy, I forgot to mention Luo is at Heavens Arena."

Saiyu's eyes flickered at the news.

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