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Chapter 398 Human Settlements

The buildings of the imperial capital are constructed from stone bricks, with significant gaps between them. The square design is vastly different from the architecture of the three great oasis nations, with each building adorned with verdant climbing vines.

Three figures emerged from beside a two-story stone brick house on the outermost layer. They were three middle-aged men, aged between forty and fifty, with thick beards and wearing simple clothes made of animal hides. Each held a weapon.

One had a vine bow, another a stone spear, and the last one a rusty long knife.

"Impressive, youngsters. It's been over ten years since I've seen newcomers pass through the 'death passage'," said the middle-aged man with the bow, looking at Luo and his companions with a sigh. "Unfortunately, once you're in, there's no going back."

As he spoke, his gaze fell on Geru and Yaya in the group. The look was not one of lust, but more like assessing future daughters-in-law.

Geru and Yaya felt uncomfortable under the man's gaze.

"What do you mean?" Ali suppressed his shock, took a step forward, and stood in front of Yaya, facing these three strangers.

Luo's gaze passed over the three men and focused on a few three-story houses a hundred meters away.

The three armed men ignored Ali. Noticing Luo's attention to a certain spot, they raised their weapons slightly, ready for an attack.

"Not very well hidden," Luo said calmly, meeting their piercing stares.

The man with the bow laughed heartily, raised his hand, and said, "You've been spotted. Come out."

As soon as he spoke, over twenty archers with arrows ready appeared on the rooftops a hundred meters away, causing the faces of the Eagle Squad to change as they quickly raised their weapons.

"Don't be nervous. We welcome newcomers, but a basic check is necessary," the man with the bow said calmly. "If you trust us, follow me."

He then turned decisively, walking towards the building cluster, his two companions following silently.

Meanwhile, the archers hidden on the rooftops slipped back into the shadows.

The Eagle Squad did not follow immediately. Luo watched the three men's retreating figures, a look of confusion in his eyes.

Suddenly, William silently followed. The previous worry on his face now turned into suppressed anticipation.

Luo suddenly understood what William was expecting. According to the bowman's words, the living people here seemed to be adventurers who had entered from the outside but, for some reason, could not leave.

A sandstorm? A mountain path?

If they could come in, there was no reason they couldn't leave. So why did the bowman say, "you can't go out"?

The prairie?

Luo didn't stop William, glanced back at the prairie two hundred meters away, where many scattered bones could be seen, but no natural traps or dangerous creatures.

To find out more, they had to follow these people living in the ancient city.

"Buhara, follow us."

With his thoughts clear, Luo quickly followed.

Buhara took a palm-sized roasted spider from his bag, eating it as he followed Luo.

Reaching this point, there was no need to act together.

Ali took a deep breath. They had reached their destination, but the sudden appearance of these people disrupted their original goal, whether it was for wealth or fame.

"Follow them."

After a moment of silence, Ali said.

The group followed the three middle-aged men, passing through building after building.

Along the way, Luo noticed that every few distances, someone was hiding in the shadows, likely not because of their arrival, but as a regular precaution.

After about twenty minutes, they finally stopped at a human settlement.

There were no climbing vines on the houses here. A group of people were busy with their tasks, and children were playing, resembling a village scene.

The Eagle Squad was struck by this sight, with various questions popping into their heads.

Is this really the rumored millennial capital?

Several children stopped playing and gathered around, curiously looking at Luo and his group.

The adults also stopped their work, approaching them.


The people scrutinized the newcomers, someone asked.

"Yes, we just arrived today. Is Sister Salin home?" the bowman asked.

The person who had just spoken replied, "No, she went to the main city again."

"Someone go call Sister Salin back," the bowman said, looking at the crowd.

"Shall I go?" Luo suddenly offered.

The bowman's eyes shifted to Luo, his gaze sharp, and his tone cooled, "Explain your motive for volunteering."

"I know a woman named Salin. Although it's possible they share the same name," Luo said calmly.

Hearing the bowman mention Salin, Luo was surprised but not shocked. When he saw living people, he anticipated this possibility.

William's mood changed upon seeing the living people, likely filled with hope. After all, he came to the forbidden zone to retrieve a possible skeleton, but now, the person who should have been a skeleton might still be alive.

The bowman coldly assessed Luo, who appeared older than him, indicating he might know Sister Salin. However, it was unnecessary to let a newcomer handle it.

"No need to trouble you." He then had someone head to the main city to call Salin back.

While waiting for Salin, the bowman had Luo and his group sit on stone chairs and even offered them tea.

Four six- or seven-year-old children circled around them, their big eyes sparkling with curiosity.

William stared at his tea silently, looking restless.

Luo glanced at him without asking, then gestured to Buhara to bring the insect-filled bag.

Buhara took off the bag and handed it to Luo.

Luo took out a few cooked insects and handed them to the children.

The bowman, standing nearby, noticed Buhara eating a roasted insect with relish but did not stop the children from accepting the food.

The children showed no fear of the insects, sniffed the aroma, and quickly took them, running off.

Luo smiled as he watched the children run away, then observed the settlement. Including the guards he had noticed, there were about 350 people here, with only three or four women.

About twenty minutes later, the children returned, crying loudly.

A boy with a watermelon haircut clung to the bowman's leg, sobbing, "Dad, that old witch Salin stole my food again!"

The bowman’s mouth twitched slightly, a look of helplessness on his face. He patted the boy's head and looked at the approaching figure, smiling wryly, "Big Sister, why do you keep stealing food from the children?"

"To protect their teeth," Salin replied righteously, taking a big bite of the spider in her hand, eating heartily.

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