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Chapter 221: The Luo Residence

The disciple, five or six years older than Mo Hua, was elegant and courteous. He hurried over, respectfully saluted Mo Hua, and then invited him inside.

Mo Hua followed him through the crowd towards the Luo Residence. Just as he stepped over the threshold, Master Luo came out to greet him personally.

Mo Hua saluted and said, "Master Luo, Happy New Year!"

Master Luo returned the salute with a broad smile, "Happy New Year, my young friend. Please, come in."

With that, he led Mo Hua inside.

The previously noisy entrance suddenly quieted down. The cultivators blinked and looked at each other.

"Was that Master Luo just now?"

"Seems like it..."

"Why is he being so polite to a child?"

"Don't you know? It's said that this child is also a First Grade Array Master..."

"You're talking nonsense. How old is he? A First Grade Array Master?"

"Why are you swearing?"

"How can I not swear when you're talking nonsense?"

"Exactly. That child probably has an extraordinary background, perhaps an illegitimate son of some great family..."

"You're talking nonsense again. Look at his clothes, he's obviously a wandering cultivator..."

The crowd buzzed with speculation, their arguments growing louder.

Master Luo's disciple shouted, "Everyone, quiet down!"

The cultivators fell silent, their questions momentarily buried.

Mo Hua entered Master Luo's residence and found it already filled with people, many of whom were Array Masters.

These Array Masters greeted Mo Hua warmly. Even those who were somewhat resentful didn't dare to show it too clearly.

In the crowd was an Array Master in a silver-white robe.

Master Luo introduced him, "This is Master Qian."

Mo Hua had some guesses, but although Master Qian was from the Qian family, he had no direct conflict with Mo Hua and had even given him gifts. Mo Hua didn't take it to heart.

"Master Qian, hello." Mo Hua greeted politely.

Master Qian was visibly stunned, his expression showing surprise. He hadn't expected Mo Hua to greet him first. After a moment, he returned the greeting, "Mo..."

Master Qian paused, unsure how to continue.

By rights, given Mo Hua's First Grade Array Master status, he should be called "Master Mo," but he was so young that it seemed inappropriate.

Not calling him "Master" would be disrespectful.

After all, according to Master Luo, Mo Hua's array skills were even above his own.

"Just call me Mo Hua," Mo Hua said.

He didn't care much about titles.

Master Qian hesitated for a long time, then, after much thought, addressed him as "Young Master Mo."

This title was respectful but didn't make Mo Hua sound old.

Mo Hua nodded, feeling it was appropriate.

Master Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

Master Luo had told him that Mo Hua had a gentle disposition and was not vindictive. He had been skeptical, but seeing Mo Hua now, he felt reassured.

Warm and courteous, treating people like a spring breeze.

Though young, he indeed had the demeanor of a grandmaster.

The atmosphere gradually became more relaxed.

Master Luo invited everyone to appreciate some arrays, some of which were obscure patterns, others were remnants of ancient arrays, and some were intricately crafted on tiny fruit seeds.

Mo Hua found it eye-opening.

The arrays themselves were not uncommon, but their application on array mediums was innovative, something Mo Hua hadn't considered before.

Master Qian took out his treasured tea leaves and invited everyone to taste them.

The tea leaves were diverse: some tender and green, some coiled like dragons, some embraced like snails, and some flat like leaves.

The brewed tea varied: some were fresh, some mellow, some bitter, and some refreshing.

Mo Hua couldn't discern the quality but found the taste quite pleasant.

Then they discussed arrays.

Master Luo shared some insights and invited everyone to debate their validity.

The discussion was lively, but no one spoke to Mo Hua.

Firstly, they were not familiar with him, and secondly, it was said that Mo Hua was also a First Grade Array Master. Many of them could only draw seven or eight array patterns, far from the First Grade, so they didn't dare to approach Mo Hua.

After the Array Masters finished their discussion, Master Luo nodded and asked for Mo Hua's opinion.

Mo Hua briefly shared his thoughts.

Mostly, they involved array hubs and array patterns, areas in which Mo Hua was well-versed.

Since he could manage the array hubs of complex arrays, ordinary array hubs were no challenge for him.

Hearing him, the others gained more respect for Mo Hua.

"Indeed, a First Grade Array Master, with profound skills, broad knowledge of arrays, and a humble attitude, not hiding his knowledge."

The crowd silently noted. Some previously resentful Array Masters now showed much more respect.

As the discussion ended and the sky darkened, Mo Hua prepared to leave.

Master Luo and Master Qian escorted Mo Hua to the door, followed by the other Array Masters.

"Feel free to visit again for tea, chat, and exchange arrays," Master Luo said with a smile.

"Yes, next time for sure. Goodbye, everyone!" Mo Hua waved.

Mo Hua left, his storage bag containing the array books gifted by Master Luo and the top-grade tea leaves from Master Qian.

Master Qian watched Mo Hua's figure disappear down the street, finally relaxing.

"At ease now?" Master Luo smiled.

Master Qian cupped his hands, "Thank you, Master Luo."

Master Luo smiled, "There are not many Array Masters in Tongxian City, even fewer at the First Grade. We should support each other, no need for thanks."

Master Qian frowned, "Mo Hua... Young Master Mo's array skills are truly exceptional. He must have a master or some high guidance..."

Master Luo coughed, stopping Master Qian from continuing.

"So what if he does?" Master Luo said.

"Don't you want to know who his mentor is?"

"What difference does it make whether we know or not?" Master Luo countered.

"This..." Master Qian was speechless.

"What is a high mentor?" Master Luo looked at Master Qian, answering his own question, "Someone beyond our reach. If we can't reach them, why ask?"

"Among the nine realms of cultivation, we are only in the Qi Refining stage, the lowest tier. There are countless mentors above us."

"If they are high mentors, they must be beyond our comprehension and provocation. It's best not to ask."

"To ask rashly and displease them would bring disaster!"

Master Qian shivered.

He had always thought Master Luo could become a First Grade Array Master due to his smooth talking and good luck. Now he realized he had underestimated Master Luo.

With such insight, no wonder he thrived in Tongxian City.

"I am enlightened!" Master Qian saluted earnestly.

Master Luo, however, grabbed his hand, "These are trivial matters, not worth mentioning. But Brother Qian's tea is excellent. It's still early. How about a few more cups?"

Master Qian smiled, "It would be impolite to refuse."

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