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Chapter 397 Unexpected Scenery

The so-called plants looked more like something pieced together with numerous slender spikes in random patterns. When they danced in the air, their range was vast. If slightly touched, one would be entangled and then pierced through to death.

Although the spikes could easily penetrate the human body, their hardness wasn't impressive.

Members of the Eagle Group swung their weapons, chopping down the spiked main trunks. Thick liquid flowed from the trunks, spilling over the pile of bones.

Although more than thirty people had died, the remaining ones had stabilized their formation and resisted the spiked plants' attacks. It seemed that, barring any accidents, there would be no more sacrifices.

Luo and the others lent a hand, quickly cutting down all the moving plants.

At this moment, the Eagle Group had truly lost half of their members. This happened just minutes after Luo had advised them, making it akin to a step into hell.

This place harbored too many dangers more menacing than the desert. Those who were completely unaware of this area had no idea what might attack them next.

Looking at the bodies pierced by spikes, a cloud of gloom enveloped the hearts of the Eagle Group members.

The pile of bones on the ground served as a warning to future travelers. Now, those who ignored the warning were following in their predecessors' footsteps.

"Shall we continue?"

In the silent atmosphere, someone asked with a trembling voice.

Compared to these strange dangers, the members of the Eagle Group would rather face ferocious sand thieves.

"Let's go!" Ali gritted his teeth.

Having come this far, how could they give up? He wanted to unveil the mystery of the millennium empire and leave safely with treasures tied to it!

This time, Luo remained silent, following the group.

Knowing there were tigers in the mountain, they still ventured there for something they sought in their hearts.

The group continued to advance, encountering many potential deadly threats along the way. Even with Luo's help, people kept dying. When the exit finally appeared, only fifteen members of the Eagle Group remained.

Exiting the mountain path, a vast green expanse filled their view.

The sky was still covered with dark clouds, but the light was much brighter than outside, similar to a cloudy day.

A capital city, surrounded by valleys, lay on a vast grassland. Yes, a grassland!

Before arriving, who would have thought there would be a grassland within the valley? This place was a desert!

Including Luo, everyone was stunned, standing at the exit of the mountain path, speechless for a long time.

The grass on the grassland was very short, barely reaching their ankles. Looking around, they could see several lakes, standing rocks, and several glaring white spots—bones, both human and animal.

The bones were a warning, indicating that beneath this seemingly peaceful grassland lay deadly dangers.

The Eagle Group members stood still, while Luo's gaze crossed the bones on the grassland, falling on the distant capital city, vaguely visible as an ancient city entangled with numerous green vines. Even from afar, one could feel its imposing aura.

He touched the powerless phone in his pocket, feeling regretful, and pondered that this place was suitable for plant growth, even with insufficient sunlight, resulting in a vibrant grassland.


Someone came back to their senses first.


Ali pressed his lips together, tightly gripping his spear, leading the remaining people down the slope towards the grassland.

The millennium capital was right in front of them, only one step away!

A hint of excitement diluted the sorrow in the hearts of the Eagle Group members.

William held his sword in front of him, a complex expression on his face.

Luo walked alongside Buhara, closely following the group, with Geru unconsciously leaning towards Luo.

"Why did you come here?" Geru whispered, her voice low enough only for Luo and Buhara to hear.

During the journey, Geru had seen Luo's efforts in helping the Eagle Group. If Luo hadn't joined, Geru was sure they would have failed, not even reaching the edge of the forbidden zone.

Ali was surely aware of this too, which was why he never questioned Luo's motives and gave him unconditional trust. Of course, this was also because their interests didn't conflict.

"Unknown." Luo responded briefly.

Geru fell silent at this, although she knew Luo seemed more like a gourmet hunter, she silently classified him as a relic hunter in her heart.

There were many bones of creatures on the grassland, but the journey was smooth, with no dangers. As they approached the capital, everyone became more vigilant.

Five hundred meters, four hundred meters, three hundred meters...

Leaving the grassland, they arrived at a flat area outside the capital. Only then did the Eagle Group members relax, glancing back at the peaceful grassland. The psychological shadow of the mountain path incidents lingered.

The flat land was about two hundred meters from the capital, quite empty, and the capital turned out to be an ancient city without walls. Given the unique terrain, they accepted this fact.

Just as everyone was about to enter the capital entangled with vines, several figures suddenly appeared from the buildings, stopping them in their tracks.

"Living people?"

Luo murmured with a frown.


The valley had four paths: east, south, west, and north. Luo's group took the east path, while the sand thieves, who also came through the sandstorm, took the west path, opposite to the Eagle Group.

Gerrot probably had more accurate information than the Eagle Group. He led five hundred captives from Red Rock Canyon. By the time they reached the forbidden zone, only three hundred remained, used as cannon fodder to pass through the mountain path.

The Eagle Group encountered deadly threats like the Zangzi Flower, black-eyed soft bodies, and spiked plants. The sand thieves faced the same.

However, unlike the heavy losses of the Eagle Group, the sand thieves lost fewer than ten people, a negligible number compared to their three thousand.

They drove the captives covered in flammable oil ahead in batches. At the slightest disturbance, they shot fire arrows, igniting the captives to avoid danger.

In this way, the sand thieves, amidst the captives' shrill screams, stepped on charred corpses and safely passed through the mountain path's hidden dangers.

Until they exited the path, the captives were reduced to fifty, and Milia was lucky to survive.

The sand thieves chose captives who looked downcast and mentally unstable to walk in front. Hence, Milia, who was in relatively good spirits, was left behind.

Crossing the valley, the sand thieves also saw the grassland contrasting starkly with the desert. Even the largest oasis would have sandy areas mixed with greenery.

Gerrot's gaze fell on the distant capital, emitting a low laugh.

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