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Chapter 220: Exchanges

This, however, was something for after the New Year.

Recently, there had been a lot going on, and with all the commotion and the tiring array drawings, at least during the New Year, Mo Hua could relax and not think too much.

But Mo Hua soon realized that even without considering cultivation and array matters, there were still plenty of things to keep him busy.

Because he had to give gifts and return them.

And many of these gifts had to be delivered by Mo Hua himself, and many gifts had to be reciprocated by him as well.

Previously, he was just an unknown little cultivator and naturally didn’t have to worry about such things.

But now he was a somewhat famous young array master, knew many cultivators, and some interactions were inevitable.

For instance, the old head of the Dao Court had given him a jade pendant, the An family sent some fine wine and spirit meat, and several smaller families also sent New Year’s gifts.

They weren’t very expensive, but they were heartfelt.

Mo Hua then visited some familiar and deeply connected families or cultivators to thank them personally.

For example, the old head and old master An were both prominent cultivators in Tongxian City. Since they sent gifts, Mo Hua naturally had to return the favor.

Mo Hua also brought some gifts.

These gifts were simple, bought with spirit stones at random, but the significant part was that they all had arrays drawn on them.

Like a lantern with the character "Fortune" painted with a Blazing Fire Array inside. Once lit, the character would glow brilliantly. There was also a small screen painted with a Cold Qi Array and a blanket with a Warmth Array, among others.

They were neither luxurious nor overly simple, and although they looked plain, they clearly had thought put into them.

These were fitting for his identity as a young array master, and more importantly, fitting his financial capacity—he didn't have enough spirit stones to buy expensive gifts for people.

The old head and old master An were both very pleased.

Other cultivators were content just to receive reciprocation from Mo Hua, and when they saw the arrays he had personally drawn, they were overjoyed.

Mo Hua also gave some items to Master Chen.

As the year-end approached, Master Chen was still busy at the artifact crafting shop, and many artifact craftsmen were working on spirit tools. They would only finish by New Year’s Eve, allowing them to enjoy the New Year peacefully.

Although it was exhausting, they didn’t mind since they would earn more spirit stones by selling the spirit tools.

Master Chen had no children, only a disciple named Da Zhu, so he didn’t have any familial obligations.

Mo Hua brought Master Chen a lot of good food and several jars of fine wine, making Master Chen laugh heartily.

"These wines are great. As long as there’s wine, it’s enough!"

Being alone, wine and meat as companions, he could still celebrate the New Year.

Master Chen had spent many years like this and didn’t feel lonely. Besides, after the New Year, many disciples would come to pay their respects, making it lively.

After chatting with Master Chen for a bit, Master Chen said:

"Do you want a spirit tool?"

"What kind of spirit tool?"

"Anything you like, just don’t pick a sword; it’s hard to forge, and I’m not good at it."

"A weapon like a knife, spear, or staff?"

Master Chen nodded, "Thanks to your refining furnace, my crafting skills have greatly improved recently, and I can now forge first-grade spirit tools. Pick one, and I'll forge it for you, for self-defense."

Mo Hua thought about it but still didn’t know what to choose.

"I’m not a body cultivator, so these wouldn’t be of much use to me..."

"It’s okay," Master Chen smiled, "Mainly, I want to practice crafting more spirit tools."

Mo Hua didn’t know what to say...

"Then why not forge for others?"

"Some have asked, but those aren’t urgent. I can do them anytime. I’ll forge one for you first."

Mo Hua wanted to forge a "Zhang Ba Snake Spear" or a "Green Dragon Crescent Blade," but he wouldn’t be able to use them since he wasn’t a body cultivator.

"Then could you forge one for my father?"

"Don’t worry about that; Elder Yu will make the arrangements. You don’t need to bother."

Mo Hua frowned.

Master Chen then said, "If you really don’t know, I could forge a small knife for you, to cut beef or peel fruit."

Mo Hua’s expression was complicated, "I’ll think about it."

A rare chance to forge a first-grade spirit tool shouldn’t be wasted on a fruit knife...

Master Chen nodded, "Alright, let me know when you decide."

Mo Hua bid farewell to Master Chen and then went to see Mr. Feng.

Previously, Mr. Feng only saw patients at Xinglin Medical Hall and never went out besides consultations.

Now that the Alchemy Hall was completed, Mr. Feng would often go there, and some ailing cultivators would even come to the Alchemy Hall seeking his treatment and pills.

Mr. Feng was in the adjacent Alchemy Hall, checking the quality of the pills, organizing prescriptions, and verifying the finished pills.

Mo Hua gave his New Year’s gift to Mr. Feng, who in turn gave Mo Hua a bunch of pills.

There were pills for treating fire and water toxins, repelling miasma, clearing the mind and calming the spirit, hunger-suppressing fasting pills, hemostatic pills, and a few small pills for emergency life-saving.

Each type of pill was carefully categorized, labeled, and noted for its use.

Mo Hua thanked Mr. Feng, and just as he was about to leave, Mr. Feng called him back and handed him another bottle of pills.

Mo Hua sniffed and asked, "Grandpa Feng, what are these pills? They smell sweet and sour, quite nice."

"Digestive pills, for aiding digestion. I’m worried you might overeat and upset your stomach. Take a few after meals. If you’re feeling peckish, you can also eat them as snacks."

Mo Hua was delighted, "Thank you, Grandpa Feng."

After the flurry of giving and returning gifts, Mo Hua finally caught his breath, thinking the busy period was over. But then he received another New Year’s gift from Master Luo.

A red and gold storage box was placed in Mo Hua's courtyard, looking quite substantial.

Mo Hua opened it and was surprised.

Inside were not only Master Luo’s gifts but also Master Qian’s.

Presumably to avoid detection, they were sent together under Master Luo’s name.

Master Luo’s gifts were modest and mostly related to arrays.

Master Qian’s gifts, on the other hand, were much more valuable, including all sorts of items for eating, wearing, and using. It seemed he wanted to apologize to Mo Hua and express his goodwill.

Mo Hua thought for a moment and accepted them.

He had no direct conflict with Master Qian, and building a good relationship was beneficial. Moreover, he might need Master Qian's help with some matters in the future.

Since Master Luo had sent gifts, Mo Hua also prepared some gifts and personally went to thank him.

Master Luo was much older than him, so this was a basic courtesy.

Master Luo’s cave was one of the most luxurious in Tongxian City, splendid and magnificent.

Many cloud chariots and carriages were parked in front, brought by various family members or stewards delivering gifts.

However, as a first-grade array master certified by the Dao Court, Master Luo’s threshold was high, so many couldn’t get in and had to queue outside, waiting for Master Luo’s reception.

The crowd outside and the grand spectacle opened Mo Hua’s eyes.

The status of an array master was indeed high, especially a first-grade array master officially recognized by the Dao Court.

However, the crowd was too large, and Mo Hua doubted he could get in.

Just as he was considering whether to return and try again later, one of Master Luo’s disciples spotted Mo Hua.

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