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Chapter 418: The Cruel Reality

Originally, I wanted to ask if Ging knew Pe and to seek help from Elena and Eida. Unexpectedly, I stumbled upon the fact that Pe is the technical advisor for Greed Island, which was indeed a pleasant surprise.

Since there’s such a connection, it shouldn’t be difficult to make Pe back down.

"Anyway, knowing Pe makes things easier," Luo said happily.

"Still, I can't help," Ging replied.

"What do you mean?" Luo asked, puzzled.

"Literally. Although I know Pe, he’s not the type to agree to any request. If anything, he’s like the little Pixie in the game ‘Magic Sorceress’," Ging compared Pe to an NPC in a game.

The Pixie in ‘Magic Sorceress’ is a crucial NPC. The player-controlled protagonist needs to traverse a maze but can’t find the way out. To exit, they need the Pixie’s guidance, but the price is to play and win a game with the Pixie.

Luo knew that the Hunter world had a well-developed network, with RPGs and single-player games flourishing. Even someone like Milluki, from the Zoldyck assassin family, was an otaku obsessed with games. Ging himself was a gamer too, indicating that the computer games in the Hunter world were not bad.

However, Luo had no knowledge of the ‘Magic Sorceress’ game Ging mentioned, nor did he know what the Pixie was, because his interaction with computers and the internet was primarily for research, not for gaming.

"Be more specific," Luo said helplessly.

"What's the matter? You’ve never played ‘Magic Sorceress’?" Ging exclaimed in surprise.

"Is it so strange that I haven’t played it?" Luo retorted.

"Of course it’s strange. You've been online for a while, and ‘Magic Sorceress’ is one of the hottest games in recent years," Ging said seriously.

Luo sighed lightly, feeling that Ging was trying to change the subject. He directly used his trump card: "If you keep being so unserious, I’ll get qualified to enter Greed Island and have a good time there."

He emphasized the words “have a good time.”

This nonchalant threat was indeed a trump card for Ging. Letting Luo mess around in Greed Island would be a real disaster.


Ging chuckled and said seriously, "In simple terms, asking me to intercede won’t persuade him. You can only make him do something by beating him in a ‘game’."

"When my team and I created Greed Island, we encountered a technical problem that he solved for us."

Luo asked, "You beat him in a ‘game’ and then got him to be your technical advisor for Greed Island?"

"Not entirely. Our first game was to solve a technical problem. When I won, he easily solved the issue. Then I found him impressive and played a second game with him, after which he became our technical advisor."

Luo felt he caught an important point and asked, "So, his ‘game’ skills are poor?"

"No, no. To be precise, my game skills are unmatched," Ging said narcissistically.

"Alright, contact him for me," Luo demanded.

The internet world in the Hunter world wasn’t that simple. As a channel for information flow, powerful hacking skills were a very convenient ability.

Not to mention intelligence gathering, to grow a website, a skilled programmer was really needed.

After learning some information about Pe, Luo's first thought was to recruit Pe. But then he felt it was unrealistic. With someone as talented as Ging, finding such a skilled person wouldn’t result in just making them a technical advisor.

Most likely, being a technical advisor who solves problems without managing them was Pe’s bottom line for freedom. Further, it was unlikely to recruit Pe.

If Pe’s hacking skills were top-notch, it wasn’t necessary to recruit him. Making him a technical advisor would suffice, provided they could win against him in a game.

Ging said, "It’s easy to contact him. Just post a message online, like ‘I’m the fastest player to clear Super Mario in the world.’ Even if you post it in an obscure corner, he’ll contact you immediately."

Luo fell silent, thinking, “What is this nonsense, and does the Hunter world really have Super Mario?”

"By the way, I hold the current fastest record," Ging said proudly.

"I know what to do," Luo said, quite amazed.

"Actually, I think you have no chance of winning. That guy can be said to be a resident of the computer world and the top one-star hacker hunter. In my knowledge, he’s the undisputed number one in the field," Ging said.

Luo responded calmly, "If even Elena and Eida together can't beat him, I’d naturally acknowledge his terrifying skills. But what does that have to do with gaming skills? If it's Super Mario, I have some experience."

"Oh? Someone like you, who isn’t interested in games, has played Super Mario?" Ging was surprised.

"Sorry to surprise you. I’ve played some games," Luo said, curling his lips. He said so, but he wasn’t sure if the Super Mario in the Hunter world was the same as the one on Earth.

Moreover, he had a childhood too. He had played almost all the cartridge games, including classic Nintendo games.

"Alright," Ging paused and continued, "There’s indeed no connection between hacking skills and gaming skills, but Pe is an exception. In his view, the top hacking skills are actually gaming techniques."

"In short, he’s not easy to deal with, and I think you shouldn’t waste your energy and time on him."

"He’s not someone driven by profit. The reason he attacked your Luo Ling Museum might be because your website piqued his interest."

"Probably, the data attack was just a superficial move. In reality, he might have quietly combed through your website's database."

"Assuming this potential fact, he wouldn’t keep troubling your website after obtaining the data. Most likely, the continued attacks are from the ‘robot program’ he wrote, and you don’t have to worry; he wouldn’t spread the data after obtaining it."

Ging added with sympathy, "Assuming this is true, it’s cruel, so it’s best not to tell your technical staff."

Luo fell silent. If the culprit behind Milluki’s ten-pound weight loss in a month was a robot program, it was indeed a cruel reality, and he couldn’t tell Milluki.

After chatting with Ging for a while, he hung up the phone.

Luo got plenty of information from Ging but didn’t disclose his plans.

As Ging said, assuming Pe obtained the database, even if he wouldn’t use it, it was still theft. Despite how impressive Ging made Pe sound, Luo still had to meet him, and he wanted Pe to be his technical advisor.

Later, during Alluka’s confinement, Illumi made objective progress in understanding the wish-granting ability. Meanwhile, due to Alluka's matter, Silva was planning to send Killua to the Heavens Arena.

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